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She read the letter aloud:
Dear, Yelena
God I hate to admit it but Kate Bishop has proved herself over and over and even I must admit I was wrong about her I realized this 2 weeks ago when I was added to a group chat and asked a question it is not my place to tell you what I was asked but I will tell you the most important advice I was given "If you love someone realy love someone your gonna make mistakes theres gonna be bumps in the road love isnt perfect its loving the imperfections"

Yelena wiped her eyes as Melina wrapped her arms around her holding her close while she held the note close to her chest tears rolling down her face she failed to notice the elevator ding until she heard Kate's voice "Yelena?"

Turning around she wiped her eyes as Kate placed a hand on her cheek "come on babe 1 last stop" She grabbed Kate's hand as she led her into the elevator tears dripped down her face as Kate smiled at her turning her around she kissed her on the head and Yelena couldn't help but smile "ok our journey had it's fair turn of ups and downs but throughout-" the elevator opened and they walked forward on the roof of the apartments Yelena looked down as Alena latched on to her hand in a pale yellow dress she smiled up at her and Yelena found herself smiling back as they walked people lined each side not quite on the edge on her side were Natasha,Wanda,Melina and Alexie and on the other stood Laura,Clint,Cooper,Nate,Lila,Peter, Steve,Bucky,Sam and Lucky when they reached the edge of the roof Kate turned to her as Alena moved towards Natasha standing with her Kate pulled a piece of paper from her pocket

"Yelena?" She smiled holding one hand and the paper with the other "I'll start with Wow" There was a collective chuckle as she continued "Our journey had more than enough bumps in the road but the whole time you stayed. There were times were it was dark when I couldn't eat you held back my hair, when I couldn't walk you held me up and when I couldn't see a reason to go on a reason to push through you showed me my reason everyone here. In one way or another and most of you done what you could to save me from-" she sighed "well from my own mother but she cant hurt me and honestly my whole point is I am so lucky!" she chuckled "I went through 20 shit years I moved out I went through 1 year extra of sucking at school then I got expelled. ha whoops. I found out my mum was a super villain and met my hero" she smiled at Clint "but the thing that led us here today was. I met the love of my life and after all the near losses well I have a question and only 2 people know it so" she kneeled down pulling a box from her pocket
"Yelena Fyodorovna Belova will you do me the honour of marrying me?"

Tears formed in her eyes as she gasped as did everyone behind her she looked at the ring two white marble stones with gold lines and one purple diamond in the middle.

"YES!" Yelena yelled and the others cheered as Kate put the ring on Yelenas finger standing up they pulled into a passionate kiss as they turned to the others Melina smashed a bottle catching everyone's attention "LETS CELEBRATE" she moved her hand and a cloth moved revealing beer juice and a crapload of food she turned to "Wanda can you?" She asked pointing towards a switch and as she moved her arm music flicked on along with some flashing lights. As they partied Kate felt happy as she hung onto Yelena she just couldn't stop smiling and when they were dancing she even fully picked Yelena up just holding her close enjoying that at least for this moment she was with her. As they walked around they met different reactions first Natasha and Wanda came over Nat hugging Yelena and Wanda hugging Kate then vice versa as Nat hugged her she whispered in her ear "hurt her and I will break you" as she pulled off she said "but I think that's one of the smarter choices my sestra made welcome to the family Bishop" they cheered dancing for a bit when they went to get drinks they caught some monsters snacking on cakes and juice under the table and Alena wrapped her hand around Yelena's neck and Nate and Lila hugged Kate. Alena whispered something in Yelena's ear and then stood up she grabbed two cups of water and threw them in the air people turned to her as she made it move managing a dolphin a whale and a shark before she let it swim off the roof. Melina and Alexie walked towards them Melina digging as she reached them "I honestly tried not to like you but damn Kate bishop you make it hard" she paused "you take care of my daughter and Yelena you take care of her too" She finished hugging the pair Alexie placed his hand on Kate's shoulder "I can see you love her and that she loves you so I will allow it and I appreciate you asking for our blessings you raised yourself right" As the party died down Laura and Clint hugged both girls tight and Clint cried "God your speech was good Bishop" Cooper also hugged Kate but shook hands with Yelena while Nate and Lila attacked them Alena was going to stay in Clints for a week so they said good bye to her too and she made the wind around them pain tiny water droplets floating mid air after everyone left Yelena and Kate began cleaning as they made it back into the apartment Kate and Yelena dropped the bags at the door Lucky went straight to bed and they went to their room Yelena began to change but Kate rapped her arms around her as she untied her hair kissing her neck and moving down she worked on her neck before pinning her to a wall as they got more passionate Yelena found herself enjoying every moment and that night as they fell asleep in eachothers arms they both felt so happy so calm like they wouldnt have imagined less than a year ago.

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