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Hey guys wow I've always wanted to be an author but recently school is sucking so 😄

Kate woke up before Yelena her head pounding as she remembered the previous day. She turned to see Yelena having a bit of a nightmare.
"Stay away" She mumbled tossing and turning aggressively
"Hey babe come on" She said softly moving  Yelenas hair from her face
"Leave her" Yelena said now full on thrashing
Kate stood up concerned and panicked. She ran over to the edge closest to where Yelena was and grabbed her shaking her awake.
"Yelena!" Kate said snapping Yelena from her sleep.
"KATE?" Yelena said waking up from her nightmare and sitting up.
"I'm here" Kate said climbing on the bed and wrapping around Yelena "Do you want to talk about it?" She questioned the blonde whose head now rested on her while she held her close.
"We were in a the red room" she paused hating that she had even admitted it but she needed to say something or she'd explode "They had you they were working with your mum and" she started sobbing at the thought.
"Dont think of it no more come on now" she held Yelena under her chin making them look at eachother and despite the embarrassment Yelena also felt safe. She and Kate lay back down Kate still holding onto Yelena and they both fell asleep peacefully.

"Come on guys we gotta leave in 2 hours" came Laura as she woke up Kate and Yelena  "I should warn you Clint took your picture"
"What?" Kate asked sitting up despite Yelenas mumbles of tiredness "Your kidding right?" She asked shaking Yelena awake along with her. "No he's making an album for Natasha for when she wakes up so she wont have missed anything" said Laura smiling at Yelena who looked so pleased "Thank you" Yelena said "We need to get ready though can I see it when we come down?" She asked curiosity getting the better of her anxiety at the mention of Natasha. "Of course" Laura said "see you soon" she added leaving.
"Feeling better now?" Kate asked still worried from Yelenas nightmare
"Yeah" she said kissing Kate to convince her before they both stood up getting ready.

Yelena came into the living room first sitting with Nate on the floor and playing cars.
"Excuse me" Clint said going upstairs and knocking on the guest room
"Who is it" Kate shouted still in her pyjamas trying to find a clean long sleeve top to hide her scars beacuse it was too warm for a jacket.
"Its me I need to see you" Clint said hoping he didn't worry Kate
"Ok come in" Kate said kind of nervous
He came in sitting next to Kate on her bed.
"What's up?" She asked
"I got you something" Clint said pulling 2 black sleeves out of his pocket
-See above if confused-
" I figured they'd help but one thing"
"Yes?" Kate asked glad of Clints gift
"I'm going to count ok and keep track, deal?" He asked hoping Kate would agree he cared for her like a daughter and hated seeing her in pain. Kate nodded and turned her arms to Clint. He mentally noted 9 on her right 12 on her left before handing Kate the gloves like agreed.
"I'm always here" he said getting up " and dont take to long unless you want Yelena to beat Wanda up" He added laughing as they could both hear them from downstairs.

As Kate finished getting ready there was a crash and a yell from downstairs
"YELENA!" It was Laura shouting and this made Kate run downstairs where she saw Yelena holding Wanda by her throat against the wall. She went over despite everyone panicking and telling her not to she grabbed Yelenas spear hand turning her around and looking into her eyes it was like Yelena wasn't there for a second before faltering back and running over to  help Wanda but in a panic Wanda shot magic at her it didn't hit Yelena but instead hit kate in the arm. Knocking her over for a second
"I'm ok it was an accident" she said standing confusing Wanda,Clint,Peter,Laura and Yelena who as far as they had experienced Wanda's powers burnt like fire but instead kate just pulled her sleeves out and put them on.
"I'm sorry I dont know what happened but I wasn't in my own brain there" Yelena said
wondering how Kate didn't feel the burning she too had felt on more than one occasion.
"I'm sorry too" Wanda added looking over at Kate concerned.
"At least you guys are fairly clean fighters" Laura added going in the living room to check on Nate and Lila.
"Is anyone in need of medical attention?" Clint asked pointedly at Kate who was too busy holding up Yelena.
"What happened?" Kate asked worrying what had provoked Yelena.
"I couldn't control myself like when I was still under" Yelena said worry hidden by her thick accent. Despite the incident everyone got ready to go visit Natasha and met outside.
"Shotgun" Wanda shouted out
"But it's my car?" Clint said fake upset in his voice . After a long debate everyone was settled in their seats:
Laura and Wanda up front
Nate,Coop and Lila in the middle
Peter and Clint in the back
and Yelena and Kate sat in the boot. Clint had insisted that Yelena should be separated from Wanda and Kate offered saying Yelena could use company. Wanda and Laura were singing songs of the radI and Lila and Nate were having a rock,paper scissors tournament. Cooper was on his phone and Clint and Peter were talking about technology. Yelena had been lost in worry until she felt Kate's head rest against her. She looked to see she'd fallen asleep on her shoulder. "I love you" she said kissing Kate on the head while she slept she was about to return to her thoughts when she spotted a black van with a symbol on the side following them. It wasn't just any symbol. It was the red room symbol.
"Clint it's a red room van tailing us" Yelena panicked yelling to Clint and waking Kate in the process. Laura sped up hoping to out run the van.
"Its like in my dream" Yelena said to Kate pulling out a blade.
"I'll handle this then" Kate said grabbing her bow and arrows "Laura slow down so I can jump out" she commanded
"Kate I dont think that's a good idea" Laura replied
"Its my mother" she said putting her arrows on her back
"Its my past" Yelena said grabbing Kate's hand
"Maybe we should help" Clint said slightly worried over both the past stories in this situation
"Get the kids somewhere safe that's all that matters" Kate said grabbing Yelenas hand and kicking the door open to jump out before Laura had a chance to stop they jumped out.

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