睡觉| Chapter 11

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The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon as Xu Zheng woke his children, Xu and Hua, from their slumber. "Come now, my dears," he said gently. "It's time to wake up and start the day." 

The children rubbed the sleep from their eyes and sat up in their beds. Xu'er, the younger of the two, let out a small yawn.

"But it's still so early, A'bà," she complained. Xu Zheng smiled and nodded. "Yes, it is. But today is a special day, and I want to have a talk with you both before the day begins." The children followed their A'bà, out of their bedroom and into the main room of their small home. 

Xu Zheng poured warm water from a kettle into a basin and handed each of them a cloth. "Wash your faces, my dears," he said. "It will help you wake up."

As they washed, Xu Zheng began to speak. "Today, I want to talk to you about the importance of hard work and determination. You see, in this world, nothing is handed to us. We must work for what we want, and we must never give up, even when things are difficult."

Hua'er and Xu'er listened intently as their A'bà spoke, "And today, I also want to talk about your room. Your father and I have decided that it is time to renovate it. We want to create a space that is not only functional but also reflects your unique personalities and interests." 

The children's eyes lit up with excitement. They had slept in the same worn-out room their entire lives, and the idea of a fresh, new space filled them with joy. 

Xu Zheng went on to talk about his plans to renovate their room that coming week. "I know that your room is worn out, and it's time for a change. We will paint the walls, fix the cracks, and make it a space that you can be proud of. It's time for a new beginning for all of us."

Xu Zheng had just finished setting the table for breakfast when Huang Feng, his husband, walked into the kitchen, followed by his father, Xu Zhu."Good morning." Xu Zheng said with a smile, as he placed the steaming bowls of congee on the table.

"Good morning, A-Xu," Huang Feng said as he took his seat and leaned in to give Xu Zheng a peck on the cheek. "Mmm, that smells delicious."

Xu Zhu, who was carrying a small basket of fresh fruit, also took his seat and nodded to his son. "Good morning, my son. You've been up early."

Xu Zheng smiled and said, "I wanted to make sure everything was ready for a good start to the day. And with the renovations coming up, I figured we could all use a hearty breakfast to fuel us for the work ahead." The family chatted over breakfast, discussing the renovation plans.

After breakfast, Xu Zheng announced that they would be going to the morning market to buy some supplies. "We will need paper, brushes, ink, and books to help the children with their Chinese learning. It is important to always be learning and growing, my dears, and I want to provide you with the tools you need to succeed."

"Yes, A'bà." the children answered. 

. . . . . 

Xu Zheng, Huang Feng, Xu Zhu, A-Hua, and Xu'er all arrived at the bustling morning market. The air was filled with the sounds of merchants hawking their wares, the smells of freshly baked bread and hot tea, and the sights of colorful stalls and bustling crowds.

Xu Zhou took Xu'er and A-Hua's hands, guiding them through the market. "Remember, children, stay close to us. There are many people here, and we want to make sure you don't get lost." The group made their way to the stall that sold paper, ink, quills, and books. 

Huang Feng picked out a stack of paper and a set of quills, while Xu Zheng and Xu Zhu selected an ink stone and a selection of brushes.

Huang Hua, who was very interested in books, scanned the shelves of educational materials with a keen eye. Finally, he pulled out a book on Chinese characters and showed it to his A'bà. 

"What do you think, A'bà?" he asked. "This book looks like it has lots of information on Chinese writing." Xu Zheng smiled at his son.

Xu Zheng looked at the book that Hua had chosen and nodded approvingly. "You have a good eye, Hua'er. This is a very good book for learning Chinese characters. It not only teaches the strokes of each character but also explains the history and meaning behind them. I think it will be a great resource for you."

Hua beamed with pride. "Thank you, A'bà! I'm so excited to learn more about Chinese characters. It's so fascinating!"

Xu Zheng smiled and ruffled his son's hair affectionately. "I'm glad you find it interesting. Learning about our language and culture is important, and it will help you understand our history and traditions better. Perhaps you can even start writing your own stories someday."

Hua's eyes lit up at the idea. "That would be amazing! I've always wanted to be a writer, like the storytellers in the marketplace. Maybe I could even write about our family."

Xu Zheng chuckled warmly. "That would be wonderful. I'm sure your grandfather would love to read a story about our family."

After finishing their shopping at the morning market, the Huang family made their way back home. They walked through the busy streets, navigating the crowds and occasionally stopping to admire a street performer or to smell the fresh baked goods at a vendor's stall.

After finding a availably mule cart the quickly entered and Xu Zheng told the driver their town name before they were on their way.

When they arrived at their house, Xu Zheng took the lead and opened the door for everyone to enter. 

After they had some snacks, Xu Zheng called the children to their room. Xu Zheng took out the new brushes, ink, and paper they had just purchased from the market. "Xu'er, Hua'er, come over here," he called out. 

"I want you both to practice your calligraphy with these new brushes and ink. It's important to learn how to form the characters correctly, and this will be a good way to test out your new supplies." Hua and Xu put down their plates in the sink and eagerly gathered around their A'bà. 

"What should we write?" asked Hua, excited to try out his new brush. "How about we start with the character for 'family'?" suggested Xu Zheng. "It's a good one to learn, and it will remind us of the work we are doing to make our home better for all of us." 

Hua and Xu both began to practice writing the character for 'family,' imitating their A'bà's strokes and trying to make each character as neat and precise as possible.

. . . . . 

Published 19.01.2024

Words. 1154

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