代代传承| Chapter 22

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Xu Zheng arrived at the neighboring village, known as the Peach Blossom Village, just as the sun reached its peak in the sky. The village was quaint and picturesque, with a small central square bustling with activity. Merchants called out their wares, and villagers chatted as they went about their daily business.

Xu Zheng spotted a man in a faded brown tunic and straw hat, carefully inspecting a set of tools laid out before him. Approaching, Xu Zheng noticed the man's weathered hands and the dirt under his nails—the telltale signs of a seasoned craftsman.

"Good day," Xu Zheng greeted him with a polite bow. "I'm from the next village over, and I'm seeking a skilled well-digger to help my family build a well on our property. Would you happen to know someone who could assist us?"

The man looked up, squinting in the bright sunlight. "Ah, a well you say? You're in luck. My name is Zhan Wei, and I've been digging wells for over twenty years. What sort of well are you looking to build?"

Xu Zheng's face lit up with relief and excitement.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Zhan Wei," Xu Zheng replied, clasping his hands together respectfully. "We're hoping to build a well that will provide a reliable source of water for our family and our crops. We have a growing household, and we believe a well will greatly improve our daily lives."

Zhan Wei nodded thoughtfully. "I understand. A well can indeed be a game-changer for a family. First, we must determine the best location for your well, taking into account the landscape and water sources. Then, we'll need to gather the necessary materials and tools for the job. With the help of your family, we can begin the excavation process."

Xu Zheng listened carefully, absorbing the information and feeling grateful for Zhan Wei's expertise. "How long do you estimate the project will take?" he asked.

"It depends on various factors," Zhan Wei said, stroking his chin. "The depth of the well, the type of soil, and the availability of water sources can all impact the timeline. But generally speaking, a well can be completed within a few weeks if all goes smoothly."

Satisfied with the information he had gathered, Xu Zheng thanked Zhan Wei and arranged for him to visit their property in the coming days to survey the land and finalize their plans. As he left the Peach Blossom Village and headed back home, Xu Zheng couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. 

He was one step closer to making his family's dream a reality, and he couldn't wait to share the news with them.

Upon returning home, Xu Zheng was greeted by his family, who were eager to hear about his meeting with the well-digger. They gathered around the table, the children's eyes wide with anticipation, as Xu Zheng recounted his conversation with Zhan Wei.

"It sounds like we've found the right person for the job," Huang Feng said, a warm smile on his face. "I'm glad to hear that the project should only take a few weeks, if all goes well."

"Yes, and Zhan Wei will be visiting us soon to survey the land and finalize our plans," Xu Zheng added. "I have a good feeling about this, Dear. I believe our family will greatly benefit from this well."

Xu Zhu nodded in agreement. "I've seen the positive impact a well can have on a family's life. It will provide you with a sense of security and self-sufficiency that you've never had before."

The children, too, were excited about the project and couldn't wait to help. They began to brainstorm ways they could contribute, from fetching tools to helping with the excavation process. Their enthusiasm was infectious, and the entire family felt a renewed sense of unity and purpose.

. . . . . 

 In the afternoon, Xu Zheng decided to pay a visit to his friend Wu Cheng, who lived in the other side of the village. He thought it would be a great opportunity for his children, Huang Hua and Huang Xu, to spend some time with Wu Cheng's children, Wu Min and Wu Xing. Excited about the prospect of a fun-filled day, Xu Zheng gathered his children and set off on the journey.

Upon arriving at Wu Cheng's home, they were greeted warmly by their host and his family. The adults exchanged pleasantries and news of their respective villages while the children eagerly eyed one another, already planning their adventures for the day.

"Min, Xing, why don't you show your friends around the house?" Wu Cheng suggested, giving his sons an encouraging nod.

Wu Min, the older of the two brothers, was a responsible and gentle boy, while Wu Xing was a ball of energy, always ready for the next exciting activity. The four children quickly bonded and set off to explore the house, their laughter filling the air.

As the day went on, Xu Zheng and Wu Cheng caught up with each other, discussing their families and their plans for the future. Meanwhile, the children played games, shared stories, and created new memories together.

While the younger children, Huang Xu and Wu Xing, played tag in the nearby field, Huang Hua and Wu Min sat beneath a tree, engrossed in conversation. They had discovered a shared interest in calligraphy and were excitedly discussing different techniques and the meanings of various characters.

Later in the day, as the sun began to set, the families gathered for a delicious meal prepared by Wu Cheng's husband. The children, exhausted from their day of fun, sat together, happily chatting and eating.

"It's been a wonderful day," Xu Zheng said, smiling at his friend. "Thank you for having us. We should do this more often."

Wu Cheng nodded in agreement, grinning at the sight of their children's newfound friendships. "Indeed, my friend. Your families is always welcome here."

When it was time to head home, the children exchanged promises of future visits and adventures yet to come. Xu Zheng and Wu Cheng bid each other farewell, their hearts full of gratitude for the day spent with friends and family.

Throughout the journey home, Huang Hua and Huang Xu eagerly recounted the day's events, already looking forward to their next visit with their new friends, Wu Min and Wu Xing. Xu Zheng listened, content in the knowledge that their families' bond had grown even stronger through the shared experience.

. . . . . 

Published. 21.04.2024

Words. 1060

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