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A couple hours later, Soyeon came through the door. Clearly, annoyed.

Mei and you were sitting on the couch, feet on the table, waiting for the nail polish to dry. Hair wrapped into a towel on your head.

"Everything okay?" Mei asked.

Soyeon threw herself onto the chair, "No."

"What's wrong?" you asked.

"Baekhyun and I got called into Mr. Lee's office?"

"Baekhyun and you?" Mei asked.

Soyeon nodded.

Why would they get called in together?

"Last week, Baekhyun and I went out to breakfast and I guess people recognized him and took photos of us. So, there was speculation that we were dating. Mr. Lee wanted to talk to us. Shut down the rumor."

They went to breakfast?

"You guys went to breakfast?" Mei asked.

She nodded.

Are they dating?

"Are you dating?" Mei asked.

Okay, this is getting weird.

Soyeon shook her head. "I wish."

You froze. She wishes?

"You like him?" Mei asked. She took her feet off the table and moved in closer.

Soyeon smiled and nodded.

"I knew it!" Mei said.

"It was obvious." she implied.

Too obvious.

"So, does he know?"

"No. When we were at breakfast, we were talking about he knew he wanted to become an idol and he started talking about a friend of his."

"Friend?" You asked.

"Yeah. He said her grandma was sick and they both decided to become idols to raise money to help her. I guess her family didn't want to."

Chills ran down your arms.

"That's sad." Mei replied.

"Yeah. So, they practiced. Especially, him. He wasn't sure of she gave up because she was basically there got him after practice, get caught up on school work, and even made meals for him."

"That's so sweet!"

Your heart started to race. She knows about me?

"Yeah. But, when he found out he passed the auditions. She basically told him to forget about her and accused him of only doing it for himself."

"What?!" That's crazy!" Mei replied.

Soyeon nodded.

You could feel the tears starting to well up.

No, Y/N. Not here.

"Did he ever tell you what her name was?"

She shook her head, "Maybe it's a good thing, too, She sounds selfish, herself."

A tear ran down your cheek. Way far from the truth.

Soyeon looked at you, confused, "What's wrong, Y/N?"

You cleared the tear away and cleared your throat, "That story was sad."

"Right, Y/N. She helps him then leaves him." Mei said grabbing your shoulders.

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