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You took a seat at a bench that was closest to the river. Most people wouldn't want to be seen in such a busy place. But, to you that was the perfect place. Everyone too distracted amongst themselves to notice. You took a sip of your coffee and watched as the waves moved with the wind. 

The way the world works can be beautiful. Your grandma's voice said.

"Hey." a voice said.

You looked up, "Hey." you said, smiling.

Baekhyun sat across from you. He was wearing black pants with a short sleeve black shirt and hat.

"I see you still like wearing all black." you joked.

He looked down at his outfit, "Yeah." he chuckled.

You both sat in silence for a few minutes.

This is going nowhere.

You cleared your throat, " Baekhyun?" you said. The name still made gave you butterflies.

He looked at you.

"Can we talk about what happened, last night?"

He put his arms on the table, crossing them, "What about it?"

"All of it."

He sighed, "I was drunk, Y/N." he replied.

"I know. But, it happened. So, in my opinion, you have more to say."

"What do you want me to say?" 

You could tell he was become frustrated.

You took a deep breath, "Look, I know you don't want to talk about it. Neither do I. But at the end of the day, it happened. So, for us, and our groups. Whatever you have to say to me. Say it now."

"Again, what do you want me to say?" he asked again.

Now you were becoming frustrated, "I don't know anything."

"Anything." he mocked.

"Baekhyun, I am just trying to make this right." you said growing impatient.

"What? For you and Taemin? I guess I'm selfish again, huh?"

The word hitting you like a freight train. Selfish? 

"Baekhyun?" you gasped.

He looked down at the ground, holding the rim of his hat. You could hear him muttering something under his breath.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea." you said and stood up. You turned around, feeling regret and angry. You took a step forward and fell back down onto the bench. Something was holding you down. You looked at your arm. You held your breath and looked at him.

"Y/N. Please stay." he said, his eyes were red. Tears were falling down his face.

Your heart started to break. It took every inch of you to not throw yourself onto him and hold him. You took a deep breath, holding back yours, and faced him. He let go of your arm and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"I'm sorry." he said.

"It's okay." you replied.

"You're right.," he said and looked at the table. "It's just...," He looked back at you. "Seeing you again has brought back so many emotions. So many memories"

"I know. Talk to me." you insisted.

"Y/N, you broke my heart, when I left. We were in it together. Why?"

You knew already this was going to be talked about. On the way, here. You were already ready to tell him the truth. Clear the air. Now, that you seen him crying. You didn't want to cause hi  more pain.

But, the truth can be painful and helpful. your grandma's voice echoing again.

"Baekhyun,." you began. "I backed out because I didn't want to burden you."

"What?" he asked, confused.

"When you told me you made it, I knew what was going to happen. Idols are always busy and with your talent. I didn't think you would have time for me. So, to rip the band aid off that's why I said all those things. 

"So, you assumed that would happen and decided to end things like that?" 

You scoffed, "You sound like her."

He looked at you, confused, "Like whom?"


The look on his face fell, "How.. How is she?" he asked, shyly.

"She's.. she's in a better place." you stuttered

His eyes widened, "I am so sorry, Y/N."

You shrugged your shoulders, "It's okay. She's not in anymore pain."

"When did she?" 

"The day.. the day..," you took a deep breath as you felt a pain in your chest, "the day after your callback." 

"Y/N?" he said, empathically.

"I wish I had known." he said.

"Yeah. Well now you do." you said, coldly.

"So, you assumed I would leave you behind and you just let go?" he asked.

"You already asked that." you said, growing frustrated.

He grabbed your hand and squeezed, "Y/N, I would have never left you. You were my best friend. You were there for me for everything. You did everything for me. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here. You are the reason."

Hearing those words made your heart flutter and your eyes start to burn as the tears escaped.

"Really?" you asked.

He nodded and squeezed your hand harder, "Y/N, I missed you every single day. The moment I seen you in that conference room, it felt like a dream. A dream I didn't to have. But, seeing you with Taemin. Seeing how happy he made you made me jealous, jealous that I couldn't do that anymore. Jealous that I couldn't make you laugh like you do. I know you two have only been serious for a few days now. But knowing this in these few days has felt like an eternal hell. I want you to give me a second chance. Give us a second chance?"

You were speechless. Chills ran down your arms. You told him to talk to you. You didn't know his feelings, after all these years, were still so strong. You put your hand to Baekhyun's face, wiping the tears away. Every inch of you wanted this moment to last forever. You knew what you had to do.

"Baekhyun, hearing you say this. I am speechless. I want us to be together. I want to try again.," 

His face lit up.

"It's been years now. My feelings for you are still strong. But, my feelings for Taemin are stronger. The connection I have with him is something I never knew I could experience with anyone. I'm sorry. This is where the chapter closes. I would like us to stay friends."

The light on his face quickly faded. He let go of your hand. "I understand."

"Thank you." you whispered and stood up.

"Thank you for allowing this closure for the both of us. Now, we both can move on with the show and our relationships."

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