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"Uh..." Alhaitham looked at Klee and Kaveh back and forth before his mouth dropped "WHO-"

Kaveh tilted his head not seeming to understand what the issue was "eh?"




"N-" Kaveh stopped mid sentence then smiled "Mhm"

Klee looked at Kaveh seeming confused "You are?"

Kaveh turned his head to look at Klee as he put his finger over his mouth..Luckily Klee understood

"You are!" Klee said excitedly "I cant wait to see mom dad later!"

"Mom dad-" Alhaitham said confused

Kaveh laughed at the fact Klee actually played along. And 'mom dad'? I have no idea. Klee probably was waiting for Kaveh to say the gender first so she wouldn't ruin it

"Me to hun, there at work right now" Kaveh patted Klee's head before doing the same to Diona..But the problem was..Who would pretend to be Kaveh's husband or wife? Alhaitham already knew he was gay so having a wife wouldn't make sense. But how would he have a kid?...That Wasnt important.

"How the hell did you have a kid?!" Alhaitham stepped forward, completely shocked..And maybe a bit hurt..

..ok now it was important. "uhhh.." Kaveh mumbled trying to figure something out until Klee beat him to it

"The storks!!!" Klee exclaimed while pointing to the sky

"Yea! What she said!" Kaveh placed his hands on his hips with a smile..Only for Alhaitham to look at him like he's stupid. In which he definitely wasn't wrong-



"Klee!" Klee said excitedly since Kaveh and Alhaitham were both saying eachothers names, after all she wanted to get into the conversation to

"Diona?" Diona said confused, this whole situation didn't make sense one bit, but she somewhat caught onto most of it

Tighnari excitedly walked over and hugged Kaveh "YOUR MARRIED!? CONGRATULATIONS!!! WHERE IS SHE OR HIM!? ARE THEY CUTE!? they can't be cuter than you though cause that's a crime." Tighnari said jokingly "Well I wanna meet em!"

Cyno tagged along while looking at Alhaitham "Is he?"

"I guess." Alhaitham rolled his eyes, slowly crossing his arms

"Boy? Girl? Tan? Tall? Blonde? Brunette? Black hair? Ginger? TELL ME!" Tighnari began shaking Kaveh back and forth until Klee kicked his ankle

"Don't touch my dad! That's mom dad's job!"

"WHY DO KIDS HATE ME-" Tighnari jumped behind Kaveh until he processed what Klee said "dad?"

"This is my kid" Kaveh shrugged then looked at Diona with a smile "So is she"

"How do you have kids- AND WHAT IS A MOM DAD"

"That's what I'm saying!" Alhaitham looked at the 4 of them, knowing he wouldn't get an answer. It's 2 kids and an adult named Kaveh. You can never trust people named Kaveh to be smart..(IM JOKING)

"Isn't the pink haired girl 12?" Cyno asked

"Adoption, duh" Kaveh spoke with a tad bit of sass in his voice until he heard a familiar voice

"Are we all getting adopted by Kaveh now? Me next please" Venti laughed while walking over "A bottle of wine and a swift blow of the wind told me a little sumn. How's the family going?" Venti smiled since everybody knew Kaveh wasn't married nor did he have kids. He thought it was fun to play along though, after all he had nothing better to do

"You of all people should know"

"Oh! Oh! Guys it's almost time! It's almost time!" Klee jumped up and down excitedly before starting to run back to the event "Barbatos will be here soon! Cmon Cmon!"

Alhaitham tightened the grip he had on himself..He didn't like these news one bit. There was no way. Kaveh couldn't be married. And kids? That's a joke. It's gotta be a joke. Is that why he rejected him? No no..This is a joke. Please be a joke..

"Alllllhaithammmm! You coming?" Tighnari called out as everybody began walking to the event

"Yea." He caught up with the group as everybody waited around "so what's this?"

"The anemo archon hasn't been seen here in years. But every so often we hold this event to celebrate Barbatos arrival. It's kinda a huge deal here in Mondstadt. There reallyyyy big about there archon" Kaveh explained "I wish he were here though." Kaveh somewhat mumbled

Klee reached up to hold Kaveh's hand then laughed "Dad will be here next time! It's ok! We have all your friends!"

"Your right" Kaveh smiled before bending over to pick up Klee but as he did he felt something rather.. "OW WHAT THE FUCK-"

As Kaveh bent over Alhaitham slowly took a few steps back then raised his hand, slapping Kaveh's ass as hard as he could then smiled "Next time don't bend over infront of me"

"YOU BITCH-" Kaveh turned around and jumped onto Alhaitham, tackling him "APOLOGIZE TO MY ASS NOW"

"AY—" Alhaitham fell to the ground as Kaveh began to wrestle him, in which Alhaitham returned the favor "N.o."


Tighnari looked at Cyno and smiled "I miss this.."

"You are aware he isn't really married right?" Cyno asked as he watched the two fight on the floor

"Of course I know, after all Kaveh kissed him that night. I have amazing hearing" Tighnari bragged while pointing to his Fox ears "Kaveh makes a funny face when he lies to. And a bit of blush shows on his face, I'm just here to see how far it goes"

Cyno smiled at Tighnari, he truly adored the Fox. He was both pretty and smart..and sassy. Don't forget the sass...especially the sass..It still haunts him. "What a clever Fox you are..." Cyno placed his hands on Tighnari's hips, slowly moving one to go behind to Tighnari's back as he pulled him in. Both their bodies touching "having a nice vacation?" He asked with a smile

Tighnari felt his tail twitch as Cyno pulled him in "What are you—!" Tighnari whacked Cyno with his tail then stepped back "who knows what you've done with those hands."

"SO MEAN! JUST LOVE ME!" Cyno whined


"...I hope you didn't forget what month is coming up."

"Eh? Month?" Tighnari tilted his head, he watched as Cyno turned his back to Tighnari and began walking off

"January, February. Heh, don't think I'll be helping you." Cyno said before completely walking off leaving Tighnari stunned

"January? Febua—-.." Tighnari immediately fell silent, his face slowly starting to heat up "How could I forge—..WAIT CYNO WAIT-" Tighnari ran off after Cyno almost immediately..He'd sure have to be a suck up for Cyno now. Damn..

"..Did you understand any of that?" Kaveh was now on top of Alhaitham, both of them paused there fight to listen to Cyno and Tighnari

"Not a word." Without even looking away from the place both him and Kaveh were looking at he grabbed Kaveh by the side of his neck, then pushing him to the ground with Alhaitham as he laughed

"YOU-" Kaveh was about to yell until he caught a rather fair sight...Alhaitham smiling..They were both on their sides staring at eachother..Alhaitham's hair was messy and in his face..The true and genuine smile he wore..It was beautiful.. "Oh.." Kaveh felt a slight blush spread to his face.. But that quickly led to him being disgusted with his feelings..He couldn't like Alhaitham. Not again. He needed far more time than a day or 2...Actually he's had quite a few years but they just met again. What should he do now..

Kaveh x Alhaitham|| Angst+Fluff ||The Blood Spilt FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now