Mission Time

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Hey guys wow over 200 reads thanks guys hope your days good or night as long as its going good. Also I'm sorry you'll see why.
TW I'm done listing them it takes to long so just dont read if you get triggered easy.
They approached a seemingly normal house it had no guards and no sign of evil other than the black van with the symbol on.
"Let's go then" Yelena said into her comms as she went towards the house but Clint held her arm.
"Stick to the plan" He reminded her but she just glared at him "for Kate" He said and then also activated his comm's.
"Falcon get phase 1 started" he declared and as he did Redwing was set off above the house.
"Spidey 2 on left" came Laura's voice who was connected to Redwings camera.
Peter swung silently up to a tree facing the back garden of the house. He spotted the two widows Laura spoke of and used his webs to attach them to the tree he was on and webbed up thier mouths and releasing the sirum in such a clean movement it was hard to believe he hadn't been on a mission in almost 3 years.
"Done" He said swinging down towards where the others hid.
"Phase 2 then" came Laura's voice in everyone's ears. The group came from hiding and walked towards the house only to be stopped by the door opening and Nikola walking out with 20+ widows
"Sorry Kate's not able to come out to play for now" She said smiling as she faced the team. It was an uneven match but they'd fought harder battles despite Clint acting as team leader it was Yelena who stepped to the front anger clouding her mind and she had no hesitation if Nikola needed to be removed she would do it.
"Give up Nikola or join your husband and you burn in hell together either way we are here and not leaving without Kate"
Nikola just smiled wider
"Girls gas masks" she declared pulling out a baton. The widows all put on masks and prepared for battle.
"Hell it is" Yelena declared and the others prepared as well Wanda and Natasha joined hands and Steve,Sam,Bucky and Peter stood shoulder to shoulder while Melina and Alexei stood at the back and Clint released his bow.

The widows ran at them and a battle broke out. Wanda never left Natasha's side not wanting to lose her. Melina got pinned down by a widow but Alexei freed her and helped her up. Bucky and Steve fought back to back despite having retired after the end game it was muscle memory and almost too easy. Peter and clint worked as a team Peter pulling of helmets and Clint using his newest arrow's that released the red gas and freed the widows. Yelena wasn't a force to be reckoned with she was aggressive and just barely holding back as she fought. She was too angry and it clouded her whole mind she made her way closer to Nikola who done the same. The two reached eachother and began to fight Nikola had the upper hand as she got Yelena in to a headlock but her anger made her violent and she flipped Nikola off of her sending her crashing into a wall the others had finished with the widows they were fighting and had turned after Nikola let out a loud grunt. Yelena ran at Nikola anger flaming as she attacked her fists pummeled at Nikolas face till blood dribbled from her mouth and her vision grew spotty she used all her strength to shove Yelena away from her and forced herself up. The watching avengers froze Yelena's anger was terrifying but they couldn't let her kill Nikola she'd blame herself. A silver glint came from Yelenas hand and they all shouted warnings at her begging her to stop until Natasha ran foward stopping infront of Nikola.
"Move" Yelena declared fully willing to throw Natasha out of her way if she needed to
"Yelena we need to get to Kate now leave her" Natasha pleaded hoping that Yelena would come from this almost trance like state.
"She needs to suffer" Yelena replied an edge to her voice that sent a chill through the silence of the air.
"Let her suffer in prison she does not deserve deaths peace" Natasha tried but Nikola held her a gun to her head and smiled.
"Now drop the knife" She said to Yelena but Yelena kept coming.
"Do it then" She growled at Nikola walking closer and closer
"NO!" Wanda screamed but Clint held her back his mind racing Yelena had forgiven Natasha she doesn't want her dead so what was her play.
"Or take my deal" Yelena stopped blade inhand only a couple steps from Nikola
"State your case" she agreed but dug the gun hard into Natasha's head
"Let her go, Let Kate go and you can shoot me" Yelena kneeled down in front of Nikola
"Why should I" Nikola asked wondering how it could be so easy
"Beacuse you kill Natasha you die immediately if you kill me I am a second thought they will not care as much"
Her words hung in the air for a moment before she pulled Natasha up and threw her over she was caught by Wanda's powers and a sharp crackle burst the silence.

The bullet hit Yelena and she hit the floor. The hero's watched silently.
"Well I guess she was nothing if you are not even shedding a tear over her" Nikola exclaimed.

"Welcome to Phase 3" Came Falcons voice as he picked Nikola up as he flew by. Dropping her infront of Natasha,Steve and Wanda. Wanda's powers immediately put her unconscious and Yelena flipped onto her feet running into the house she threw her blade at a man who was kissing Kate and hit him right through his head. The others ran in as Yelena reached Kate.
"Kate?" Yelena pleaded.There was no answer and Kate just stared past Yelena. Clint came over and started to help untie her but Kate just dropped to the ground after being released it was like she wasn't even there

Kate's POV
She watched in 3rd person as the man once again sat on her forcing his lips on to hers and pulling on her hair. Till he fell off her she watched as he hit the floor a knife through his head. She felt her self be released and fall fowards too weak and detached to hold herself up she felt herself being held in familiar arms but it was impossible and most likely another hallucination.

3rd person POV
Yelena held Kate pulling her into her chest and crying. The others watched and Natasha whispered something to Clint who then whispered something to Steve. The 3 nodded and Clint went over to Yelena tears in his eyes as he saw the love and pain in Yelenas eyes as she held Kate. He grabbed Yelena restricting her as he had done before and Yelena immediately released what was going to happen
"NO" she screamed at Natasha "THERE'S OTHER WAYS DONT DO THIS OR I SWEAR I WONT SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN!". At this Peter too tried to save Kate but was also restricted by Falcon. Natasha pulled out a needle and kneeled next to Kate. Steve held her down and Nat stuck it in the needle ignoring both Peter and Yelena's shouting. Kate let out a heart wrenching scream and Steve had to let go as she started to have a seizure. Both Sam and Clint let go and Yelena held Kate's head off of the ground. Natasha was holding Wanda whose head was near exploding and Peter had just dropped to the floor.
"An ambulance is on it's way turn her on her side Yelena" Clint said and Yelena immediately did so as Clint timed the seizure on his phone.

At the sound of sirens Steve ran out to greet the ambulance leading them past where Wanda and Natasha where treating widows. As the ambulance people came in Kate was still seizing and would be dangerous to move so the brought equipment to her and Clint revealed it had been nearly 5 minutes but luckily she stopped seizing only seconds after being connected to an IV her eyes flashed open for a minute but she wasn't fully back yet. Instead they closed again.
"She needs rest take her home" The ambulance service packed up.
"Is that all?" Yelena asked worrying for Kate
"It was a stress invoked seizure and lasted for less than 5 minutes we weren't needed here in the first place" And with that they left. Yelena kneeled next to Kate and stroked her hair as she slept the others watched in silence but Yelena couldn't care less she was with Kate. Kate was safe. She felt complete all the anger had left all the sadness she had saved Kate and kept her promise.
Kate and Yelena ran hands held they raced through the streets turning into an alleyway. Kate couldn't breathe her chest felt like it was collapsing and the fear ran deep.
"Hey I'm here moya lyubov I'm here" Yelena pulled Kate into her despite being shorter she still felt like a giant. She held Kate until she could breathe again.
"I'm scared Yelena" Kate managed still hugging Yelena
"I will keep you safe till my last breath Kate Bishop"  Yelena looked at Kate and there were tears in both thier eyes
"obeshchat'?"  Kate asked still leaned into Yelena
"obeshchat" Yelena agreed and sealed her promise with a kiss

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