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"Yelena we should take her home" Clint said gently placing his hand on Yelena's  shoulder. Yelena looked up unaware of the tears in her eyes as she looked at Clint before nodding. Clint turned to the watching crowd
"Buck,Steve,Sam is there room in your guys car?" Clint asked
"Yeah, Do you want me to carry her?" Steve asked asking Yelena more than Clint. Yelena stepped back and nodded and with that Steve picked Kate up careful not to wale her and Bucky and Sam followed behind. Nat walked over to her sister placing her hand on Yelena's shoulder only to be pushed off as Yelena walked to her motorbike and sat on it waiting for the others before she left.
Natasha felt an arm on her waist and turned to see Wanda before she put her head on Wanda's shoulder.
"She'll be ok detka" Wanda said before joining the group discussion although she let go of Natasha's waist they're hands found eachother.
"We should leave now would you like to come back to ours for tea?" Clint asked Melina and Alexei who seemed to have a whisper argument before agreeing.
"I still stand by what I said mama" Natasha reminded to wich Melina just ignored.
"Let's go then do you know the way?" Clint asked hoping that everyone would get along, hoping that Kate would be ok when she wakes up.
"Da Yelena and her friend have told us" Melina responded an authoritative tone to her voice.
"Girlfriend" Natasha muttered as they walked out side to where Yelena waited.
"о времени"/"about time" Yelena exclaimed as they walked out.
"Sorry" Peter said coming over to Yelena.
"Why are you sorry spider-boy" she asked him as the others talked among themselves
"Your parents are coming" He explained and Yelena groaned Peter couldn't help but smile at the memory of Yelena's overreaction to Kate wanting to steal her ice-cream and then ended up giving her most of her ice-cream. Finally Clint,Natasha and Wanda walked over and Melina watched in disgust as Wanda got on the back of Natasha's motorbike before driving away.

"Our girls have gone soft" she told Alexei as they drove to the Bartons
"They are in love it is normal" Alexei tried but received a death stare from Melina instead
"They are in love with other girls its freakish and unnatural" Melina exclaimed shocked by Alexei's reaction
"As long as they are treated right then love is love" Alexei said and they were left in an uneasy silence for the rest of the ride to the Bartons.
They pulled up only minutes after the motorbikes and found thier small group outside. As they climbed out of the car the rest all seemed cheered up presumably having heard good news of Kate. As they met with them the front door was thrown open and Kate rushed out running towards Yelena. The others watched as they hugged admittedly it was one of the best moments they've all seen in an while as Yelena held Kate they were unsure if they'd ever let go.
"I keep my promises Kate Bishop" Yelena said letting go and looking at Kate's wrapped arms and her cuts and bruises.
"Are you ok" Yelena asked she could feel everyone staring but it didn't matter she wanted to know if Kate was ok Kate nodded holding Yelenas hand but Yelena was puzzled as to why she never said anything but decided to just skip over it.
"Come on inside now Kate" Laura said walking over. "Is everyone staying for tea?" Laura asked the crowd who up till that moment had been watching Kate and Yelena's reunion.
"Yeah we've got enough dont we?" Clint asked.
"Yeah come on in everyone and Kate remember you need rest" Laura reminded gently as her and Clint walked in as well as the others. Before they went in Yelena stopped Kate for a moment to speak.
"Are you sure your okay?"
Kate nodded holding Yelenas hand to assure her.
"Are you not going to speak to anyone"
Kate paused before shaking her head she'd been reprimanded for speaking and now whenever she opened her mouth her throat closed up and she couldn't breathe. Yelena pulled Kate over to the bench where they sat down together and she held Kate close never wanting to let go again.
"Do you know sign language detka" Yelena asked shed learnt it to speak to widows who didnt always want to speak.
Kate nodded and signed a shaky "some"
"Ok well I think you need your rest so would you like to go for a nap?" Yelena asked and Kate hesitated before signing "yes" back. So they joined everyone inside who were competing on Wii sports with Lila and Nate.
"See you guys in a bit" Yelena said during a competitive game of bowling between Natasha and Alexei. There were a couple of good nights in return as they walked up the stairs. They got changed into some sweats and oversized tops and climbed in together
Yelena stretched her arm across Kate who cuddled into her chest
"Good nap detka" Yelena said kissing Kate's head as she fell asleep.
(Kate's Dream)
"Your going to pay for what you caused Kate" Elenor said
"No you are beacuse Yelena will save me" Kate screamed at her mother
"Yelena!" Eleanor shouted and out came the widow standing next to Elanor "I'm bored get rid of her" Yelena walked closer to Kate her widow bites zapped with each step and
Kate woke up screaming sweat rushed down her forehead she felt a hand on her shoulder and it was Yelena. Her mouth moved but there were no words and Kate climbed off the bed stumbling to get away from Yelena she hid in the corner and raised her hands to protect herself. At the sound of Kate's screaming the others had come up and saw the situation Nat went over to Yelena and for once she didn't resist only let Nat walk her out the room while she cried. Clint made his way over to Kate and extended his hand for her to take she got up and looked around she was home she reminded herself. Melina who had been watching at the door felt a tear slip from her eye the big bad Melina had broken her shell and she felt Alexei place his hand over her shoulders helping her to the door.
"Let's go check on our daughter" He said pulling her towards the kitchen where Yelena was being comforted by Natasha.
"Are you ok?" Melina asked concerned she had never seen Yelena this upset before.
"She's afraid of me" Yelena said between sobs.
"Sestra she's been through hell and back she's bound to be afraid of anything and everything" Natasha said sorry for her sister but glad she wasn't as angry anymore.
"She wasn't at first so why now?" Yelena pleaded she'd stopped crying but there was an echo of sadness in her voice and her hands shook as she wiped her face with her sleeves.
"Nightmare" Clint said coming over to them she was stuck in it...
The  group sat in a shocked silence.
"I'm going to get changed" Yelena declared going up the stairs to check on Kate.

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