兄弟姐妹| Chapter 26

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The journey back home was slow but steady, the weight of the stones making the cart's progress somewhat laborious. However, Xu Zheng and Huang Feng's spirits remained high, fueled by their anticipation of returning home and completing the final touches on the well.

As they approached their house, they were greeted by the sight of Zhan Wei, who had been patiently awaiting their return. Noticing the heavy load in their cart, he rushed forward to lend a hand.

"Xu Zheng, Huang Feng, you've returned!" Zhan Wei exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "Let me help you with those stones. We'll have the well-fortified in no time!"

Xu Zheng and Huang Feng gratefully accepted his help, and together they began to unload the cart. As they carried the stones to the well site, Zhan Wei couldn't help but marvel at the quality of their purchase.

"You've chosen well," he remarked, admiration in his voice. "These stones will provide excellent support and protection for the well. It's clear you're committed to ensuring its longevity." Xu Zheng nodded, a sense of pride swelling in his chest. 

As the three worked together, the afternoon light began to fade, and they could feel a coolness in the air. Despite the chill, they remained focused on the task at hand, their determination driving them forward.

As the stones were placed around the well as an outer layer, Xu Zheng and Huang Feng exchanged glances, their shared sense of accomplishment evident. Even Zhan Wei couldn't help but admire their dedication and perseverance.

"You've accomplished something truly remarkable," he said, pausing to admire the fortified well. "This will benefit your family for years to come, and perhaps even the entire village."

Xu Zheng and Huang Feng exchanged smiles while Xu Zheng grimaced a bit at the thought of the village using their well after what they did to their family, grateful for Zhan Wei's support and encouragement. As they finished the final touches, they took a moment to admire their handiwork, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction at what they had achieved.

As they gathered their tools, the evening sky began to twinkle with stars, and a sense of peace descended over the household. 

As the sun disappeared over the horizon, Xu Zheng and Huang Feng, along with Zhan Wei, made their way back to the house, their minds and bodies tired but fulfilled. As they entered the warm, inviting space, the scent of freshly cooked food wafted from the kitchen, tempting their senses.

Seating themselves at the dining table, the family eagerly began to help themselves to the delicious meal that had been prepared. As they ate, the conversation turned to their achievements and future plans.

"Today was a good day," Xu Zheng said, taking a sip of tea. "The well is complete, and we've reinforced it with the best stones available. Now, we must consider our next steps."

Huang Feng nodded, his eyes thoughtful. "That's true." he agreed. 

"Our family has come a long way, but there's still more we can do. Perhaps we should consider providing more opportunities for the children's education." Xu Zheng suggested.

Huang Feng's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "That's a wonderful idea," he said. "However, the only school available is in town, and it would be quite tedious to pay for a mule cart every day to transport the children there and back.

Perhaps, instead of relying on someone else's mule and cart, we should consider purchasing our own," Xu Zheng proposed. "It would be a significant investment, but it would provide us with more freedom and control over the children's education, as well as other transportation needs."

Huang Feng considered the proposal, a thoughtful expression on his face. "It's a large investment, but I can see the benefits," he replied. "If we were to buy our own mule and cart, we could not only ensure the children's daily transportation to school but also use it for other tasks, such as fetching supplies from town or transporting goods for trade."

Xu Zheng nodded, feeling a surge of hope at the possibilities this new investment could bring. "Exactly," he said. "It would be a significant step towards securing our family's future and improving our overall quality of life."

Xu Zhu, who had been listening to the conversation attentively, chimed in. "I wholeheartedly agree," he said. "Education is invaluable, and a mule and cart would not only facilitate that but also open up new opportunities for growth and prosperity."

Encouraged by the support of his Husband and father, Xu Zheng decided to move forward with the plan. "I'll start making inquiries tomorrow about the cost of a mule and cart," he said, a note of determination in his voice. "If we're lucky, we may find a suitable pair at a reasonable price."

As the meal came to an end, the family's spirits remained high, fueled by the promise of a brighter future. With their bellies full and their hearts filled with hope, they retired for the night, eager to tackle the challenges that awaited them in the days to come.

In the darkness of the night, Xu Zheng lay awake, his mind racing with the possibilities that lay ahead. A mule and cart could be the key to unlocking new opportunities and ensuring a better life for his family. With this thought, he drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with images of his children happily attending school and their family thriving in the face of adversity.

. . . . . 

In the days that followed, the household settled into a peaceful routine. The family had decided to enroll the children in school after they had grown accustomed to their new bedroom and the well. For the time being, the urgency of acquiring a mule and cart was put on hold, allowing the family to focus on other matters.

During this period, the children spent their days immersed in their studies. They diligently practiced their calligraphy, their brushes dancing gracefully across the paper, leaving a trail of elegant characters in their wake. Additionally, they devoted time to reading, their young minds absorbing the wealth of knowledge contained within the pages of their books.

The serenity of these days was not without purpose. Xu Zheng and Huang Feng understood the importance of allowing the children time to adjust to their new living situation and to become familiar with the well that held such significance for their family. 

They believed that this period of tranquility would better prepare the children for the transition to school and the excitement that the acquisition of a mule and cart would bring.

As the children's laughter and the soft rustling of pages filled the air, Xu Zheng and Huang Feng took comfort in the knowledge that they were providing a nurturing environment for their family to grow and thrive. The quiet days, though seemingly uneventful, served as the foundation upon which their future plans would be built, ultimately leading their family towards a brighter and more prosperous future.

. . . . . 

Published. 25.04.2024

Words. 1155

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