学习| Chapter 12

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Xu Zheng and his father, Xu Zhu, got ready to tend to their fields and harvest some food. They set off, carrying their tools and baskets, and spent the morning harvesting the crops. The work was tiring, but both father and son enjoyed each other's company and the feeling of accomplishment as they filled their baskets.

As they worked in the fields, Xu Zheng turned to his A'bà and said, "A'bà, it's been a good year for the crops, hasn't it? The harvest is bountiful, and the plants are strong."

"Yes, my son, the rain has been good to us," Xu Zhu replied with a nod. "It is indeed a blessing from the heavens. We must give thanks for this abundance and take care to ensure that future crops are just as fruitful."

"Yes, A'bà," Xu Zheng replied. "I will do everything I can to maintain our land and continue our family legacy." As they worked, the two continued to chat about the harvest and the upcoming tasks that needed to be completed.

"Remember, son," Xu Zhu said, pausing in his work to look at his son. "This land is our home. We must care for it as it cares for us." Xu Zheng nodded in agreement. "I understand, Father. Our family's future depends on the health of this land."

After a few hours, they took a break and rested under a tree, enjoying the cool breeze and the quiet of the countryside. 

They shared a moment of peace, reflecting on their work and the blessings of a good harvest. Then, with renewed energy, they headed back to their house, ready for whatever the rest of the day had in store for them. 

Their hard work and dedication to their land and family legacy was evident in the fruits of their labor, and the bond between father and son was strengthened by the experience.

As the sun started to set, Xu Zheng and Xu Zhu returned home, feeling tired but satisfied with their day's work. Xu Zhou went to rest, while Xu Zheng got to work preparing dinner. He started by rinsing the rice and soaking it in water. Then, he ground up some sweet potatoes and placed them in the steamer with the rice. 

As the mixture cooked, he chopped up some vegetables and prepared a meat and vegetable stew to go with the Babaofan.

The smell of the cooking rice and sweet potatoes filled the house, and soon the family was gathered around the table. Xu Zheng served the steaming Babaofan and stew, and everyone dug in with enthusiasm.

"This Babaofan is delicious, Father!" Xu'er exclaimed as she took a bite. "You always make it so well."

"Yes, it is quite good," Xu Zhu agreed. "And the vegetables are fresh and flavorful." Xu Zheng smiled, pleased that his family was enjoying the meal.

. . . . .

As they finished eating, Hua and Xu started to wash the dishes in the basin, while Xu Zhu sat back in his chair, content with today's process. Xu Zheng turned to Huang Feng and said, "I've been thinking, Dear. We've been getting water from the river all this time, but it's not the most convenient or sanitary way to live. What if we built a well in our courtyard? It would be much more convenient and safer."

Huang Feng nodded thoughtfully. "That is a good idea. It would certainly make life easier for everyone, and it would be a good investment for the future. But it will be a lot of work. Are you sure you want to add that to our list of projects?" 

Xu Zheng smiled confidently. "I know it will be a big undertaking, but I believe it's worth it. With the four of us working together, we can make it happen."

"You are right, A-Xu. We are a family, and together we can achieve great things. I admire your determination and your willingness to take on these big projects for our family. I will support you in this endeavor, and we will build a well that will serve us for years to come."

Huang Feng leaned in and gave Xu Zheng a gentle kiss on the cheek. "We will start planning the well tomorrow, after we finish the planning of the children's room. That way, we can get started as soon as possible."

Xu Zheng smiled and placed a hand on Huang Feng's shoulder. "Thank you, my husband. I'm glad to have you by my side in all of this. With your help, I know we can make our home even better for our family."

. . . . . 

Xu Zheng and Huang Feng readied themselves for a restful night in their ancient bedroom. Xu Zheng, dressed in flowing robes, sat gracefully on the wooden bed, removing his hairpieces and placing them on the vanity table. Huang Feng, sitting nearby, observed with a gentle smile.

Xu Zheng reached out and held Huang Feng's hand, their fingers intertwining with a sense of familiarity and comfort. They exchanged a reassuring squeeze, finding solace in each other's touch.

They rose from the bed, Xu Zheng guiding Huang Feng toward a wooden basin for their night cleansing ritual. They took turns, using a water jug and cloth to bathe their faces and hands, before returning to the room, where the warmth of the bed beckoned.

As they settled into bed, their bodies relaxed, and they exchanged a tender kiss. With closed eyes, they found solace in each other's arms, knowing they were safe and cherished, ready to embrace a peaceful night's rest.

With eyes closed, they allowed their minds to drift to a world beyond their humble existence. In their shared dream, they were no longer toiling farmers, or struggling hunters, but prosperous entrepreneurs, sowing the seeds of success instead. 

They imagined a thriving business, fields of abundance, and a comfortable home where their children laughed and played. Their dreams intertwined, fueling their determination to break free from the chains of poverty. 

As they slept, visions of endless possibilities painted their slumbering minds. In the morning, Huang Feng and Xu Zheng would wake with renewed vigor, ready to turn their dreams into reality, their resilient spirits alight with hope for a brighter future.

. . . . . 

Published 20.01.2024

Words. 1031

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