信任建立| Chapter 29

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After a long day of tending to their fields, Xu Zheng returned home to find Huang Feng waiting for him, a look of determination in his eyes. Sensing that something was on his mind, Xu Zheng greeted his husband with a warm smile.

"Xu Zheng, I need to discuss something with you," Huang Feng began, his voice firm but gentle. "As you know, winter is approaching, and we need to prepare our family for the colder months. I have been thinking about cutting wood to stock up on fuel, but carrying it down the mountain will be quite a challenge."

Xu Zheng nodded in agreement, appreciating his husband's foresight. "Yes, that would be quite a difficult task," he said. "What do you propose we do?"

Huang Feng leaned forward, his eyes earnest. "I think it would be wise to invest in the cart right now instead oof later," he suggested. "It may cost us some money upfront, but it will make transporting the wood much easier and more efficient in the long run."

Xu Zheng considered his husband's words, weighing the pros and cons of the situation. "You make a valid point," he replied thoughtfully.

"However, we must also take into account the cost of the cart and our current financial situation," Xu Zheng continued. "When do you think we should purchase the cart, and when would you like to begin cutting wood?"

Huang Feng smiled, grateful for Xu Zheng's practicality. "I understand your concern," he said. "Perhaps we can look into purchasing the cart within the next week or two. As for cutting wood, I was hoping to start this evening, so we can make the most of the daylight hours."

Xu Zheng nodded in agreement, his mind already calculating their budget and how they could make the purchase work. "That sounds like a reasonable plan," he replied. "I'll speak with the local merchants tomorrow to see what options are available to us. In the meantime, let's prepare the necessary tools for woodcutting and make the most of the daylight."

The two men worked together in harmony, their love and respect for each other evident in their thoughtful conversation

. . . . . 

As the sun began to peek over the horizon, signaling the start of a new day, Xu Zheng awoke with a sense of determination. Today, Huang Feng would be venturing up the mountain to cut wood for the winter, and Xu Zheng wanted to make sure his husband had a satisfying meal to sustain him throughout the day.

In the quiet of their kitchen, Xu Zheng gathered the necessary ingredients, his movements quick and precise. He carefully selected each item, considering both taste and nourishment as he prepared the bento box for Huang Feng.

"I hope he enjoys this," Xu Zheng murmured to himself, a small smile playing on his lips. He knew how hard Huang Feng would be working today, and he wanted to show his appreciation and support in the best way he knew how - through food.

The kitchen soon filled with the savory aroma of fried rice, steamed vegetables, and grilled meat. Xu Zheng arranged the dishes carefully in the bento box, making sure to include a variety of flavors and textures that would keep Huang Feng satisfied.

Just as he finished packing the last item, Huang Feng entered the kitchen, dressed and ready to leave.

"Ah, there you are," Xu Zheng greeted him with a warm smile, holding out the bento box. "I've prepared a meal for you to take with you. I hope it will give you the energy you need to tackle today's work."

Huang Feng accepted the bento box, his eyes softening as he looked at his husband. "Thank you, Xu Zheng," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "Your thoughtfulness never ceases to amaze me. This will certainly make my day more enjoyable and easier."

Xu Zheng slightly turned red at the praise, his heart swelling with love for his husband. "It's the least I can do," he replied. "You're doing so much for our family, and I want to support you in any way I can."

Huang Feng leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to Xu Zheng's forehead, savoring the moment of tenderness between them. "Your support means everything to me," he whispered. "I'll be thinking of you and our children while I'm up on the mountain."

With a final embrace, Huang Feng set off, the bento box tucked securely under his arm.

As Huang Feng walked away from his home, the warmth of Xu Zheng's love still lingered in his heart. He glanced down at the bento box, his stomach rumbling in anticipation of the delicious meal that awaited him. But more than just satisfying his hunger, this small gesture from Xu Zheng filled him with a sense of comfort and belonging.

The crisp morning air nipped at his cheeks as he made his way towards the mountain. The trail ahead was familiar, having traveled it many times before, but today he felt a renewed sense of purpose. His family was counting on him, and he was determined not to let them down.

As he reached the base of the mountain, Huang Feng took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of pine and earth. The sounds of the forest surrounded him, birds singing their morning songs and the distant rustle of wildlife. It was a peaceful and calming atmosphere, and Huang Feng couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility wash over him.

He adjusted his tools and began his ascent up the mountain, the bento box swaying gently with each step. As he climbed higher, the view below grew more breathtaking, the village nestled amidst the rolling hills and valleys.

As Huang Feng continued his ascent, his thoughts turned to his family and the journey they had been on together. He recalled the challenges they had faced and the obstacles they had overcome. He thought of his children, their bright smiles and boundless energy a constant source of joy and inspiration. 

With each step, Huang Feng's thoughts shifted from the past to the present, his mind focused on the task at hand. He knew that his family was counting on him to return with a plentiful supply of wood, and he was determined to do everything in his power to make that happen.

As he reached a particularly steep section of the trail, Huang Feng paused for a moment to catch his breath. He took the opportunity to rest and enjoy the beauty of his surroundings, the rugged landscape stretched out before him, bathed in golden morning light.

As he admired the view, Huang Feng felt a deep sense of gratitude for the life he had built with his family, for the love that filled their home, and for the resilience that had carried them through the toughest times.

Huang Feng continued along the trail, his mind sharp and alert as he searched for the perfect tree to harvest. He walked with purpose, his keen eye scanning the surrounding forest, looking for a tree that was both sturdy and sustainable.

As he made his way deeper into the forest, he noticed a tall, robust tree that caught his attention. It stood proudly among its peers, its branches stretching towards the sky, its bark weathered and strong.

Huang Feng assessed the tree with a practiced eye, considering its size, age, and the surrounding ecosystem. He knew that sustainability was key to preserving the forest's natural resources, and he wanted to ensure that his actions today would not have a detrimental impact on the environment.

After careful consideration, Huang Feng made the decision to harvest the tree, his movements purposeful and respectful as he began the process of felling it. He worked with precision, his tools sharp and well-maintained. As the tree slowly came to rest, Huang Feng paused for a moment of quiet reflection, honoring the cycle of life and the contribution that the tree had made to the forest.

. . . . . 

Published. 28.04.2024

Words. 1316

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