Burning on the Sands

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Luke: What happened?

Y/N: Calm down, kid. You've had a pretty bad start to the day. You're lucky to still be alive.

Luke: Who are you??

Y/N: It doesn't matter who I am. The Jundland wastes are a dangerous spot, especially when you're alone. Tell me Luke, what brings you out this far?

Luke: Oh, this little droid! I think he's searching for his former masters... I've never seen such devotion in a droid before... there seems to be no stopping him. He claims to be the property of an Obi-Wan Kenobi. Do you know who he's talking about?

Y/N ponders this for a moment, scratching his beard.

Y/N: Obi-Wan Kenobi... Obi-Wan? Haven't heard that name in a... in a while.

Luke: I think my uncle knew him. He said he was dead.

Y/N: Oh, he's not dead, not... not yet. I don't think. Haven't seen him in a while though.

Luke: You know him!

Y/N: Yeah, of course I know him. He's an old friend of mine. Probably since uh, since before you were born.

Luke: Then you know if the droid belongs to him.

Y/N: I don't remember him owning a droid.. That's very interesting...

He suddenly looks up at the overhanging cliffs.

Y/N: I think we better leave. Sandpeople are easily startled but they'll be back soon and with a lot more of them.. I can bring you to Ben Kenobi. He knows where Obi-Wan is. He's pretty far from here though. It'll take time.

Luke sits up and rubs his head. R2 lets out a pathetic beep causing Luke to remember something. He looks around.

Luke: 3PO!


Little R2 stands at the edge of a large sand pit and begins to chatter away in electronic whistles and beeps. Luke and Y/N stand over a very dented and tangled 3PO lying half buried in the sand.

One of his arms has broken off. Luke tries to revive the stationary robot by shaking him and then flips a hidden switch on his back several times until finally the mechanical man's systems turn on.

3PO: Where am I? I must have taken a bad step...

Luke: Can you stand? We've got to get out of here before the Sandpeople return.

3PO: I don't think I can make it. You go on, Master Luke. There's no sense in you risking yourself on my account. I'm done for.

R2 makes a beeping sound.

Luke: No, you're not. What kind of talk is that?

Luke and Y/N help the battered robot to his feet. Little R2 watches from the top of the pit. Y/N glances around suspiciously. Sensing something, he stands up and sniffs the air.

Y/N: We gotta go Luke... they're on the move.


Y/N and Luke make their way to the outside of a small, spartan hovel.

Y/N knocks twice as the door opens. The interior is cluttered with desert junk but still manages to radiate an air of time-worn comfort and security. Old Ben Kenobi sits thinking on the middle of his homestead.

Y/N: Hey old man. I've got someone that's looking for you.

Ben: And who might that be?

Y/N: Luke Skywalker. Says he's looking for Obi-Wan Kenobi.

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