Chapter 36 ((Takeyama))

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Chapter 36

“Welcome, welcome!” Followed by many hellos and greetings in various languages. “It’s such a great thing to see you all gathered here today. Of course, you’ve all heard the news. Today, I, Rio Shiroi will become the new Head of ShiroTech and, I’ll be marrying the beautiful Deidra here.” Hands clapped in response, some people even hooting out to her. I merely watched, eyes narrowed. 

She did not look happy. Her long locks of black hair had been strung up into a golden pin, many strands adorned with jewels or rubies. A black shift hung down from her shoulders, tightened at her waist by a simple white ribbon, but it looked beautiful on her. Everything looked beautiful on her. 

From the other side of the room, I saw them enter. Traitors. Daisuke. Keisuke. How could they just leave me behind for such an important mission? Doesn’t matter now though, because I’m here and I’m going to save Eve and I’m going to find a way to get rid of this stupid war once and for all. Maybe I’ll kill the kid up there after Eve’s all patched up and working like she should be. Such a good idea that is… 

“Little ‘brother’, it’s time I bullied you some, hmm?” I walked over to where the bride stood, knowing that no one else would notice me. After all, I was under disguise. My hair was a nice honey shade of brown. My eyes were a deep black that fit my “original” name nicely and I was a bit shorter by a half a foot. I smiled, offering my hand to her. “Would you like to dance for a while, Mrs. Bride to Be?” 

She eyed me with an untrusting expression, those beautiful violet eyes darkening as they narrowed. Still, she took my hand and I knew it was only so she could get away from Rio. She probably hated the kid just as much as I did. “And who may you be?” she asked in that same elegant voice she’d used the first time we’d met. 

“Oh, you know. The man whom you gave five tickets. I’m so sorry to say that only three were used.” Her eyes brightened immediately. The look of un-trust vanished, leaving a smile in it’s stead. 

“I know about those two,” she said after I’d lead her onto the dance floor. “Rio recognized his twin through some sort of software that connected them, and as for that Rika girl…” she shuddered, and I raised a curious eye. What about Rika? “Anyways, Rio’s having fun right now. He thinks the war is on his side now and that the Dorei’s are a waste of effort in stopping. What a spoiled brat. And you know, he’s only been alive for a few months? Last I heard, after the big incident with Eve in ShiroTech all those years ago, he was shut off because Daisuke Shiroi thought he’d been too… incompetent. But now that the brat prince is awake and the old man’s dead, he’s having too much fun.”

I spun her around, ignoring the stares we received. “And would you like me to push the throne out from under him?” Rio came to attention of us dancing and I felt his glare hit my back. Oh well, the brat prince could cry for all I cared. 

“If you can, then go ahead and try. He’s all yours.” I spun her around one last time, and a hand landed hard on my shoulder when we separated. I didn’t have to look to know it was Rio. Booo hooo. 

“May I ask who you are? I don’t remember inviting you.”

I feigned innocence, widening my eyes and arching my brows high up. “No? But I have my invite right here! Would you like to see it?” Rio’s not buying it, his eyes still narrowed. Or maybe he’s just too pissed off because it looked like I was flirting with his fiancée.

“I’d rather not,” he growls, watching me with the same blue eyes I have, even if he can’t see it now. “Though what I would like to know is why you’re dancing with my bride to be?” 

I lean back when he tries to get in my face, smiling simply. “She looked down! I only meant to humor her–”

“Sir, it seems someone’s broken into the ShiroTech archives.” 

Rio and I react in a manner so alike, I have to wonder if maybe Kagami’s really aren’t unique. Both of us reach for the guard, but I pull away fast, even as Rio continues forward, grabs him by the collar and growls softly, “What did you say?” 

The guard struggles, trying to repeat his earlier message. I use the small moment of confusion to back away, feeling the eyes of several guests coming to rest on Rio, and turn over to where I’d seen Daisuke and Keisuke. Sure enough, they’re gone. 

“Alright, that’s it! Lock down the place!” An with that, the hell of the party began as people screamed in urgency. I winced at the screams, watching some of the frantic guests run towards the exits and throw punches for the guards. A woman managed to sink a heel into the crotch of one, and another even took them off to use them as hand weapons. Interesting. 

And that’s when I realize it. Everything’s in a panic. The place is shut down. I can finally kill Rio! Yes! And then everything will be good and done with and I won’t have to deal with the damn brat anymore!

“Battle Mode Six: Kogemasu (Burn),” I growl, glad to finally use my abilities. It’s been too long. “Rio, koroshite ageru,” I say the words loud enough for him to hear, knowing he’d be one of the few to understand the words. I’ll kill you. As if the flames bursting out of my hands aren’t enough for him. 

“What the… Battle Mode Seven: Suiatsu (Water)!” Water from countless glasses shoot up and begin to surround Rio, waves of it threatening to come over me. I don’t care. Water may be able to extinguish fire, but if the fire’s hot enough, it’ll condense the water. 

Donning a manic grin, I pulled out as much energy I could and fed it to the fire, loving the way the flames became blue. Then, with one last glance behind me to the woman who looked so eerily like Eve yet so different at the same time, I lunged for Rio, laughter bubbling out of my mouth and filling the room, silencing everyone else’s screams. “DIE, YOU FAKE!”

“Not before you!” Rio yells back, pushing forward with the water moving around him like a large, pet snake. In the moment of our collision, all I hear is a loud, ringing sizzle that takes up everything of my hearing. Next is the fact that my skin’s melting. All of the synthetic skin, slowly melting off to reveal the technology that’s made me. 

I’m not the only one melting. Rio stares at me with shocked eyes, half his face peeling off. The water’s condensed, just as I’d though it would, but the steam of the ultra hot water is acting on it’s own, a creation of both our abilities, and therefore the perfect weapon against the two of us. 

“You astard!” he growls, his speech slightly off. 

I can only keep laughing, gripping his shoulders as the blue fames continue to lick at the skin of my hands and consume the fabric of Rio’s shirt. “I’m bringing you down with me! AHAHAHA! AHAHAAAAAHAAHAHAAA! SAY GOODBYE, WORLD, TO THE SHIROI FAMILY! ETERNAL WE SHALL NEVER BE!”

“YOU’RE WRONG! THE OTHER ME STILL LIVES, YOU IDIOT! WE WILL SURVIVE ETERNALLY. WE WILL! KURO, RIO, AND EVERYONE! WE WILL LIVE IN ETERNITY! JUST YOU WATCH!” Rio’s laughing to, insanely, his hair burning off his head at the same time his arms burn off his body. The shell of Rio falls back, still laughing. 

And I, still burning, still melting, finally calm down just enough to realize that, yeah, the other Rio’s still alive. I need to kill him too. I don’t have long though… 

Slow, I bring my hand up before my face, see the burnt up circuits and know that my times up. There’s nothing I can do about Rio. “We never should’ve been created, you and me. We’ve only just prolonged the battles into an eternity that shouldn’t exist for Kurai… Este mundo no nos necesita…” and with that, my flames overcome whatever else is left of Takeyama Kuro Shiroi, and I cease to exist. 


Inai Ni Yami ((Within Darkness)) {{FINISHED}}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora