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You woke up to your phone going off. 


"Taemin, calling?" 

You answered.


"Did I wake you?"

"Yeah." you groaned, realizing how rude that sounded.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"What's up?"

"I know it's early. But, I was wondering if you wanted to get a head start and practice."

You looked at the time.

 5:00! 5:00 in the morning?!?  Who the hell wakes up willingly at 5 in the morning? Wait.. Idols. 

You sighed and put the phone to your ear, "That's fine." 

"I know it's early. So, we could stop for some coffee."

"More like you owe me a coffee for waking up this early to practice." 

Did I just joke with him?

He chuckled, "Okay. I owe you a coffee."

You smiled, "Wait, how do you know where we live?"

"We're with the same company not too hard."


"See you in a few."

"Okay." you replied and hung up.

You put your phone beside you and sighed, "Ugh." and got ready.

A few minutes later:

TAEMIN: I'm here.

You walked over to the small window that was covered with a thin white bed sheet. You barely opened the sheet to see a black SUV outside.

YOU: Coming.

You quietly opened your door to make sure you didn't wake the others. You strode through the living room.

"Hey." a voice said startling you. 

You looked behind you to find Soyeon at the kitchen table with her notebook. Her red notebook. Soyeon had 2 notebooks; a red and yellow notebook. The yellow notebook meant she was writing music. The red one was her personal notebook.

"Are you okay?" you asked her eyeing the notebook.

She looked at her notebook and closed it, "Yeah."  she whispered.

She turned her body facing you. Your heart started to ache. You looked at her un-brushed hair, the bags under her eyes, and her face was whiter than usual. 

She barely slept again.

"Do you want me to get you anything, while I'm out?" you whispered.

She grinned, "No. Go enjoy yourself." 

You looked at her concerned, "Thanks."

You ran down the stairs and made your way outside the front of the building. You looked around to see a hand waving in front of you. You walked towards the car and got in.

"Sorry." you said as you closed the door behind you.

"It's okay." he replied.

He was wearing a black sweatshirt and black jeans and beanie to match. You seen a mask between the two of you.

"It's for public outings." he responded.

You looked up realizing he was looking at you, grinning.


"Here." he said and handed you a coffee out of the console.

"You already got coffee?" you said as you grabbed the warm cup.

"Yeah. When I called you, I was leaving the shop. I didn't know what you liked, so I grabbed a black coffee. There is cream and sugar in the bag beside you."

That was sweet of him.

You looked on the console next to the mask to see a little bag. You grabbed it and opened it; grabbing 3 packets of sugar and 3 cream pods.

"Thank you." you said as you opened the cap to the coffee and started putting the cream and sugar in.

"No problem. Let me know if it's good, so I can drive."

You looked at him, confused.

"I don't think you want to wear hot coffee?"

You nodded. You quickly took a sip and swallowed fast, forgetting how hot it was. You put your hand on your chest as it traveled down your throat.

"Are you okay?" he asked putting a hand on your shoulder.

You looked at him, embarrassed, "You can drive now." you whispered and put the coffee back in the console. You sat back in the seat as he put the car in drive. You looked at the corner of your eye to see him putting a finger on his lips.

"It's okay. You can laugh." you replied.

He looked at you and chuckled, "I want to. But, I won't."

"It's okay."

He shook his head. 

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