By the Fire

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A water speeder driven by Paddy Accu, the retreat caretaker, docks at the island landing platform. Y/N and Padme disembark the water speeder at the base of a lodge rising on the beautiful island in the middle of the lake.


Y/N and Padme walk up the stairs from where the water speeder is parked onto a terrace overlooking a lovely garden. Behind them, Paddy Accu follows.

Y/N and Padme stop at the balustrade. Padme looks out across the garden to the shimmering lake and the mountains rising beyond. Y/N looks at her, softly grinning.

Padme: You know... when I was in year three, we used to come here for school trips. See that island? We used to swim there every day. I love the water.

Y/N: I'm not sure I've ever felt better than the time I spent in the lake here all those years ago...

Padme becomes aware that Y/N is looking at her.

Padme: ...When we reached the island, we'd lay in the sand, letting the sun dry us off. We'd try to guess the names of the birds singing.

Y/N: I've spent far too much time in the sand for my liking. Tatooine was a rough planet. Naboo is different, everything's soft... and smooth.

Padme gently touches his arm, urging him closer. He steps towards her gently.

Padme: There was an old man that lived on the island... He'd make these beautiful glass sculptures out of the sand. If the light caught it just right... it was magical.

Y/N looks into her eyes. Her heart beats quicker now.

Y/N: Everything's magical here.

Padme: It was like you could see the water in the glass. The way it ripples and moves. It looked so real... but it wasn't.

Y/N: All you have to do to make something real sometimes, is to believe it is...

They look longingly into each other's eyes.

Padme: I used to think if you looked too deep into the glass, you would lose yourself.

Y/N: I think I'm starting to understand...

Padme leans in kisses him. He doesn't resist. The embrace passionately for a while. She comes to her senses and pulls away.

Padme: No, I shouldn't have done that.

Y/N: No... it's alright. It's my fault. You asked me to stop looking at you. I'm sorry.

She leaves hastily, placing her fingers to her lips again.


Padme and Y/N are in the middle of an idyllic hilly meadow, its lush grasses sprinkled with flowers. At a distance, a herd of shaaks graze.

Beyond is the shimmering expanse of the lake. Several other lakes stretch to the horizon. The warm air is full of little floating puffballs. They sit on the grass, in a playful, coy mood, talking. Padme is picking flowers.

The events of earlier have been pushed into the backs of their minds.

Padme: I don't know...

Y/N: Sure you do... you just don't want to tell me.

Padme: Are you going to use one of your Jedi mind tricks on me?

Y/N: They only work on the weak-minded. You're anything but. Besides, Obi-Wan didn't want to teach them to me. He fears I'd abuse them. (he laughs)

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