天气 | Chapter 14

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Huang Feng approached the rabbit, picking it up and putting it in his basket. As he walked, he couldn't help but reflect on his life and how he had come to be here, hunting in the mountains for his family. 

He had grown up in a small village not far from the Hu Village, and his childhood had been spent working in the fields and helping his father with his carpentry work.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, Huang Feng continued to move stealthily through the forest, his footsteps making hardly any sound on the soft earth. He held his bow ready, his eyes scanning the trees for any signs of game.

Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the underbrush nearby. He froze, his heart pounding as he saw the flash of bright feathers. A pheasant was scratching at the ground, searching for food. Huang Feng drew his bow, taking careful aim at the pheasant. He let out a deep breath and released the arrow. It flew true, hitting the pheasant in the chest. The bird let out a small squawk before going still.

Huang Feng approached the pheasant, relief and pride swelling in his chest. He quickly plucked and cleaned the bird, adding it to the rabbit he had already caught. As he prepared to head home, Huang Feng took a moment to give thanks to the spirits of the forest for providing him with a successful hunt. "Thank you, spirits of the forest," he whispered.

. . . . .

Xu Zheng sat cross-legged on the floor with his children gathered around him, their new books laid out in front of them. The books were filled with beautiful illustrations and rows of intricate kanji characters.

"Today, we are going to learn how to read these characters," Xu Zheng said, pointing to the first page of one of the books. "These are the building blocks of our written language, and they can help us understand the world around us." The children nodded, their eyes wide with curiosity.

Xu Zheng pointed to the first character. "This is the character for 'mountain.' It's pronounced 'yama.' Can anyone tell me what a mountain is?"

Huang Hua, raised his hand. "A mountain is a big, tall hill," he said. "That's right, A-Hua!" Xu Zheng said, smiling. "And this next character is the character for 'river.' It's pronounced 'kawa.' Can anyone tell me what a river is?"

Huang Xu spoke up. "A river is a big, flowing body of water," she said. Xu Zheng nodded. "That's right, Xu'er. And these characters can help us read and write about these things. Let's practice writing these characters now."

He handed out brushes and ink to the children, and they began to practice writing the characters for "mountain" and "river." Xu Zheng moved from child to child, offering guidance and encouragement as the two learned to form the complex strokes.

. . . . .

Xu Zhu hummed softly to himself as he worked, his skilled hands moving deftly as he prepared a meal for his family. The kitchen was filled with the aroma of spices and herbs, each one carefully selected and blended to create a flavorful and nourishing meal.

He started with a pot of rice, carefully measuring the grains and adding just the right amount of water to ensure it cooked to perfection. Then, he turned his attention to the vegetables, slicing and dicing them with precision. The peppers were cut into thin strips, while the carrots were diced into small cubes.

Next, he heated a wok over the fire, adding a bit of oil to the hot surface. The vegetables sizzled as they hit the wok, and Xu Zhu quickly stirred them, ensuring they cooked evenly. He added a dash of soy sauce and a sprinkle of ginger, allowing the flavors to meld together.

As the rice finished cooking, Xu Zhu prepared a simple soup to accompany the meal. He chopped some greens and added them to a pot of boiling water, along with a few thin slices of pork. The soup simmered, the pork adding a savory depth to the broth.

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