Tick tick boom

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Hi this is SOS speaking I'm a big marvel fan and if you guys have any ships or just y/n or any story ideas let me know and I'll do my best to write them. PS TRIGGER WARNING

If its bold it's me speaking
If its bent it's a flashback
if it's normal it's normal
(If it's in brackets it's a translation)

Yelena had promised kate she'd try her best to stay calm during Thanksgiving but she hated how everyone spoke of Natasha like she was dead when she was not she was holding on to life -In a coma sure but still there- doing the best she could only to be ignored and treated as if she were dead she tried her best to just eat and ignore them all but every word they spoke about her grated more and more off Yelenas patience.
"She would be happily to see us all getting along" claimed Wanda
There was a murmer of agreement around the table while Kate looked at Yelena hoping she was as calm as she looked
"Still she didn't go down without a fight" commented Clint
a sad smile on his face but his smile didn't have time to settle as Yelena quietly exclaimed "How dare you"
Her voice grew louder and tears grew in her eyes as she stood
"How dare you all"
"Yelena" kate pleaded desperate for yelena to calm but knowing that she was right as well
"No kate!" Yelena yelled now her chair falling back as she rose up from the make shift table too the shock of the watching avengers "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK OF HER THAT WAY! ACCLAIMED FRIENDS AND YOU WANDA" she paused tears rolling down her face her chest burning with anger "her girlfriend... how dare you act as though she is gone when she is fighting to get back to us yet you all refuse to acknowledge that she is not dead instead of visiting her and speaking with her you speak like she is no longer around but she is! SO STOP you all have families and friends and you tell me to move on but I am not just going to forget her not when she near died trying to bring half the world back A world who is too busy worrying about a stupid holiday instead of the woman who brought them back"
Yelena's eyes clouded with tears and her body shook she looked at the surprised table of people till she felt a hand on her shoulder she turned to see kate and she whispered a soothing
"babe its ok"
to yelena and she looked to she her fists clenched and her breath shook
"I'm sorry I'm going out"
She whispered tears falling from her eyes and moved from the table her whole body shaking
"Yelena please"
Pleaded Wanda
But Yelena was already out running.

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