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"Sestra look its mama" Yelena said standing up and showing Natasha the picture "Looks like it but that would mean-" Natasha said studying the black figure "-itd mean she lied" Yelena finished sighing "Kate can you check on Ali I want to go on a walk" Yelena asked walking up the stairs "excuse me" Kate said running after her she ran into they're room to find Yelena sobbing into thier pillows she sat down rubbing Yelenas hand till the blond quieted "Yelena how about me, you and Alena go for an stroll yeah?" Yelena sat up her eyes red and watery but a small smile on her face "family stroll it is can you get Alena I dont want her to see me like this" the word family made Kate's heart fly and she nodded pulling Yelena close to her "You get ready now ok?" She said kissing th top of Yelenas head as Yelena nodded against her chest "i love you Kate Bishop" she said sitting up and smiling "I love you too miss Belova" Kate said standing up she closed the door softly behind her and knocked on Ali and Lila's room "Little Widow may I?" The door opened and Ali looked up at her, her blue eyes tear filled "I'm sorry I really sorry" she pleaded falling to her knees Kate picked her up shushing water leaked out her hands on Kate's shoulder but she couldn't stop it when there girl was calm enough Kate placed her on the bed and went over to the wardrobe luckily Yelena had gone shopping and bought her some clothes she picked out a top jeans a shirt and a pair of green boots with turquoise fur "wanna come on walk" she asked the girl who looked up nodding she dressed the girl carefully and helped her with her shoes Alena grabbed her hand and they walked to they're room where Yelena was against the bed zipping up her boots she looked over smiling at her little family "ready Lena" Kate asked and she smiled walking up she kissed Kate's cheek and picked up Alena "let's go little one" Yelena said picking her up and carrying her down the stairs she was small for six making they're way downstairs Kate and Yelena's hands found eachother as they reached the bottom Natasha smiled at them looking like a family one that could absolutely smash you to pieces but for the moment they were a happy family "see ya soon sesrtra" Yelena said walking towards the front door.

-Some time later-
"Alright little one you cand do it" Kate cheered "focus you've got this Ali" Yelena encouraged and the girl she closed her eyes breathing in she raised her arms the water raising out of the pond along with her and opening her eyes she began moving it with ease it created an eel like form slicing it's way past Kate and Yelena's shoulders before diving back in the lake she was immediately sweeped of her feet as Yelena held her tight in celebration "good job moya lyubov" she said sitting against the rock and as promised the little one clambered into Kate lap "one song then home time ok" Kate said and she nodded and drew a deep breath Yelena leaned against her shoulder the water running giving the small family a much needed peace

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