亲情| Chapter 18

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They spent two weeks renovating the children's room, but they were proud of their achievement.

Xu Zheng and Huang Feng admired the cozy and inviting retreat they had created for their children, as they stood in the doorway of the newly furnished and decorated room. The Price had been steep - 39 taels of silver in total - but the outcome justified it.

"It's perfect," Huang Feng said, wrapping an arm around Xu Zheng's waist. "The kids will love it."

Xu Zheng nodded, feeling a sense of satisfaction and pride. "I'm glad we decided to do this for them. They deserve a special place to call their own."

Just then, Huang Hua and Xu came running into the room, their eyes wide with excitement. "Wow, it's amazing!" Huang Hua exclaimed, jumping onto his new bed. "Thank you, fùqin and Bàba!"

Xu'er ran to the bookshelf and started arranging her books and trinkets. "I love it! Can we decorate the room together?" 

Xu Zheng and Huang Feng exchanged a smile, delighted by their children's enthusiasm. "Of course we can," Huang Feng said. "Why don't we start by hanging up your drawings, A-Xu?"

Together, the family spent the rest of the day arranging and decorating the room, filling it with personal touches that made it truly feel like home. As they worked, they laughed and chatted, savoring the joy of spending time together and creating a space that reflected their love for each other.

By the end of the day, the children's room was complete, and the family stood back to admire their handiwork. "It's perfect," Xu Zheng said, as he leaned his head on Huang Feng's shoulder. "Just like our family."

As they stood there, surrounded by the love and warmth of their home, they knew that the cost of the renovation had been worth every coin. For in that moment, they had everything they needed - each other.

. . . . . 

Xu Zheng set out early one morning, a basket in hand, determined to find the perfect osmanthus flowers for his family's hair oil. As he climbed the mountain, he couldn't help but admire the beauty of his surroundings, the lush green trees and the colorful wildflowers dotting the landscape.

After a while, he spotted a cluster of osmanthus trees, their branches heavy with fragrant white blooms. With a smile, he began to carefully pick the flowers, filling his basket with their sweet scent.

As he worked, his thoughts wandered to his family and their hair care routine. He knew that the river water they used for bathing wasn't the best for their hair, and he wanted to do everything he could to keep their hair healthy and beautiful.

The plan he had come up with was simple but effective. He would mix the osmanthus flowers with rice water and herbs to create a nourishing and fragrant hair oil. He imagined how silky and shiny their hair would be after using the oil, and how the sweet scent of the osmanthus would linger in their locks.

With his basket filled to the brim, Xu Zheng made his way back down the mountain, humming a tune to himself. He couldn't wait to get home and start making the hair oil for his family.

As he entered their home, he was greeted by the familiar sight of his A-Bà preparing lunch in the kitchen. The children were sitting at the table, eagerly awaiting their meal.

Xu Zheng set the basket down on the table, and Hua'er and Xu'er immediately ran over to inspect the flowers. "What are these for, Bàba?" Xu'er asked, sniffing a bloom.

"These are osmanthus flowers," Xu Zheng replied, ruffling her hair. "I'm going to make a special hair oil for all of us with these flowers, so our hair will be healthy and smell wonderful."

Xu's eyes lit up. "Can I help you make it?"

Xu Zheng smiled at his daughter's enthusiasm. "Of course you can help me, Xu. I'd love to have a little assistant."

After lunch, Xu Zheng and Xu got to work on the hair oil. They carefully crushed the osmanthus flowers, releasing their sweet fragrance into the air. Then they added rice, herbs, and water to the mixture, creating a thick and creamy oil.

As they worked, Xu Zheng explained to Ling the importance of taking care of their hair, especially since they didn't have access to the same hair remedies as people in the City. Xu listened attentively, her eyes wide with fascination.

Xu Zheng and Xu presented their finished oil to the rest of the family with pride. "Wow, it smells amazing!" Huang Feng said, inhaling the aroma. "I'm eager to give it a try."

. . . . . 

The next day, Xu Zheng packed the osmanthus hair oil and some other bathing supplies into a basket and announced to his family that they were going to the river to wash their hair. Everyone eagerly agreed, excited to use the new hair oil again.

As they arrived at the river, Xu Zheng set the basket down and spread out a towel on the ground for them to sit on. One by one, they took turns sitting on a small stool while Xu Zheng washed their hair with the osmanthus oil.

Xu Zheng started with his children, Huang Hua and Xu, gently massaging the oil into their scalp and rinsing it out with the cool river water. They giggled and squirmed as Xu Zheng worked, enjoying the soothing sensation of the hair oil.

Next, Xu Zheng washed Huang Feng's hair, taking extra care to massage his scalp and make sure every strand was thoroughly coated with the oil. He closed his eyes and sighed with contentment, feeling pampered and loved.

Finally, Xu Zheng turned to his father, Xu Zhu. "A-ba, your turn," he said with a smile.

Xu Zhu grumbled good-naturedly as he sat down on the stool, but Xu Zheng could tell he was secretly looking forward to the hair wash. As Xu Zheng worked the oil into his father's hair, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia and love for his family.

"You're taking such good care of us, son," Xu Zhu said gruffly, his voice thick with emotion. "I am very proud."

Xu Zheng felt a lump in his throat at the mention of making his A-Ba proud, but he simply nodded and continued washing his father's hair in silence.

Once everyone's hair was clean and fragrant, they gathered up their things and headed home, their hair smelling sweetly of osmanthus flowers.

As they walked back home, the family chatted happily about their day at the river. Huang Hua and Xu took turns running ahead, picking wildflowers and chasing butterflies. Huang Feng and Xu Zheng walked hand in hand, enjoying the beautiful scenery and each other's company.

When they arrived home, Xu Zheng had prepared a delicious meal of roasted duck, vegetables, and rice, and they all sat down at the table to eat.

As they enjoyed their meal, the family talked about their plans for the coming days. Huang Feng mentioned that he wanted to try working on a making furniture to bring in extra money for the family, while Xu Zheng shared his idea to plant a small herb garden in the backyard. The children excitedly discussed their new room, and their calligraphy.

Throughout the conversation, Xu Zhu listened with a quiet smile on his face. He was proud of the life his son had built and the happiness he had found with Huang Feng and their children. 

After dinner, the family cleaned up and prepared for bed. As they lay down to sleep, the sweet scent of osmanthus still lingered in their hair, a reminder of the simple joys and precious moments they had shared that day. 

And as they drifted off to sleep, they knew that no matter what challenges came their way, they would always have each other to lean on and love.

. . . . . 

Published. 14.04.2024

Words. 1306

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