兄弟情| Chapter 20

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One afternoon, Xu Zheng sat with his children, Hua and Xu, in their bedroom, ready to practice calligraphy. Today, they would focus on the character 分享, which means "to share." Xu Zheng thought it was an important concept for the children to learn and appreciate, as sharing was a fundamental value in their family.

As Hua and Xu prepared their brushes and ink with concentration, Xu Zheng smiled. "My little ones, today we will write the character 分享, which means 'to share,'" he explained. "Sharing with others is a way of showing kindness and empathy, and it helps to build strong relationships within our family and our community."

Xu Zheng demonstrated the strokes of 分享 with ease, guiding Hua and Xu's hands as they attempted to replicate the character. "Very good, Hua," he praised, as she created a graceful 分 on the paper. "And Xu, don't forget the proper stroke order for 享."

"Bàba, can we show our calligraphy to fùqin and zǔfù later?" Hua asked, his voice filled with excitement.

"Of course," Xu Zheng replied, his heart warming at the thought of his children wanting to share their accomplishments with the rest of the family. "They would love to see your progress and hear about what you've learned today."

Xu Zheng watched his children practice their calligraphy with dedication and joy. He knew that through these lessons, he was not only teaching them a valuable skill but also instilling in them the values and traditions that had been passed down through generations.

With each stroke of their brushes, Hua and Xu were connecting with their cultural heritage and forging a deeper bond with their father and the rest of their family, a bond that would be treasured for a lifetime. As the calligraphy session came to an end, Xu Zheng gathered his children in a warm embrace, their love for one another and their family growing stronger with each passing day.

. . . . . 

Xu Zheng and Huang Feng, decided to take a leisurely stroll through the nearby forest. The weather was perfect, with a gentle breeze rustling the leaves and the warm sun filtering through the canopy above. As they walked hand in hand, they marveled at the beauty of the natural world around them.

"It's nice to have a chance to enjoy a walk in the forest like this," Huang Feng said, a contented smile on his face.

Xu Zheng nodded in agreement. "You're right. We've been so busy with the children and the farm that we've forgotten to take time for ourselves."

As they continued their walk, they decided to use the opportunity to map out the forest for future reference, marking the trees with different characters to indicate various levels of safety.

"We can mark the trees with the character 绿色 for green, meaning it's safe," Xu Zheng suggested. "That way, we'll know which areas are best for the children to explore when they join us."

"Good idea," Huang Feng replied. "And we can use 黄色, yellow, to indicate where animals are nearby, so we know to be cautious. We should also use 红色, red, to mark dangerous areas that we should avoid."

They continued their stroll, enjoying the serenity of the forest while carefully marking the trees with the appropriate characters. As they walked, they chatted about their children, their hopes for the future, and the joy they found in the simple pleasures of life.

As they marked the final tree and turned to head back home, Xu Zheng couldn't help but feel grateful for the life he shared with Huang Feng and their family. "Thank you for this wonderful day," he said, squeezing his hand gently. "It's a good reminder that even amidst our busy lives, we can always find time to appreciate the beauty of the world around us and the love we share."

Huang Feng smiled, putting a hand around Xu Zheng's waist as they walked. "I couldn't agree more. As long as we have each other and our family, we have everything we need."

Together, they returned home with a newfound appreciation for the simple joys of life and a deeper understanding of the forest that surrounded their village.

. . . . . 

Early one afternoon, Huang Feng found himself in the shed, surrounded by the comforting smell of freshly cut wood. He had decided to craft a new stool for his wife, Xu Zheng, as a surprise gift, and had chopped down the wood himself using his trusty ax.

As he began to work, Huang Feng couldn't help but feel a bit rusty. It had been years since he had last practiced his carpentry skills, and his movements felt slightly awkward at first. Determined to make a beautiful stool for his beloved wife, Huang Feng pressed on.

He carefully measured and marked the wood, remembering the techniques his father had taught him as a young boy. The sound of his saw cutting through the wood was oddly satisfying, bringing back fond memories of time spent in his father's workshop.

After a while, Huang Feng began to find his rhythm. His hands moved more confidently, and the pieces of the stool started to take shape. There was something therapeutic about working with his hands, creating something tangible from raw materials.

Hours passed, and the stool was nearly complete. Huang Feng stepped back to admire his handiwork, and while it wasn't perfect, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

As the sun set and the aroma of the evening meal began to fill the air, Huang Feng entered the kitchen where Xu Zheng was busy preparing their dinner. The man smiled as he saw his husband approaching, stirring a pot on the stove.

"Dinner is almost ready," Xu Zheng said cheerfully. "What have you been up to all day? I barely saw you!"

Huang Feng grinned mischievously. "I've been working on a little surprise for you."

Xu Zheng's brows raised in curiosity. "Oh? And what might that be?"Without another word, Huang Feng disappeared into the next room, returning moments later with the newly crafted stool in his arms. He placed it in the center of the kitchen, beaming with pride as Xu Zheng took in the piece of furniture.

"Huang Feng, it's beautiful!" Xu Zheng exclaimed, running his hand over the smooth wood. "Did you make this yourself?"

"I did," Huang Feng replied, a warmth spreading through his chest at the praise. "I know it's not perfect, but I wanted to make something special for you."

Xu Zheng embraced Huang Feng tightly, and the two men shared a tender kiss.

"It's perfect because you made it with love," Xu Zheng whispered, his breath warm against Huang Feng's ear. "I'll treasure it always."

They stood there for a moment, basking in the glow of their love and appreciation for one another.

Just then, the children burst into the kitchen, their laughter filling the room. "What's that, Bàba?" Xu asked, pointing to the new stool.

"This is a special gift from your Papa," Xu Zheng replied, smiling. "He made it just for us."

Hua immediately climbed onto the stool, testing its sturdiness. "It's very strong, fùqin!" he declared.

Huang Feng ruffled his son's hair affectionately. "I'm glad you like it, Hua."

The family sat down for dinner, the newly crafted stool taking pride of place at the table. As they enjoyed the delicious meal Xu Zheng had prepared, they laughed and shared stories about their day, their love for one another filling the cozy kitchen with a sense of warmth and belonging.

. . . .  

Published. 18.04.2024

Words. 1237

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