团结| Chapter 19

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Xu Zheng and Huang Feng woke up early in the morning, eager to visit the market and purchase the tools they needed for their upcoming projects. They got dressed, had a quick breakfast, and set out for the market, their excitement palpable.

As they arrived at the bustling market, they were greeted by the lively chatter of vendors and customers, the vibrant colors of fresh produce, and the enticing aromas of various foods. They made their way through the crowded aisles, their eyes scanning the stalls for the tools they needed.

"We should get an ax for cutting wood," Huang Feng suggested, pointing at a stall with a variety of axes on display. "And a plow and hoe for working in the fields."

Xu Zheng nodded in agreement, his gaze falling on a stall selling sickles and hammers. "We'll need sickles for harvesting crops and a hammer for any repairs or construction projects."

They approached the vendors and began negotiating prices, mindful of their budget of 158 taels of silver. As they haggled and discussed the quality of the tools, they couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and partnership. They were building a life together, and each tool they purchased was a step towards their shared goals and dreams.

After some time, they had successfully purchased all the tools they needed at the price of 8 teal of silver in total, and they made their way back home, their arms laden with their new acquisitions. As they walked, they discussed the projects they would tackle in the coming days, their voices filled with enthusiasm and anticipation.

"I can't wait to get started on the furniture," Huang Feng said, hefting the hammer in his hand." And I'm looking forward to planting the herb garden," Xu Zheng replied, smiling at the thought of fresh herbs for their meals.

As they arrived home, they carefully stored their new tools in the shed, making sure they were organized and easily accessible for future projects. With the tools purchased and their budget still holding strong at 150 taels of silver, they felt a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

. . . . . 

In the evening, Xu Zheng and his A-bà, Xu Zhu, set out into the mountains to gather herbs for their family's medicine cabinet. The air was crisp and cool as they made their way through the lush forest, their footsteps crunching on the fallen leaves.

Xu Zheng couldn't help but admire his A-Ba's agility and strength as they climbed higher into the mountains. Despite being a Ger, Xu Zhu moved with the grace and ease of someone half his age.

As they walked, they chatted about their lives, their hopes and dreams for the future. Xu Zheng shared his plans for his furniture business, and Xu Zhu listened with pride, offering words of wisdom and encouragement.

When they reached a small clearing filled with various herbs, Xu Zhu knelt down and began to harvest the plants with care and precision. He explained to Xu Zheng the medicinal properties of each herb and how they could be used to treat different ailments.

Xu Zheng watched his A-bà with admiration, realizing just how much knowledge and experience Xu Zhu possessed. "You're a true healer, A-bà," he said, his voice filled with respect.

Xu Zhu smiled and shook his head.

"I'm no healer, my son," Xu Zhu replied humbly. "I'm simply a Ger who has learned a thing or two about the healing properties of plants over the years. Our ancestors have passed down this knowledge, and it's our duty to continue learning and sharing it with future generations."

As they continued to gather herbs, their conversation turned to their unique abilities as Ger's. "Being a Ger has its challenges, but it's also a great blessing," Xu Zhu said, his voice tinged with emotion. "We can experience the joy of bringing new life into the world, and that's something truly special."

Xu Zheng nodded, his thoughts drifting to the children he and Huang Feng hoped to have one day. "It's a blessing indeed, A-bà," he agreed. "And it's a responsibility we should never take lightly."

With their baskets filled to the brim with herbs, they began their journey back home, the sun casting long shadows on the forest floor. As they walked, Xu Zheng felt grateful for the opportunity to spend this time with his A-bà, learning from his wisdom and soaking up the love and guidance he offered so freely.

Upon their return home, they carefully hung the herbs to dry, ensuring that they would be preserved for future use. As they worked together, their bond deepened, and Xu Zheng knew that he would always cherish this day spent with his A-bà in the mountains, gathering herbs and exchanging tales in the unique way of a Ger father and son.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the kitchen, Xu Zheng and Xu Zhu busied themselves with preparing dinner for their family. They had decided to make stir-fried vegetables, a simple yet delicious dish that would allow the freshness and flavors of the ingredients to shine through.

Xu Zhu started by heating oil in a large wok over the fire, while Xu Zheng washed and chopped the vegetables they had gathered from their garden. The room was filled with the comforting sounds of chopping and sizzling, punctuated by the soft hum of conversation between father and son.

"A-bà, can you tell me more about your Past?" Xu Zheng asked, his curiosity piqued by their earlier conversation. "How did you come to settle in this village?"

Xu Zhu sighed deeply, his gaze growing distant as he recalled the memories of his past. "My story is quite different from that of our ancestors," he began, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "I was born in a village many miles from here, where my family had lived for generations. We were wealthy farmers, known for our bountiful harvests and the quality of our crops."

Xu Zheng listened attentively, his heart aching for the pain he knew his A-bà had endured.

"When I was a young man, not much older than you are now, our village was raided by bandits," Xu Zhu continued, his eyes darkening at the memory. "They came in the night, taking everything they could and leaving destruction in their wake. My parents and I managed to escape, but we lost everything we had worked so hard to build."

With a heavy sigh, Xu Zhu paused for a moment before continuing. "We traveled for many days, seeking a new place to call home. Eventually, we came upon this village and, with the little money we had left, we purchased a plot of land to farm. It was there that I met your father, Xu Chen."

A warm smile spread across Xu Zhu's face as he remembered the man he had loved so dearly. "Xu Chen was the kindest, most hardworking man I had ever met. We quickly became friends, and it wasn't long before our friendship blossomed into love. He asked for my hand in marriage, and my heart soared with happiness."

Xu Zheng couldn't help but smile as he pictured his parents falling in love, their bond deepening as they built a life together.

"Our wedding was a joyous occasion, celebrated by the entire village," Xu Zhu said, his eyes misting with tears. "But just a few months later, tragedy struck once again. My parents, who had been so resilient and strong, passed away, leaving me heartbroken and alone."

He paused, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "If it hadn't been for your father's love and support, I don't know how I would have survived that loss. Together, we worked to honor my parents' memory, tending to our land and caring for our family."

Xu Zheng reached out to grasp his A-bà's hand, offering silent support and comfort. "You and Father have always been an inspiration to me," he said softly. "Your strength, your love, and your resilience have shaped me into the man I am today. I'll always be grateful for the life you've given me and the lessons you've taught me."

Xu Zhu squeezed his son's hand, his heart swelling with love and pride. "And I'm grateful for you, my son. You are the legacy of our family, and I know that you will continue to honor our ancestors and make us all proud."

As they finished making their meal, the weight of the past lifted slightly, replaced by the warmth of their shared love and the promise of a brighter future. Xu Zheng and Xu Zhu knew that together, they could face any challenge and continue the story of their family, a story that was woven with love, resilience, and the strength of the human spirit.

. . . . . 

Published. 15.04.2024

Words. 1449

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