美好| Chapter 16

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The next morning, Xu Zheng and Huang Feng woke early and ate a quick breakfast before heading into town. Their first stop was the market, where they hoped to find strong workers to help with their construction project.

They walked through the busy marketplace, asking around and eventually finding five laborers who were willing to work for a fair wage. The workers followed Xu Zheng and Huang Feng back to their home, ready to begin work on the stone floor.

Their next stop was the stonecutter's shop, where they purchased a large quantity of stone for the floor. The stonecutter was a friendly man named Lao Zhang, who had been in the business for many years. He offered to give them a good price on the stone, and even threw in a few extra pieces as a gesture of goodwill.

As they were finishing their transaction, Huang Feng turned to Lao Zhang and asked, "We're also interested in having a stone well built in our backyard. Could you give us an estimate of how much that would cost?"

Lao Zhang stroked his beard thoughtfully. "A stone well, you say? That would depend on the size and depth you're looking for, but I'd say you're looking at around 100 silver coins for a basic well."

Xu Zheng and Huang Feng exchanged a glance, considering the cost. It was more than they had anticipated, but they knew that a well would be a valuable addition to their home, providing a reliable source of water.

"We'll think about it," Xu Zheng said to Lao Zhang. "Thank you for your help." With their purchases complete, they returned home with the workers and got to work on the stone floor. The laborers were skilled and efficient, and by the end of the day, they had made good progress on the floor.

Xu Zheng and Huang Feng were pleased with the day's work and looked forward to seeing the finished product. They knew that the renovations would not only improve their home but also create a safer and more comfortable environment for their children.

. . . . . 

The day passed quickly as Xu Zheng fished along the river, enjoying the peaceful solitude and the simple joy of catching his family's dinner. As the sun began to set, he knew it was time to head home.

Xu Zheng gathered up his basket of fish and started the trek back to his house. The air had cooled and the sky was painted with a stunning palette of orange and pink as the sun slipped below the horizon.

When he arrived home, Huang Feng and the children were waiting for him. "You're back," Huang Feng said, smiling warmly as Xu Zheng showed him his catch.

"Look at all these fish!" said Huang Hua excitedly. "It's a great haul, A-Xu." said Xu Zhu, his eyes wide with awe.

Xu Zheng smiled proudly. "There's more than enough for all of us. I'll start preparing a fish stew for dinner," he said.

Huang Feng helped him clean and prepare the fish, With the fish cleaned and prepared, Xu Zheng set to work making the stew. He started by heating a large pot over the fire, adding a generous amount of water and a variety of spices. He stirred the mixture, creating a fragrant broth that promised to be both flavorful and comforting.

Next, Xu Zheng began to add the fish. He added the catfish first, then the carp and eel, letting each piece of fish simmer in the broth until it was cooked through and tender. The broth took on a rich, golden color as the fish released their flavors into the stew.

As he worked, Xu Zhu chopped vegetables and added them to the pot, filling the stew with carrots, potatoes, and leeks. The vegetables softened and absorbed the flavors of the broth, adding texture and depth to the stew.

After several hours of cooking, the stew was finally ready. Xu Zheng ladled the rich, hearty mixture into bowls, and the family gathered around the table to enjoy their meal.

. . . . .

It was late in the evening, and Xu Zheng and Huang Feng were getting ready for bed. As they climbed beneath the covers, they couldn't help but continue discussing the potential stone well for their backyard.

"What do you think about the well?" Huang Feng asked, turning to face Xu Zheng in the dimly lit room.

Xu Zheng sighed, considering their options. "I think it would be a valuable addition to our home, but the cost is a bit steep. One hundred silver coins is no small sum."

Huang Feng nodded in agreement. "That's true, but think of the benefits. We wouldn't have to rely on the river for water anymore, and it would increase the value of our home."

Xu Zheng turned to face Huang Feng, gazing into his eyes. "You're right. And it would be a good investment for our family's future. I think we should do it."

Huang Feng smiled, relieved that they were on the same page. "I'm glad you agree. We'll talk to Lao Zhang tomorrow and see if he can start on it soon."

Xu Zheng nodded, feeling a sense of excitement at the thought of the new well. "Yes, let's do that. And maybe we can incorporate some of Wu Cheng and Wu Meng's designs into the well's structure."

Huang Feng chuckled, pulling Xu Zheng closer. "You're always thinking ahead. I love that about you."

They lay there in the darkness, feeling content and hopeful for the future of their family and their home. 

. . . . . 

Xu Zheng and Xu Zhu worked side by side in the kitchen, preparing a meal for their family and the laborers who were helping with the construction project.

"Pass me the garlic, Father," Xu Zheng said, his hands busy chopping vegetables.

Xu Zhu grabbed a head of garlic and handed it to his son. "You're becoming quite the cook, A-Xu. I am very proud." Xu Zheng smiled, touched by his father's words. "Thanks, Father. I'm just trying to help out where I can."

Xu Zhu nodded, watching as his son expertly minced the garlic. "You're doing a fine job, Xu Zheng. This meal will be a welcome treat for everyone after a hard day's work."

The two continued to cook, the sounds of chopping, stirring, and sizzling filling the kitchen.As the food neared completion, the laborers began to arrive, their faces and clothes covered in dust from the construction site.

"Come, everyone, gather around the table," Xu Zhu called out, gesturing for the laborers to take a seat. "Xu Zheng and I have prepared a meal for you all."

The laborers thanked Xu Zheng and Xu Zhu, their appreciation evident in their tired but grateful expressions. They dug into the food eagerly, grateful for the hot, homemade meal.

Xu Zheng and Xu Zhu watched as the laborers ate, feeling a sense of satisfaction at being able to provide for those who were helping to transform their home.

"It's good to see everyone enjoying the food," Xu Zhu said, turning to his son. "You did a fine job, Xu Zheng. I am very proud." Xu Zheng felt a lump in his throat, touched by his father's words. "Thanks, Father. It means a lot to hear you say that."

The two continued to watch as the laborers ate, feeling a sense of gratitude and community in the shared meal. As the laborers finished eating, they thanked Xu Zheng and Xu Zhu once again, their appreciation evident in their words and gestures.

Xu Zheng and Xu Zhu cleaned up the kitchen, a comfortable silence falling between them. 

. . . . .

Published. 08.04.2024

Words. 1257

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