Im sorry

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TW: Death,SA
Yelena awoke to being held in familiar arms. She heard many foot steps following whoever's held her.
"I need medical attention asap!" Came what she swore was Natasha's voice before she faded back out of consciousness.

Yelena stood on a balcony her head screaming something was wrong. Her phone rang and she didn't recognise the number but still felt she had to pick it up.
"Hello is this Yelena?" Shocked not recognizing who this was but wondering how they got her name.
"We have been told to tell you your sister's in a coma"
She put the phone down at that she had spoken to Natasha only 2 hours ago but 2 hours had turned out to be 5 years. Her phone rang again this time the screen said Valentina she picked it up but anger still bubbled in her
"What?" She asked
"I have a job for you" Valentina said ignoring Yelena's anger
"Look my sister is in a coma I need to see her" she said getting ready
"Dont you want a shot at the man who put her like that?" Valentina asked smiling
"What do you mean?" Yelena asked putting on her shoes.
"Find Clint Barton hes the man responsible for your sister's death" and with that she put the phone down. Yelena stopped and a flame lit inside her and she swore he would die in cold blood.

"Yelena I'm here can you hear me?" Her eyes opened and she was met with Natasha's green eyes.
"Nurse she's awake" Nat called "Hey sestra are you ok?" She looked at Natasha and nodded her throat hurt to much to speak.
Natasha stepped back and a nurse came in "she's allowed home with surveillance and medication" she looked at the worried 4 a strange mix: 2 women, 1 man and a teenager. "Could you come sign her release papers and well give you some crutches you'll only need them for a bit though" Yelena looked at the nurse and despite the burning sensation in her throat managed the question they all feared she'd ask "where is Kate Bishop?" she asked her voice hoarse and ruff. Clint shook his head and tears spilled down his face while Nat left the room to go sign the papers he kneeled down next to the bed he did not view Yelena as a scary assassin but as a young woman who needed help.  "We've been sent videos they're upsetting but we've got no leads I'm sorry" Yelena let this sink in memories of the room flickered in her mind: the camera,Nikola,Eleanor,The man.
Tears drenched her face and Clint wiped them "Dont think of it for now come on think Natasha's back" at that mention of her name Nat walked back in but Yelena never saw her "for now" she managed before she saw Nat in the doorway.
"We can take you home now" Nat said a lump in her throat after hearing Yelena's words. Wanda walked over and put her arm around Nats waist and whispered in her ear "it's ok she doesn't mean it she just found out about Kate" before kissing Nats cheek.
Clint helped Yelena up and on to her crutches and stayed close to her as she walked. Yelena felt good to be back up learning she'd been unconscious a week and she liked having Clint near her he was like the father she never had but not in the way he was with Kate. Kate was practically his daughter but he cared for her like his daughter's friend and she liked it. When she struggled he helped best he could wich made it easier for her to not have to speak to Natasha and give her time to decide how she felt about her being back. She was glad Natasha was ok but angry she hadn't thought of Yelena when she was throwing herself off a cliff she was also worried how come no one has found Kate yet. They reached the Bartons and Laura greeted her with a pan of mac and cheese. She sat eating her mac and cheese while the others ate a roast her ankle was on a small table as it wasn't broken but had been wrapped anyway.
"Can I see the Kate videos?" She asked her throat feeling less like it was on fire.
"Later sure" Clint said gesturing to Coop,Lila and Nate.
"Is that such a good idea" Natasha asked.
"Nat I'm the best child spy I can be of use" Yelena argued before catching Laura's eye and sighing "Let's talk later" Yelena added before grabbing her crutches and excusing herself to the bathroom.
"Everyone ready for dessert?" Wanda asked helping Laura clear up.
"Yeah!" yelled Nate making everyone laugh.
"Agreeded Traitor" Nat laughed ruffling Nates hair

----------Meanwhile in the Bathroom-----------
Yelena sat against the bath her crutches propped up next to her see played with the rings on her finger her breath quickened and her head rang.
"If you ever need to calm down just lay out your situation list the details"
She remembered Kate telling her that after she had panicked at the thought of seeing Barton and Kate had calmed her down. Her heart hurt at the thought of Kate but the advice was good and she could use it.
1 Kate had been taken
2 Natasha is back
3 She doesn't know when she will see Kate  again
Her breath slowed as tears slipped from her eyes. She will have to look at the tapes nothing can be worse than what she had to watch. She leaned against the sink and washed her face hoping it wasn't tear stained she grabbed her crutches and went back.

"Welcome back sestra" Nat said tucking in to her ice-cream.
"Не звони сестре"
("do not call me sister")
"почему нет"
("Why not") Nat asked slightly shocked
"потому что ты не та женщина, которую я назвал своей сестрой, она бы рассказала мне свой план"
("beacuse you are not the same woman i called my sister she would have told me her plan ") Yelena paused "Моя сестра умерла, так что оставь это, я не буду обсуждать это перед детьми."
("My sister died so leave it be i am not discussing this in front of the kids").
Wanda who had learned some Russian put her hands around Nat and held her as tears dripped down her face.

As they finished up Laura and Clint took the kids to bed while Wanda,Nat,Peter and Yelena cleaned up. Yelena was drying and putting dishes away cause she wasn't supposed to walk but she could sit on the side while doing so. Peter passed Yelena a dish
"Have you seen the videos?" Yelena asked hoping that she could have some insight as to what to expect.
"I watched one they held Kate down and burnt her arm." He paused and scrubbed hard at a dish and before he spoke he let his hands soak in the water for a moment "Clint is the only one who watches now no one can he labels them and searches them for clues but everytime he watches one he cries harder they're bad most of them and I dont think Nat wants you watching them."
Yelena paused taking this in she needed to see them to see Kate still alive and to help find her
"I need you to keep a secret Pete ok?"
"Um sure he replied nervous as he spotted Natasha at the door telling him to shush. He knew Yelena would kill him but Natasha was only slightly less scary. "Ok" he said
Yelena looked at the wall till she was back in that room. "The kidnappers are Elenor Bishop and Nikola Dreykov they are trying to cure Kate of her gayness. Kate told her mother that shes the reason shes gay and her mother insisted it was her fault and she said that she was assaulted when she was younger and they decided that Kate was the best way to get to me and I was apparently the best way to get to Natasha so a man assaulted Kate and they made me watch." She stopped breathless as she'd been speaking unusually fast till she heard a small movement at the door she turned to see Natasha watching her and recording her voice she looked guilty at Yelena as she stopped the recording before stopping the recording.

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