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I awoke and couldn't move. There were tibes in my arms and a mask on my face. Why was I still here? Could I not even have the peace of death? Of course not i had killed why would death welcome me when he could leave me here after all I practically done his work for him there was no point him ever removing my pain. my eyes settled upon the people in the room with me Clint, Laura and Kate. Kate. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came so not only was i stuck on this earth but I had no voice again. The 3 were having a quiet conversation and Kate looked good she wasn't the girl in the bed or who fainted she looked sad still but her face had its charm back and when she spotted me there was nothing but joy on her face she practically glowed and to my shock yelled out my name as she ran towards me pulling me into one of the best hugs shed ever given me and admittedly the first time I've been hugged in a while. I found tears seemed to roll down my face as she held on and I didn't want to ever leave her arms it'd  been to long since I'd been held by Kate but she let go as Natasha came in. She had red eyes her hair wasn't even put up and her skin had a grey tint about it. She looked at me her eyes asking me the question no one spoke. Why? I myself knew exactly why and she knew why to the same words I had said in our argument the same words I'd spoke to the whole waiting room but Natasha walked over grabbing my hand and as if she could read my mind she said "YA vsegda zeds'/I'm always here" I nodded giving her hand a tight squeeze. A doctor walked into the room and Natasha let go of my hand but sat down next to me Wanda stood behind her and Kate sat on my other side seemingly tense as he entered the room I grabbed her hand as he came close and she looked at me nodding as silent tears ran down her face she stood and left the room standing in the hall . "How are you Miss Belova?" and i gave him a questioning look i couldnt talk  what did he want from me but luckily Natasha answered for me equally irritated "Her injury is a throat injury, if you had more than one brain cell youd know that to the extent of her injury she cant speak" The man opened his mouth to defend himself but Natasha stopped him "Also if you were able to read you'd know that she has already been assessed and it was decided shed have a meeting at 1:30 today and Further more no male doctors aren't meant to be in here" Natasha finished as Wanda placed her hands on Nats shoulders calming her down she let happy thoughts into Nats mind. The doctor hurried out and Kate came back her eyes were red and I hated how afraid she was still she sat next to me again and I kissed her cheek we locked eyes and I never wanted to look away but Clint brought the little nuggets in and I was immediately distracted by cute,cute and cuter.

3rd person POV
Yelena spent the whole morning stuck in her bed but the others kept her company and Melina and Alexei were coming after her appointment. Much to her disappointment she was resigned to a wheelchair and crutches to get around again but she was allowed to bring Kate to the meeting with her so they were walking and wheeling down with Doctor Brown to the meeting room. Kate was all to familiar with the halls, she both enjoyed and hated them.The cause of some amazing moments and quite a lot of awful moments.

Yelenas POV
We arrived and the room was weird I hated the atmosphere, the burning candles, pale blue walls, little toys on shelves the weird couches and little motivation posters. More weird there was a strange woman at the desk smiling as we walked in well I cant walk because apparently I still need like 20 tubes attached to me for no reason
"Hi Kate,Doctor Brown" Desk woman said and I looked at her she knew Kate's name and Kate wasnt hesitant what was going on.
"Hello Dr Turner" Kate said ignoring my anger
"So this is Yelena I presume" she asked looking at me I hated this I wanted to run and couldn't I was stuck here; I wanted to yell and couldn't I was silenced but not in the way I wanted not deaths peaceful silence but a bittersweet silence.
Kate wheeled me over to the couch then sat down next to me grabbing my hand and it was kind of calming was it that obvious was pissed already.
"So Miss Belova you've been unconscious for nearly a month did anyone tell you this" The doctor spoke and I turned to Kate but she wouldn't meet my eyes.A whole month, I shook my head a month! "Well considering how you got in that position you will be in therapy with me for a while Kate has been in therapy since your incident and it has been suggested you may also benefit if you agree we are able to release you today and bring you back for your first session tommorow" From what I had seen on American television it was a long conversation. So I turned to Kate hoping she still remembered sign language and tried my best despite the tubes in my arms to sign to her "I cant speak and i dont want to stay here" Kate began to sign back but the Dr interrupted "I am aware you cant speak wich is why I too am fluent in sign language and as for staying here if you choose not to we will have to keep you here for at least 6 months and then you could end up back here by the end of it you should speak to your family its a big decision" I didnt know what to say I moved my hand from Kate's so I could plat with my rings how am I going to choose I dont want to speak to this stranger but I want my home and my bed and if I'd have just died then I wouldnt have to make this decision.

3rd person POV
Yelena was wheeled back down to her room still deep in thought.
"Yelena?" Doctor Brown spoke breaking her thoughts as she realized they were already outside the room "I'm moving your first therapy session to next week, go home have fun enjoy life we all want you here ok?" Yelena nodded and they went in the room greeted by a loud cheer "SURPRISE"
"Иисус чертов Христос!" Yelena yelled as Natasha,Melina and Alexei laughed the others were just confused. Kate was taken back by the yelling and just stood for a second steadying herself against the wall "Jesus Christ you guys" she said making Natasha nearly snort of laughing so much.
"Yelena I'll be back in an hour to detach your wires feel free to roam round the gardens and theres a coffee shop down stairs to enjoy just be back in the hour" Doctor Brown said before she left. Yelena liked her and she was going to try her best to like life for Doctor Brown, for Natasha, for Clint and Laura, for the kids, for Melina and Alexei,for Peter whose absence was notable and for Kate beacuse if Kate could overcome her experiences so could she.

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