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A bit of a time skip only a couple weeks or so. Ps extra long chapter to make up for the wait enjoy!
Kate's POV
"Kate are you listening to me?" Her mother questioned slurring shed drank again Kate nodded but moved back as her mother approached the burning alcohol invading her nose and she already felt faint her mother hadn't left the house in nearly a week meaning she hadn't eaten in nearly a week either plus the general exhaustion from lack of sleep was getting to her.
"Listen when I'm speaking to you and stop moving back or I'll give you a reason to"
Kate stopped moving and looked at her mothers nose being careful not to meet her eyes but her mother moved her face down and Kate was to slow to look away her mother caught her eyes and smacked her hard enough to make her hit the floor trying her best to hold in her sobs she had to decide against standing up and risking being hit again or staying down and being as weak as her mother said she was so she stood despite being 8 she met her mothers eyes and stood while she slapped her.
"Your standing hmm?" Kate kept her eyes locked on her mothers "Standing TaLl" Her voice annoyingly sarcastic on tall "well you know you keep standing tall then it'll only take a small bruise to knock you down" she practically growled at her before leaving presumably to get more drinks. Kate's hand reached up to her forehead trying to steady the spinning room but when she pulled back to see a lot of blood she began to panic her breath becoming shallow as blood poured from her head filling the room but now it was coming from everywhere as if the room itself was bleeding it was up to her waist as panic set in but she was to scared to do anything either she screamed at the top of her lungs "HELP SOMEONE HELP" But she wasn't loud enough
"Kate" Yelena yelled wrapping her arms around her as she jolted awake.

3rd Person POV
Yelena held Kate as tears ran in waterfalls down her face and she shook with fear it was the 5th time tonight Kate had woken up having a nightmare but everytime it hurt Yelena a little more inside to know that tomorrow there was a chance of her nightmares becoming true of her going back to hell. Tommorow they had to face Eleanor and Nikola in court.
"I dont want to sleep anymore" Kate said hiding her face in Yelenas chest and playing with her hair she loved how soft it was how the blond had streaks as dark as they were light it was almost as if her hair represented Yelena she was mostly good with a bad past that was still there but just made the good more amazing unlike her hair, unlike her, no good only bad, only darkness. Yelena checked her phone: 5:30
"A new record moya lyubov" Yelena kissed Kate's head nightmares and dark thoughts still haunted them still reminded them of thier weaknesses but as her therapist said ,For every weaknesses there is a strength but every strength can conquer any weakness, Kate had explained it was a round-a-bout way of saying that for every bad there was good and good was more important. Eleanor was a weakness but for Eleanor there was Kate and Kate is Yelena's everything. They got up getting ready for the day as Kate shook with nerves she looked at her self in the mirror a small black suit with purple accents,some black shoes with purple bottoms she knew her mother would tell her what it was it was Dyke fashion as she called it but Kate loved her suits they were comfortable she chewed her nails worryingly till she felt two arms around her waist and a Belova kissing her neck "You are krasivyy/beautiful" Yelena said her breath tickling Kate's neck and she turned to face her. Kate felt her breath draw in Yelena wore a yellow plaid blazer; black pants; yellow shoes with black bows on them and a black shirt she looked stunning. "Kate may I do your hair?" Yelena pleaded stroking Kate's wild hair down behind her ear and Kate nodded sitting on the bed Yelena sat behind her and brushed all Kate's thick waves as she spoke Kate didn't move enjoying the moment "You know Kate Bishop in the red room our hair was us, it was how we shown the real us" Yelena started braiding Kate's hair in her special pattern "To most it was hair but to us it was the only thing we could control of a day when Dreykov bossed us around our hair had to be up but nearly everyones would be different in plaits or buns, long or short" Kate closed her eyes loving this moment. Loving Yelena her touch was so gentle and despite her incident her voice was still hers the russian decorating her words and making every word sound as if someone had taken the time to plan ot out.
"Kate, Yelena time to get up" Natasha started stopping as she came into the room also dressed she wore her signature belt along with a black denim jacket decorated with badges, a red top with the avengers symbol in the middle, some plain black Jean shorts, long knee high black boots and topped it off with a black beret showing great contrast to her recently dyed hair. She smiled watching Yelena was now singing a russian lullaby while braiding Kate's hair who had her eyes closed and a dopy smile on her face she joined in quietly " Тра-та-та, тра-та-та,
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Цапы-цапы за лапочки" Yelena finished the braid and they both turned to Natasha both Natasha and Yelena both with tears in thier eyes and smiles on thier faces as she whispered "mama" Yelena whispered at her own words it was recently recognized that Yelena had bad trust issues and so recently when she and Melina connected it was hard of her to trust that Melina would be back today but shed given her word shed be there they all would for Kate.

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