New life Eve

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"Miss Bishop now you own Bishop security will there be any major changes"
"When your mother is released will she be taking over"
"Are you concerned about the bad rumours spreading about you"
The reporters badgered Kate ever since shed won the law suit for Bishop Security she hadnt had a moments peace luckily Tony had been helping her and had taught her how to manage herself during press conferences she span her wedding ring on her finger and made her voice loud and clear
"I do not care about any rumours that may have circulated online as they are just that rumours..."
She waited as silence overtook the crowd
"It was decided during the trial that my mother has no power over Bishop security when I am retired I will pass it down to my daughter and I have a whole new plan for Bishop security as starting now our website has been updated with tons of new tested products I engineered myself as well as now offering free safety demonstrations online wich teach self defense and a new 50-50 policy.
As a way of giving back 50% of Bishop security profits will be passed on to its community 10% to the care homes and orphanages around the world 20% to food banks 20% to schools and 10% to hospitals as well as planting one tree for every product in sold."
The reporters continued banging on at her but she raised her hand
"That's alls"
She left escorted by her security guard but she soon told him to leave as she cut down a small alley way onto her street her phone and she smiled at her wife's picture
"Hey lena"
"Hey Katie weve been watching you on telly"
"Oh we huh?"
There were giggles on the phone line and Kate smiled knowing Alena was there
"And hows the little monster?"
"She said shes a big monster"
Yelena laughed through the phone and Kate chuckled since Alena had her 7th birthday shed insisted she was big and no longer a little monster since she was still mute they had to homeschool her as well as she came with a fire warning sp not exactly an A pupil but they're little strange family worked Kate had been building a plan for Bishop Securitys return along with Tony helping her navigate Law and Buisness while Yelena attended online college with Coopers help as he was starting at the same time and between the whole family Alena had developed such a bright personality she couldnt speak though she would whisper to Yelena and occasionally Kate she had her tablet but preferred sign language and Kate and Yelena had switched to online therapy once a month each and Alena went every two weeks in person luckily they found her love for art early and now she looked foward to painting with the lady every 2 weeks.

As Kate entered her building she waved to the tired doorman and he smiled a little
"Celebrity in the building then"
He laughed a deep laugh ending in a smoker's cough she shook her head smiling a little
"No just a hand me down now mikey"
She laughed taking the elevator hearing Lucky the minute the elevator stopped while Fanny was to lazy and probably sleeping in her basket she opened the door stroking him as he jumped around she took of her jacket and shoes heading into the living room where Yelena lay sprawled on the couch Fanny at her feet and pens and paper infront of her
"Skipping school huh?"
She teased as Yelena looked up smiling and groaning at the same time as Yelena kissed her head and slumped next to her
"I dont want to write an essay on my history"
"On history?"
"Niet that would be easy on me why on me it's so-"
"No swearing"
"English or Russian"
Yelena pouted some how Kate always knew what she was doing or planning it was cute annoying and creepy..but it was also hot so that said more about Yelena than Kate she raised an eyebrow till Kate tickled her and she wiggled away
"Kate Bishop Stop!"
She couldnt stop laughing and Kate giggled to
"You were ignoring me what you thinking about"
She continued tickling Yelena till Yelena grabbed her arm and flipped her off the couch leaving Kate winded on the floor as Alena came running in she dived on Kate squashing her as Yelena rolled with laughter
"Alena OW what is this Lena's vs Kate's?!"
She laughed and tickled Alena too

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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