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"I wonder how Taemin's date is going?" Taeyong asked.

Taeyong, Mark, Kai and I were outside playing cards at the table. Lucas and Ten have been sleeping all day. All 4 of us just laid around, watching tv and eating.

"It is getting late. So, good?" Mark said.

"My guy!" Kai joked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Did he ever say whom he was taking out?" Taeyong asked as he put a card down.

That's right. Taemin did say he was going out? On a date, though? No way. Taemin is too shy for that. Although?

"We all know whom he took out." Kai said, playfully and laid a card down.

"Y/N!" Mark yelled. He and Kai giggled.

Y/N? Wow he moves fast. I'm surprised. 

"I'm surprised. Taemin is usually shy about dating." Taeyong said.

"They're not dating." I replied and laid a card down. 

"Wow, Baekhyun." Kai said and pushed my shoulder. "Someone sounds jealous?"

"Not even close." I replied.

"I don't know, Baekhyun. You have always been quiet. But, when we mention Y/N you really stay quiet. Sounds like jealousy to me?" Mark said.

I glared at him.

He gulped, "Maybe not."

"Why would he be thinking about Y/N, when he has Soyeon." Kai teased.

"Again, nothing."

"Dude, she is totally into you." Kai said.

"I feel we've already had this conversation." 

"Again? If you don't approach her, I will."

"Again, be my guest." I replied.

"I think you should, Baekhyun." Taeyong said.

"Yeah. I mean it would make you forget about that other girl. The one whom broke your heart?" Mark implied.

"Yeah. That was years ago. It's time to move on." Kai said as laid his card down.

"How do you know I haven't already moved on?" I asked and laid a card down.

"Because you haven't asked Soyeon out?" 

"Who said she's my type?" 

"Is she?"

"Not really?" 

"Look, I know her personality is wild. But, whom knows maybe it's a front."

"A what?"

"A front? Who she is to us is not whom she really is."


"I say just give it a shot?" Kai suggested and laid a card down.

"Could we drop the conversation if I say 'I will think about it?'"


"Then I will think about it." I said.


"Good." I repeated.

"Now that that is settled. Was anyone keeping track of who won?" Taeyong asked.

We looked down at the pile of cards in the middle of the table.

"Nope." we answered in unison.

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