爱 | Chapter 8

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Xu Zheng smiled as he watched his children's excitement at the prospect of waking up their other father. He lifted A-Xu onto the bed, where she immediately began wiggling and clapping her hands on Huang Feng's chest, trying to rouse him from his sleep.

A-Hua, eager to join in, was lifted onto the bed by Xu Zheng. He bounced him gently on his hip before putting him down next to his sister. "Do you want to try too?" he asked.

"Mmh," A-Hua nodded, his eyes shining with anticipation. The siblings whispered to each other, plotting the best way to wake their father.

Huang Hua started shaking Huang Feng gently, but he remained asleep. "A-Xu, let's try something else," he whispered to his sister.

Xu Zheng stood by, watching the scene with a heart full of love and adoration. He was grateful for this moment of normalcy and joy amid the uncertainty and challenges they had faced.

As the children continued their efforts to wake their father, Huang Feng's eyes fluttered open. He looked up at the two small figures hovering over him and couldn't help but smile. "Good morning, my little buns," he said, his voice heavy with sleep.

Huang Feng couldn't help but feel his heart swell as he woke up to the eager faces of his children. "Father, Father, wake up!" A-Xu yelled excitedly, tugging on his arm.He sat up, greeted by the smiles of A-Xu and A-Hua. 

A-Hua helped his younger sister down from the bed, and the two ran off to find their grandfather in the kitchen.

"Good morning, dear," Xu Zheng said softly, his voice a soothing balm to Huang Feng's senses. "Good morning, A-Zheng," he replied, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him.

Xu Zheng spoke up, "Kids, why don't you go to grandpa in the kitchen while I talk to your father." A-Hua helped his younger sister down from the bed, and the two ran off to find their grandfather in the kitchen. The children obediently left the room, leaving Xu Zheng and Huang Feng to talk.

"Umm... today me and the kids and father are going to the field, and I was wondering where you would be today," Xu Zheng asked hesitantly. "I'll be in the forest hunting," Huang Feng answered.Xu Zheng voiced his concern, "Are you sure.... um... we still have a rabbit left from your previous hunt."

"Yes, I want to go hunting. Don't worry, you can never have enough," Huang Feng reassured him. Xu Zheng nodded, "Okay... well, we have to go wash up now."

Huang Feng watched as Xu Zheng left the room, feeling a sense of gratitude for the love and concern that surrounded him. He knew that they had each other's backs, and that together they could face any challenge that came their way.

Despite Xu Zheng's concern, Huang Feng was eager to explore the forest and hone his hunting skills. He wanted to provide for his family and ensure that they always had enough food to sustain them. 

. . . . . 

Huang Feng could see the concern in Xu Zheng's eyes as he spoke. "I know you're heading out hunting, but will you be gone all day? I just worry about you, you know."He smiled reassuringly at his partner. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I'll be back before the sun sets."

Xu Zheng's expression softened, and he offered a small smile in return. "Ok, I'll hold you to that. Just be safe out there, okay?"

Huang Feng nodded, his heart swelling with love and gratitude for the care Xu Zheng showed him. He leaned forward and gently placed a peck on Xu Zheng's forehead before heading out into the forest.

Xu Zheng was surprised by the affectionate gesture, but it filled him with warmth and comfort. He turned to his children, "Ok, time for us to leave."

He picked up the bamboo baskets and placed them on his back, taking his children's hands as they followed their grandfather to the field. 

The small family made their way to the field, their footsteps falling in sync as they walked. The sun was rising higher in the sky, casting a warm glow over the land. Birdsong filled the air, adding to the peaceful ambiance of the early morning.

Xu Zheng looked around, his gaze falling on the dry and barren ground. The crops were wilted and discolored, with brown leaves and stems stretching out as far as the eye could see.

His heart sank as he realized that almost half of the crops were dying. This meager harvest would not be enough to sustain them through the season, and he felt a pang of worry in his chest.

Xu Zheng knew that they needed to salvage whatever they could from the field. Winter was fast approaching, and they had little in the way of warm clothes or a fireplace to keep them warm. The prospect of surviving the long, harsh winter seemed bleak.

He turned to his father and the children, trying to sound more confident than he felt. "We'll figure something out," he said, trying to reassure them. "We'll make it work." They got to work, carefully examining each stalk for any signs of health. 

They gently plucked the good crops, avoiding the withered ones, and placed them in the bamboo baskets they had brought with them.

Despite their efforts, they left the field with only a small amount of crops - enough to last them perhaps two days. But Xu Zheng knew that they had to make it work, had to find a way to survive the winter ahead.

Xu Zheng and his family continued their journey home, their steps heavy with the weight of their meager harvest. But their progress was suddenly halted by the appearance of Xu Mei, the youngest child of Xu Zheng's other father and stepmother.

Xu Mei greeted them with a smirk, her eyes cold and calculating. "Well, well, look who we have here," she said, her tone mocking. "The poor farmers struggling to make ends meet. Tsk, tsk. How embarrassing for you."

Xu Zheng, sensing the malicious intent behind her words, quickly hid his children behind him. He met her gaze calmly and responded with sarcasm dripping from his words. "Thank you for your kind words, sister. It means so much to us when you show us your true colors. I'm sure it must be difficult to maintain such a shallow facade, but you do it with such ease. Bravo!"

Xu Mei's smirk faltered for a moment, taken aback by Xu Zheng's response. She narrowed her eyes at him, but he didn't flinch, his gaze unwavering.

In an attempt to regain her composure, Xu Mei turned and declared haughtily, "I'm heading to the Wei House to visit my fiancée. Perhaps he can entertain me better than some people." She shot Xu Zheng a withering glance before adding, "I suppose you'll be spending your evening trying to salvage whatever is left of your pitiful crops."

Xu Zheng simply smiled in response, his tone remaining calm and composed. "Perhaps, but I'd rather tend to my crops with dignity than live my life devoid of it."

Xu Mei let out a snort of derision, and her gaze shifted towards Xu Zhu. Her lips curled into a sneer, and she addressed him in a condescending tone.

Her expression unchanged. "And you, Xu Zhu. I didn't see you there. It's good to see you." Her tone, however, remained cold and devoid of any genuine warmth. Xu Zhu greeted her back politely, "Good to see you too, A-Mei."

Xu Zheng interjected, "May I ask who your betrothed is?"

Xu Mei replied with an air of pride, "My betrothed is Wei Cheng. Our union has been blessed by the matchmaker."

The Wei family was well-known in the village as the first family of scholars, with a long line of distinguished academics in their lineage. It was a prestigious match, and Xu Mei clearly relished in the status it afforded her.

Xu Zheng spoke up again, "Sister, we have to be going now. I hope we meet again. I wish you a happy marriage." His words were polite, but there was a glint in his eye that suggested he was glad to be leaving her company.

With that, Xu Zheng, Xu Zhu, and their children continued on their way home, leaving Xu Mei behind. Xu Zheng couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as they departed, glad to be free of her biting remarks and superiority complex. 

He knew that their lives were not easy, but he also knew that they had something that Xu Mei perhaps lacked - a deep sense of love and connection to one another. And in the end, he felt confident that that was worth more than any amount of status or prestige.

. . . . . 

Published 10.12.2023

Words. 1450

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