Part 7

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"..I love you Kaveh."

He brought his hand up to cover the bottom half of his face as his face turned redder at the thought of what he just said. I wonder...Is it reacquainted? He brought himself together, no longer was he tired, instead he was rather motivated now. He kept walking but now at a faster pace, he checked every path, every corner, until he remembered one place he hadn't checked. Yes he'd already checked the palace of Alcazarzaray but since Kaveh did afterall build it, he had a special area, he stayed up on the balcony on one of the huge branches. He turned his body back around, making his way there. If Kaveh wasn't there..who knows where he really was. Where could I possibly look? What if Kaveh went to the desert?..It's not safe at night.. He sighed, picking up his pace, forming into a run. After a long run he kneeled over for a breath, then forced himself back up, running ahead once more until he was met face to face with the palace..He allowed himself to rest since he was there and god was he tired-.. He pushed open the doors, walking in as he looked around. He went up the stairs, walking to the end of the hall and out to the balcony just to see Dori peeking over

"Eh?" she tilted her head before it perked up "Oh! You!" She seemed to know Alhaitham, even though she was merely a kid.

"Uhm.." Alhaitham just stared at her until he himself also got reminded of who she was. He only knew her from Kaveh mentioning somebody who ran the palace, the palace of his creation of course. "You must be Dori. Have have you seen Ka–"

"SHHH!" she put her finger over her mouth telling Alhaitham to be quiet as she pointed down a little, then signaling Alhaitham to come over

He immediately shut up and looked a bit offended. "Sassy kid.." he tilted his head when she pointed so he walked over to see a sleeping blonde boy, his knees to his chest and his head buried into it and his arms, with Dori who was rubbing his head. "I.."

"He came in seeming distressed, so I allowed him to stay here and take his time. I'm quite used to his company..I rather enjoy it..I was worried when he came in, in such a way. But I gave him time, I later came out to check on him to see him sleeping! Seem's he still is. I've been staying out here with him..I planned on taking him inside to lay down but then you showed up" she spoke with a light and gentle tone, her eyes fixed on Kaveh. She looked back at Alhaitham with a serious look "What happened."

"I see..Thank you." he found himself slowly walking closer, his eyes also on Kaveh. When Dori looked at him and spoke with such a tone he looked at Dori with a straight face. They both stared at each other in silence.

"Hey pal, I asked you a qu-!"

"I love Kaveh." Alhaitham said, cutting off Dori, his face softening with his gaze going down to look at the floor.

"Huh?" a tone of surprise filled her voice.

"I.." a light blush spread across his face as he held his left elbow with his right hand. "Please..Let me take him home."

Dori stood there, slowly trying to put together what happened, she was a rather smart girl so it wasn't hard. She didn't know any of the details though.. Hm. Another fight? Mostly likely a pretty bad one! Now all of a sudden Alhaitham likes Kaveh? How strange. Hm..Do I trust Kaveh with him? He looks desperate..Ughhh she sighed then stepped away with a small head nod.

He gave a small smile to Dori then walked over, kneeling down to lightly pick up Kaveh "please don't wake up, please don't wake up, please don't wake up.." he mumbled, repeating it over and over again the whole time he scooped up Kaveh into his arms. Once he did so he slowly stood up straight then faced Dori "..Thank you." he looked down at Kaveh who moved slightly in his arms, his head burning into Alhaitham's chest. He smiled, allowing himself to be happy. If you asked Alhaitham a few days ago to hold Kaveh or even touch him he'd give a long lecture and throw up. But now that he was doing this..he wished that he did it sooner.. You could say people are in denial to some extent, but this man is blind to EVERYTHING. He really took denial to another level-.. He leaned forward, kissing Kaveh on his forehead, his hold tightening on him. He walked towards to door as Dori opened it for him

"Are you sure you both don't want to stay? You sure look like you had a long night. And it's a longgg walk for you."

"Aha..It's fine."

"Mmmmk then! You have a breaking in fee though" she smiled

"Are you serious..?

"Hehe! No. Lucky for you, im feeling nice"

Alhaitham let out a relieved sigh then gave Dori a nod of appreciation before making his way to the exit..

. . .

Alhaitham lightly kicked his door open, entering his house. He looked down at Kaveh again to see him snuggled against his chest, his hand lightly gripped onto his shirt.

"Mmm.." he mumbled, turning a bit yet as if he slightly woke up.

He smiled as he lightly rocked Kaveh in an effort to put him back to sleep, or atleast keep him from waking up.. He walked into his bedroom and over to the bed, lightly laying Kaveh down. He re-positioned him so he was more comfortable as he sat down at the edge of the bed with a long sigh "..i'm never walking again." he looked up at the ceiling, absolutely exhausted..but..he had Kaveh..That's all he wanted. All he needed. "..Worth it." he looked back down and over to the sleeping blonde male as he reached forward lightly moving Kaveh's hair out of his face. He stood up to go over to his side, gently getting on the bed so he wouldn't wake up the other. Yes Kaveh had his own bed but Alhaitham would much rather have the boy with him.. He threw the blankets over them, finally letting his body relax. I am NEVER moving again. Immediately after that thought he moved in closer, wrapping his arms around Kaveh, pushing there bodies close together to cuddle ..Starting now.

Kaveh x Alhaitham|| Angst+Fluff ||The Blood Spilt FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now