团结一致| Chapter 27

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One afternoon, as the children were engrossed in their studies and Xu Zheng and Huang Feng were tending to household chores, a surprise visitor arrived at their doorstep. It was the village elder, a wise and respected figure who had always been a source of guidance for the community. Xu Zheng and Huang Feng greeted the elder with warm smiles and invited him inside. 

They offered him tea and a seat at their dining table, where they sat down to engage in conversation.

"Xu Zheng, Huang Feng," the elder began, his voice gravelly yet gentle, "I have come to discuss an opportunity that may be of interest to your family. The village council has decided to establish a small library in the town square, and we are seeking donations of books from families who may have them to spare."

Xu Zheng and Huang Feng exchanged a brief glance, their minds immediately going to the children's ever-growing collection of books. Though they cherished these precious tomes, they also recognized the importance of sharing knowledge with their community.

"That is a wonderful initiative, Elder," Xu Zheng replied, his voice filled with admiration. "We would be honored to contribute to the village library.

We believe that education should be accessible to all, and a library would be a valuable resource for our village. We will speak with the children and gather some books to donate."

The elder nodded, a smile spreading across his weathered face. "I am delighted to hear of your generosity, Xu Zheng and Huang Feng. Your family's commitment to education and community is truly commendable," he said.

. . . . . 

As the weeks passed, the village's excitement over the new library continued to grow. The community came together to organize reading events and book clubs, fostering a shared love of learning and knowledge. Encouraged by this enthusiasm, the village elder and the council began to dream even bigger.

One afternoon, Xu Zheng and Huang Feng were invited to attend a village meeting, where a new proposal was to be discussed. Curious about the nature of the meeting, they made their way to the village square, where a small crowd had already gathered.

The elder stood in the center, his eyes scanning the faces of the villagers. "Thank you all for joining us today," he began. "We are here to discuss an idea that has the potential to transform the future of our village."

The crowd listened intently as the elder continued. "We have all witnessed the success of our new library and the joy it has brought to our community. Today, we would like to propose the construction of a school right here in our village."

A murmur of excitement rippled through the crowd. The elder paused, allowing the news to settle in before he continued. "A school would provide our children with an education that will prepare them for the challenges of the world beyond our village. We believe that by investing in our children's education, we are investing in the future of our community."

Xu Zheng and Huang Feng exchanged a glance, their minds already contemplating the possibilities. The elder then opened the floor for discussion, inviting villagers to share their thoughts and concerns.

Xu Zheng raised his hand, his voice steady and confident as he spoke. "Elder, this is an ambitious and important project. I wholeheartedly support the idea of a school in our village. Our children's education should be a priority, and I believe that together, we can make this dream a reality."

Murmurs of agreement echoed throughout the crowd. Encouraged by the support, the elder smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Xu Zheng. Your words hold great value, and your unwavering dedication to this village is an inspiration to us all."

The meeting continued, with various villagers offering suggestions and pledging their support. As the discussion came to a close, a sense of unity and purpose filled the air. The village was ready to embark on a new journey, one that would shape the lives of generations to come.

As Xu Zheng and Huang Feng made their way back home from the village meeting, the sun was slowly setting, casting a warm glow over the landscape. They walked in silence, each lost in their own thoughts about the meeting and the school construction project.

As they entered the house and closed the door behind them, they were enveloped in the familiar comfort of their home. They made their way to their room, eager to discuss the day's events in private.

Once they were settled, Huang Feng turned to Xu Zheng with a fond smile. "I'm proud of you," he said, his voice filled with affection. "Your leadership and expertise have been instrumental in making our life a better reality."

Xu Zheng smiled back, touched by his words. "Thank you, Huang Feng," he replied. "I couldn't have done it without your unwavering support. Together, we have been able to contribute to our future."

However, as their conversation continued, they couldn't help but remember the painful past they had endured at the hands of some of their fellow villagers.

"But I can't help but feel a sense of unease," he confessed. "After all that has happened, I worry about becoming too involved with the village again."

Xu Zheng nodded, his own thoughts mirroring his husband's concerns. "I understand," he said. "The past has left deep wounds, and it's natural to be cautious. While we want to contribute to the well-being of our community, we must also remember to prioritize our family's safety and happiness."

Huang Feng agreed, a sense of relief washing over him as they acknowledged their shared reservations. "It's important that we find a balance," he said. "We can support the village and help build a better future for our children, but we must also be mindful of the mistakes of the past and ensure that we don't expose our family to such pain again."

As they continued their conversation, Xu Zheng and Huang Feng found comfort in their shared understanding. They knew that their family's well-being was their top priority, but they also recognized the importance of fostering a sense of community and contributing to the greater good.

With this in mind, they decided to take a more cautious approach to their involvement in the school project. They would continue to support the construction efforts and donate books to the library, but they would also maintain a safe distance to protect their family from potential harm.

As the night wore on, Xu Zheng and Huang Feng found solace in each other's company, their bond strengthened by their shared experiences and their unwavering commitment to their family's happiness. They understood that their journey was far from over, but they were prepared to face whatever lay ahead, hand in hand.

. . . . .

Published. 25.04.2024

Words. 1116

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