不 | Chapter 4

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The sun was beginning to set as Huang Feng and Xu Zheng made their way down the mountain, their baskets filled with their bounty from the forest. Xu Zheng felt a sense of satisfaction as he looked at their haul - five rabbits, a variety of fruits and vegetables, and even some cotton that he could use to make a pouch.

As they walked, Xu Zheng glanced back at the forest, feeling grateful that it was so close to their home. It made it easy for them to hunt and gather food, and he was already planning his next trip to explore the woods.

He thought about the coins that the original Xu Zheng had saved up, and he knew that they would need to buy some essentials at the market. Rice was at the top of his list, as well as some spices like salt, sugar, and flour. But for now, they had enough food to last them for a few weeks, and Xu Zheng was confident that they would be able to make do with what they had.

As they walked, the air was filled with the sounds of the forest - the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the occasional scurrying of small animals. Xu Zheng felt a sense of peace wash over him as he took in the natural beauty of the forest.

They finally reached their home, the small house coming into view as they walked down the path. Xu Zheng could see Huang Xu and Huang Hua playing in the yard, and he smiled at the sight of their children.

. . . . . 

Xu Zheng entered the house, his mind already racing with ideas for how to make more money to support his family. He quickly went to the kitchen, organizing their haul from the forest and taking inventory of their supplies.

With everything in its place, he grabbed one of the rabbits and made his way to his children's room. As he approached, he could hear their excited voices from inside, and he knocked gently on the door. "Come in," a small voice called out, and Xu Zheng entered the room.

What he saw inside shocked him. The room was bare, with only a thin straw mat on the floor and a few pieces of clothing in a corner. There was no quilt, no proper bedding, and the clay floor looked cold and uncomfortable.

How could his children be living like this? he thought to himself. They deserved better.

Xu Zheng came back to the present moment, realizing that his daughter was speaking to him. "Pàpa?" she asked, her small voice filled with curiosity.

"Um... yes, a-xu?" he responded, using the affectionate nickname he had given her.

She pointed towards the rabbit in his arms, "Wha't dat?" she asked, her face a picture of innocence.

"Oh," Xu Zheng said, "this is your new pet, a rabbit." He crouched down to her level, carefully handing her the small creature. "Do you want to hold it?"

"Yesh," she said, her face lighting up with a smile. She took the rabbit gently in her arms, her small hands cradling its soft body.

"You and your brother have to take good care of it, okay?" Xu Zheng said, wanting to impress upon his children the importance of responsibility.

"Yesh, we will, pa," she replied, her voice filled with excitement.Xu Zheng smiled, feeling a sense of warmth in his heart at the sight of his children's joy. "Okay then," he said, standing up. "I love you."

The words slipped out before he could stop them, and he paused, realizing that original Xu Zheng had never said those words to his children before. But as he looked at them, he knew that they were true. He did love them, more than anything else in the world.

His children's faces registered shock at his words, and he could see the surprise in their eyes. But then, slowly, they smiled, their faces lighting up with happiness."We love you too, pa," they said in unison, and Xu Zheng felt a sense of contentment wash over him.

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