亲血亲情| Chapter 24

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The first light of dawn filtered through the windows, signaling the start of a new day. Xu Zheng and Huang Feng stirred in their bed, the anticipation of the well's completion urging them awake. As they rose, they shared a tender embrace, a wordless exchange of love and support that had become their morning ritual.

Xu Zheng gently kissed Huang Feng's forehead before he slipped out of bed, his footsteps light on the cool wooden floor. He made his way to the kitchen, where he quietly began to prepare hot water for the family to wash their faces and hands.

Huang Feng joined him shortly, a content smile on his face as he watched his husband work. "Good morning, A-Zheng," he said softly, wrapping his arms around Xu Zheng's waist from behind. "Today is the day we've been waiting for."

Xu Zheng turned to face him, his own smile mirroring Huang Feng's. "Yes, it is. I can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces when the well is finally complete."

As the water warmed, the couple worked together to set the table for breakfast, using the leftovers from the previous night's meal. They chatted amiably, their voices low to avoid waking the rest of the family.

Soon, the aroma of warm food and the sound of chatter began to rouse the others from their slumber. One by one, they emerged from their rooms, their faces still heavy with sleep but their eyes bright with anticipation.

"Good morning, everyone," Xu Zheng greeted them, his voice filled with warmth. "I trust you all slept well. Let's wash up and enjoy our breakfast together before we start our day."

As the family gathered around the table, the atmosphere was one of excitement and unity. They washed their faces and hands with the warm water Xu Zheng had prepared, then settled in to enjoy their meal. The leftovers from the previous night's feast were just as delicious, and they savored every bite, their conversation centered around the day's main event.

With full stomachs and a sense of determination, the family prepared to face the day that would bring their well-building project to its fruition. United in their love and commitment, they were ready to see their hard work come to life.

As the family finished their breakfast and began preparing for the day's work, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching the front door. Xu Zheng glanced out the window, his eyes lighting up with recognition.

"Zhan Wei is here," he announced, ushering everyone to gather around the front door.The well-digger arrived with a warm smile on his face, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. 

"Good morning, everyone!" he greeted, his voice filled with energy. "I can feel the excitement in the air. Are you ready to see your well come to life today?"

Xu Zheng nodded, stepping forward to greet Zhan Wei. "We certainly are, Master Zhan. And before we begin, we'd like to offer you some breakfast. It's the least we can do to thank you for all your guidance and hard work."

Zhan Wei hesitated for a moment, his humility evident in his expression. But at Xu Zheng's insistence, he finally relented, allowing himself to be led to the table.

"You don't have to insist, Xu Zheng, but I appreciate your kindness," he said, taking a seat and accepting the bowl of food that was offered to him.

As Zhan Wei partook in the delicious food, the family gathered around him, eager to begin the day's work. Their excitement was palpable, and Zhan Wei couldn't help but be infected by it.

After finishing his meal, he stood and addressed the family. "Today is the day we've been working towards. I know you've put in a lot of effort, and I'm confident that we'll complete this well together. Let's start by reviewing the steps we need to take to finish the project."

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