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Kate hadn't been at the house much she couldn't without Yelena there she had to get new sleep meds otherwise she just wouldn't sleep and even then Laura had to nearly force her to eat each one. The others had trailed Kate a couple of times but when they turned around a corner shed be gone and when anyone asked she just muttered something about a place. Kate was the last up today because she'd been up and down a lot through the night before Laura caught her. "Morning Kate" Wanda said she couldn't not laugh at Natasha she was not a morning person at all and was sitting on Wanda's lap asleep against her shoulder the others started to giggle as well. "Katie your phone" Nate said running in she picked it up and held it to her ear "Kate Bishop?" A voice rang through. "Yelena?" She asked making the chatter in the room stop and turn to her she put the phone on speaker. "Its me Bishop" Yelena said and Kate smiled "I miss you" she said the room was silent watching her. "I miss you to but I'll be home soon I'm getting Alena back today" Yelena replied she sounded tearful "That's amazing" Kate said tears dripping no matter how hard she tried not to "I'm sending Alena's file to Natasha I've got to go now I love you Kate Bishop" There was noise in the background "I love you to" Kate whispered "I'll be home in 4 days" Yelena said quickly as a bang erupted in the background and the phone cut off. Natasha immediately got up and grabbed her laptop and Kate took a seat at the end of the table. She typed for a while before reading out loud "Alena Natalia Belova - Previous widow" She read ahead while the others stared "Previous?" Clint asked "I'll read her whole file now just downloading the rest" She sat down on the couch as the others drifted to join her "Alena is daughter of greatest child assassin Yelena Belova adoptive sister to traitor Natasha Romanoff she is powerful and has been transported to a enhancing base she has an inter changing time table but due to memory issues,anger issues and sensory issues plus fiery attitude has had her thoroughly reprimanded at least 9 times and general repremendation daily otherwise she is getting to grips with her enhanced abilities, control over the elements." She finished digging for attached files or pictures she found one a young girl with white hair and green eyes in a black costume and in one hand she held fire and water with the other she turned the computer around for them to see "What's an enhancing base?" Kate asked "No clue" Natasha said turning the laptop back to herself.

4 days later...
"Kate!" Nate yelled jumping on Kate's bed "Auntie Lena's coming home today!" He stopped "katie?" He leaned down to face Kate "RaW!"she yelled grabbing Nate and tickling him "Stop!" Nate yelled still laughing as Kate picked him up "come on monster" she said putting him on her side "Ok I'll pick you up .. huh.. oh yeah sure sure" Clint mumbled into his phone "morning folks" Kate said coming down as Clint hung up "Who was that" Natasha asked as her,Wanda,Melina,Alexei and Laura sat at the table "Lena wants me to pick her up but isnt sure how Al's gonna react" The kids came to join them as Laura got the pancakes out. "Al?" Laura asked "Nate knife and fork"
"Its the nickname Yelena used" Clint defended himself
"Its cute" Kate said smiling as she ate her pancakes.
"So is the baba" Alexei added Yelena had sent them a couple of recent pictures she was short 'like her mother' Kate had claimed trying to lighten the reason for her small size the girls hair was still white and her eyes shining green emeralds. The pictures had range in most of them it was the girl drawing or painting and one of Yelena and Alena eating ice cream. In others the girl had her headphones something Yelena had learnt from Kate can help with overwhelming noise or situations in general  in the ones with her headphones they were usually outside. She finished her pancakes then excused herself to go get ready. After changing into her usual jean's and top she opened her top draw Clint had printed some of them and she had taken her favourite it was Alena and Yelena eating mac and cheese and they were both amazingly happy. "He's just left they'll be here in an hour" She turned and Laura was leaning against her door frame "Oh um cool" Kate said putting her picture back. "You ok?" Laura asked walking over "Yeah I just miss her" Kate said sitting on the bed "Well she'll be here in about an hour" Laura said sitting next to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulder "You know when you and Yelena were taken I had a similar conversation with Lila" Kate pulled out of the hug "Why?" "Lila isnt as young as Nate and shes not old enough like Coop so when you and Yelena went and no one could tell her why she had similar issues and even when Natasha woke up it didn't help then when Yelena spoke to her she started to get better" Laura paused "I thought you spoke to her"  Kate asked "Well you see"

"No no it cant be" Clint said they were looking over a map for Kate's possible location "I dont really remember much" Yelena said "Wel-" Ring! RIng! RINg! RING! "Hello" Laura said picking up the phone "Are you sure?...Not Lila....Ok...I'll be there soon....I'm sorry" The watching 4 turned to see her "Lila's been in a fight in school" . "Why?" Clint asked standing up and walking towards his wife "I dont know I'm going to pick her up now" Laura said grabbing her keys and leaving.
"When we got home I spoke to her"
"Lila?" Laura asked knocking on her daughters room when she went in she found the girl sitting on the floor all her pictures around her "Lila?" She asked again her voice softer this time "Your all lying wheres Kate?" The girl asked still lying down on the floor "Honey Kate's in trouble is that why your fighting those boys" Laura said sitting down next to her "Jacob isnt a boy Jacob shouldn't be considered human he said something" Lila said a growl to her voice "Lila just cause he said something didn't give you the right to attack him"  Laura said sternly but something in Lila clicked "DYKE MUM! HE SAID DYKE HE SAID ALL OF THEM KATE,YELENA,WANDA AND NAT HE SAID THEY'RE ALL DYKES AND ITS A SIN!" Laura grabbed her daughter into a tight hug "Honey nothing is wrong with your aunties just dont be so violent next time yeah?" She said her voice surprisingly soft "yeah" lila agreed tears rolling down her face
"Wow" Kate paused "I didn't know I meant that much to her". Laura laughed "You really do" They stood and hugged "come on" They went down stairs and played with the kids "Kate can you go get some ice cream for dinner" Laura asked "Sure" Kate said grabbing her shoes

25 minutes later
"Hey I'm home!" Kate yelled slipping off her shoes till she looked up. "Kate Bishop?" Yelena asked and was met with a giant hug "I missed you to Kate Bishop" She pulled away grabbing her hands "I could use your help" Yelena said pulling Kate by her hand "with?" Kate asked following "Alena wont move from this bush" Kate stopped making Yelena also stop "She doesn't even know me if I go near her she might get even more scared" Kate said letting go of Yelenas hand "Please try Kate I dont know what to do" Yelena pleaded "I can try" Kate said uncertainty showing clearly in her voice. Yelena led Kate over to Clint,Natasha,Alexei,Melina and Wanda. "Hi Kate" Clint said making the others turn to her "Wheres Laura,Lila,Nathaniel and Cooper?" Kate asked Laura was excited to see the child its shocking she wasnt already here "In the barn" Yelena said "Al got scared by Alexei and ran and hid" Yelena pointed to one of the bushes. Alexei and Yelena started squabbling as she walked over she stopped and ran upstairs past them "KATE?" Yelena yelled after her but she came back down holding a small yellow bag "what's that" Yelena asked "nothing has she got her stuff on her" Kate asked clearly in a rush "A bag of her little things" Yelena said puzzled as Kate walked over to the Bush.

Kate's POV
I crept around the bush then picked up one of the sticks on the ground and snapped it as I walked around "Hello are you Alena" I asked the small figure who hid behind the bush. Mentally I noted her behaviour eyes squeezed shut hands over ears with nails digging in to the back of her head. I sat down in front of the girl before unzipping my bag and  pulling out my own stuff. The girl opened her eyes "Its too loud isnt it your head?" The girl nodded slowly she was interested "I know how you feel but this" I pulled of her hands wont help "You have headphones like me yeah?" She nodded opening her bag "Your like me and when I feel like this I put on my headphones and hug someone would you like a hug" The girl moves closer as if assessing how safe I am before standing before me I pick her up and place her on my lap but she doesn't put her headphones on "tell you what" I pause and take in a breath before singing.

10 minutes later.

Kate picked the sleeping girl up and walked over to the group.
"Kate was that you singing?" Yelena asked as Kate walked towards them
"Oh um well yeah I forgot you guys were there she um fell asleep" Kate said gesturing to the sleeping child in her arms. "Were going to go inside" Laura said as her and Clint left
"Kate?" Yelena asked stepping closer.
"Oh um here" Kate put her arms out
"Can you put her on there she could use some sun" Yelena said gesturing to the sun bed "Sure" Kate said placing the girl gently on the bed "So..." the silence between then was deafening until Yelena closed the gap between them
"I'm sorry it needs to be said" Yelena began
"Yelena it's ok shes your daughter she comes first" Kate said looking down and stepping back "She is a good girl she deserves a good life like her mother"
"Kate my life is good but with you in it it's great I get it if you dont wont to date anymore Kate your young and well your absolutely fucking gorgeous theres other people who dont have kids or anything-"
Kate cut off Yelena by kissing her. When they finally stopped they were both so out of breath. "Yelena I really fucking love you and I don't care how old I am if you'll allow it I'd be honoured to assist in raising Alena"

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