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Hearing those words cut me like a knife. Physically, I could not move. I watched as Y/N walked to the company van. She turned around and waved. I smiled and waved back, fighting back any more tears that wanted to escape. She doesn't know how much energy it took to even fake a smile. My heart was in my stomach. When I finally had the energy to stand up, I walked to the van, slowly opened the door, the driver closed the door behind me.

I deserve this.

I sat back and looked out the window the way back to the apartment. My body felt heavy. I wished this nightmare would end. I don't want to accept it. But, I have to respect her wish. This  was the final chapter for us.


You sat in the living room in your usual chair, anxiously waiting.

Where are they?

After a few minutes, they walked in. 

"Hey." Mei said.

Soyeon looked down at the floor.

"Soyeon.," you said. 

She looked up at you.

"Stop. Both of you come here." you whispered.

Mei sat next to you and held your hand. Soyeon sat on the far side of the couch.

"After last night, I feel.. No, I know I have some things to explain."

Mei squeezed your hand.

You took a deep breath and sighed, "So, as you all already could put together. I am that girl from Baekhyun's story. I was the one who trained with him. I am the one who did it for her grandma's expenses. I am the girl who didn't make the callback. I am the girl who cut all ties with him, when he received the callback. But, I am not the girl who left out of spite. More out of assumptions. I am the girl who left to avoid being a burden. Now, you both are probably curious, why did I audition again? Well, long story short, after my grandma's passing, I grew to love music again. It helped with healing. I knew the stage is where I belonged. So, I trained harder and now we are here."

You looked around to see Mei's eyes tearing up. Soyeon was looking at the ground, again. You couldn't tell her emotions; her long hair was hiding her face.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you both before. I just never thought that things would escalate this way and so quick. I talked to Baekhyun, a few minutes ago.,"

Soyeon looked up.

"We made amends and he knows there is no us and that I want us to stay friends."

"Y/N?" Soyeon whispered.

You smiled at her, "I want you to be happy. If he makes you happy, don't let me stop you.  I like Taemin a lot and I want to see where things go."

She grinned, "Are you sure about this?"

You nodded, reassuring her.

She squealed and ran up to you, hugging you, almost knocking you over. "Thank you." she said and stood up. She grabbed her phone, took a deep breath, and walked to her room.

"Y/N.," Mei whispered as you sat up. "Are you sure about this?"

You nodded, "Yes, Mei."

"So, can I ask something?"


"Your grandma."

You sighed, "She had cancer. It was fast. So, she didn't have to suffer long."

"When." she whispered, hesitant.

"The day.. the day after he got the callback."

Mei gasped, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." you said.

"So, what now?"

You sat back and thought about it. "Well I know I have to talk to Taemin, if he is willing to ever talk to me again."

Mei smirked, "Y/N, he does. He has been talking to Mark." she held up her phone.

"And?" you asked.

"Well he is scared he will ruin your career, especially after this morning's meeting and last night. So, your move."

You nodded, "Okay."

"You do have practice in a couple hours."

You sat up, "Yeah,  an hour before you all come in, and we do the full rehearsal."

"Go." she teased.

You chuckled, "Thank you, Mei." 

"You're welcome." she mouthed.

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