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"Are you guys ok?" Laura asked sitting down. Kate,Yelena,Wanda and Nat sat on one side and Melina,Alexei,Clint and Laura sat on the other. "Why cant we just shoot them both" Natasha said she hated them and really really wished Wanda let her bring her guns Yelena looked out the window her hair was soaked but she was back to reality. "What was the first lesson Dreykov taught you" Alexei spoke but Yelena was first to answer "Death is peace, you dont deserve peace" Kate placed her hand in Yelena's and for a moment it was quiet Yelena playing with Kate's fingers while they all watched "What does that mean?" Kate asked moving Yelenas hair behind her ear "It means when we die we no longer have worries were in peace but Dreykov reminded me daily I murdered people they couldn't die in peace and so I dont deserve to die in peace it was one of the many things he made us recite after Natasha's escape day after day before dance we'd all be brought together to recite the rules till we knew them by heart" Yelena stopped looking around "pochemu ty mne ne skazal?"/"why did you not tell me?" Natasha asked but they were interrupted by the car stopping Yelena tried to get out but Nat pressed the lock down and they all turned to Yelena "Net/no" Yelena said before getting out Natasha couldn't stop her this time "I'm going to speak to her" Natasha declared but Kate got in her way "Shes upset please Natasha later the kids want to see us all pets not argue now" Kate pleaded and Natasha reluctantly nodded so they all walked in the house to find Yelena already upstairs so they all settled down with the kids and Laura and Melina went to cook dinner they'd become good friends since the 'incident' and Melina had been trying to be a better mum with Laura's help. Kate snuck away from the group Alexei was like the biggest kid of them all him and Clint were playing with Nate and Lila while Cooper showed Natasha and Wanda his report card he was trying really hard to get into a good college and they were deep in debate over whether he should live away from home or not. She walked up the stairs and knocked on they're room but there was no answer slightly concerned she walked in but there was no Yelena in sight a ring and 4 envelopes one said Kate one said Mum and Dad one said sestra and one said Clint and Laura in Yelena's loopy handwriting she grabbed them searching the room she found no breakage shed left by choice, she ran downstairs "Guys meeting in the kitchen its important" she declared trying to hide the panic in her voice but it showed clearly on her face. "Kids dinner adults kitchen" Laura came in placing the kids dinner in front of them while the adults met up in the kitchen. Kate placed the letters in the middle of the table they all sat down and she passed them out "Yelenas missing she left a ring and these" she said emotionless on the outside but dying on the inside "why" Natasha asked "I wish I knew" Kate said and Natasha grabbed her hand squeezing it slightly "Let's open the letters and read them aloud we mright be able to piece it together" Clint said taking charge they had unspokenly agreed to treat it as a mission or emotions would get in the way and they needed to find her "I'll go first Kate said picking up her letter and opening the envelope she pulled out a piece of paper and read out loud:
"Dear Kate Bishop,
I'm guessing your reading this out loud beacuse Clints being bossy and your hoping that if I tell anyone where I'm going itd be you" she paused softly chuckling at how well Yelena knew them all "I have left where I'm going in case of an emergency where I know you'll find it but dont look its not something you'll think of unless it's an emergency. I love you and not to be cheesy but that's why I have to go beacuse I dont deserve the peace of death and you dont deserve to be tortured you need someone who doesn't switch between worlds someone who knows whether they're dreaming someone who can protect you I wish it could be me but it cant I'll be back, I dont know when but I will and if you dont ever wanna see me again I understand I'm sorry but I've been planning this a while before the incident before everything. I've left you a ring I bought it and I was going to propose to you I dont know what you wluld've said and now I never will but I love you and the ring is a reminder of that.
With eternal love
                                    Yelena Belova"
She finished picking up the ring and putting it on her finger.
"She knows what were doing so who would she think would go next?" Clint asked "Me, she knows how much I blame myself so she'd make sure to answer my question" Natasha said picking up her letter "There something else in there too" She said pouring it out on the table there was a note and a necklace. She picked it up it was the red room symbol. "Can I see that a second" Melina asked and Natasha passed it over they all watched as Melina pulled a sticker off the back "its engraved: the only good thing to come out of the red room" Melina red out loud before turning it upside down she spotted a button and when she pressed it the locket opened. She handed it back to Natasha and tears fell down her cheeks as she looked inside were to pictures one of her and Yelena pulling silly face and one of them all:Melina,Alexei,Yelena and her from when they all went out for ice cream. She picked up the paper and opened it out beginning to read:
"Dear Natasha,
I hope you like the gift I was going to give it to you when you woke up. Earlier today you asked me why I didnt tell you the stories of the red room but I couldn't answer but now I can you see after you left the place was hell when you were there I could still see you at night but when you left so did my hope I didn't get it back and i was ruthless until i met a younger widow that's where I'm going Natasha when you asked that question i remembered something I have a daughter" She stopped and looked to Melina "Did you know about this?" She tried to be calm "No I'm sorry" Melina said she was just as shocked as the rest of them "continue please" Kate spoke shocked "When you left Dreykov began a new system the top widow of each segment was used and I was the top of mine, I couldn't remember beacuse I raised her for 2 years until she was taken but since the red room is down I need to find her by now she should be 6 you see I was frred soon after and the release syrum made me forget I know this is a shock but I hope to bring her home I originally planned on just running no purpose but escape, but my daughter needs me. I love you sestra always and forever.
                                Yelena Belova"
She finished and felt Wanda hold her she didn't resist Yelena is only 22 though a year older than Kate presuming her daughter was blipped to "Yelena got pregnant when she was 16" Natasha said out loud looking up at Wanda shocked. "We need to know more who's next?" Clint asked "May I?" Melina asked wanting to know more of her grandchild met by nods she began opening the envelope and out fell 2 pieces of paper she opened the smaller one and read it "your surprise is upstairs top box in my wardrobe" Kate ran upstairs and came down with a blue box when they opened it there were photo books and objects one photo caught Melinas eye and she turned it over there was writing on the back: "I found this stitched into my old suit, meet your grand baby, Alina Natalia Belova" she passed the picture to Alexei who had the biggest smile on his face "she named her child after us" he declared passing the picture to Clint who passed it round each of them smiling the baby was gorgeous she had little wisps of white hair on her head, chubby cheeks, ocean blue eyes and a large smile on her face that put them all to tears "read your letter" Wanda pleaded wanting to know more of the child "ok" Melina said placing the picture infront of her before putting the box down next to her she grabbed the letter and began reading:
"Dear mama and papa,
I hope you'll have found my gift to you it's my box of greatest memories and the picture of my greatest  memory I found a note with the picture that had been sown into my suit along with her name and birthday I plan on leaving on February 22nd and returning on March 18th so you can all meet her I hope nothing derailed my plan. I will call the day I get her. Love
                              Yelena Belova"
"She knows exactly what order were going in" Kate said looking at the picture of baby Alena if Yelena thought that the baby would change how she felt about her at all then she was wrong but why couldn't she say. "Theres only us left" Laura said picking up her letter and pouring it out, out fell a blade
She began reading:
"Dear Clint and Laura,
Do you remember the first time I was here I was throwing knives in the barn beacuse I didnt think I deserved to be forgiven and you convinced me I could trust you like I could the day I attacked Natasha when I did Clint you held me and when I stopped resisting you continued holding me and when I got upset beacuse I thought Kate was afraid of me you helped in the hospital I had tried to think of a reason to be mad but your like Kate's parents and when I tried to kill you Barton you let me not wanting to hurt me you could've you took Natasha down and as egotistical as I am I am aware that you could've took me down as well and Laura after what you said to Nikola and Eleanor today I cant wait for you to meet my daughter. If some details of the letters haven't made sense its beacuse I've drafted and redrafted them till they were perfect I think I wrote Kate's earliest so hers was before I remembered my Alena I left you the blade Laura beacuse you protect everyone no matter who they are and Clint your surprise is out in the barn let's just say I'm doing art more often now.
         Yelena Belova."
They all got up and went to the barn Nate being held by Laura while Natasha and Wanda each held one of Lilas hands, Cooper and Clint opened the doors and they looked at Yelena's mural It said Barton in big letters but the A was the avengers symbol and the O had the red room symbol in the middle at the bottom where 12 silhouettes each black with a word down the middle,names at thier feet and pictures in thier heads they all stepped toward the one that represented them:
Nathaniel had traitor in his and red,blue and yellow blocks,
Lila had princess and a yellow crown with red jewels
Cooper had smartie with a computer screen and glasses
Clint had hero and a bow and arrow
Laura had agent and a red tie
Wand had pure and her Scarlet witch headpiece
Natasha had Aunt and a pair of ballet shoes
Melina had accepting and a heart
Alexei had goofy and a clown face
and Kate had beloved and a painting of the ring she now wore on her finger next to her were Yelena's it said sarcastic and had a green vest and her daughters it was fresh and had only just been added it said protected and had a small pink bow at the top. "Its amazing" Clint said staring up at the giant Barton in awe "she really knew us all" Laura said looking over the silhouettes. "We are part of the family" Alexei said standing next to Melina a proud look on his face Kate was sat in front of Yelena and Alena's when Nat sat down next to her "Have you thought about your letter?" Nat asked "I dont get why she thinks I'd not love her just beacuse she has a kid" Kate sighed "your 21 kate you should still be enjoying life" Natasha said as Wanda sat down with them "Yelena's 22 she had the kid when she was 16 raised the kid till she was 18" Kate said tracing the numbers on the ground. "Yelena had no choice, she wants to give you a choice Kate" Wanda said her voice sympathetic. Kate grunted something then got up "I'm going on a walk" she said to no one in particular as she left the barn walking into the trees till she found thier spot. She didnt know what to do so she sang any song anything she could think of she loved singing and even thought no one had ever heard her sing she done it all the time.

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