Inai Ni Yami ((An Original Story)) Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I hate Kurai's. I hate Dorei's. I hate Mecka-Kikai's. I hate Shin-En. And most of all, I hate father and grandfather, who apparently I am but not exactly. But whatever. At the moment, Takeyama and I were both being carried by the Kagami Mecka-Kikai, who's name just so happened to be Hirano. Which is a guy's name. And that's a girls body. Call me a hypocrite, but isn't that just wrong?

Oh, what's worse is the fact that there's a van already waiting for us up ahead, meaning there's not much time to try an escape and the girls are awfully late since we were supposedly going to meet right here to find the first clue in the path. Where the hell are they? I sighed, looking up at the black ceiling overhead. If only Shin-En wasn't underground and had an actual sky like the humans above. I wonder how it would look...

"Chrome Killer: Versio-" Tape was slammed over my mouth by non-other than the other Rio. He gave me a glare that would make three year old brats cry before continuing to the automotive, his body rigid and stiff- probably from the few minutes spent being tossed about by me. I tried to bite the tape off, or to moisten the sides and cause it to fall of or something but this was no normal school tape I was dealing with. And when I tried pushing at it with my tongue, I ended up getting my tongue stuck to it. This stuff must be really heavy duty.

Rio... I think I'm going to call him something else, so I don't confuse myself... How 'bout Roi (A/N: Pronounced like r-oy)? Yup, that's it. So, Roi opened the back double doors of the automotive and a second later Takeyama and I were being launched in. I landed hard on the side of my head, and I had no doubt Takeyama was feeling the same pain. Roi smirked at my discomfort, slamming the doors shut and leaving me in darkness with the unconscious idiot tied to me.

I hate you so much, I thought to Takeyama, though it isn't like he heard me anyway.

The doors opened about an hour later, bringing in a lot of light and blinding me in the process. I groaned, looking away. That was absolutely annoying. But so were the binds around me that tied me to the still unconscious Takeyama. Someone reached in and dragged us out, dropping us onto the ground not at all gently. Damn, I'd be worried about bruising but now I'm not even sure if this 'skin' I'm wearing can bruise or if it's just a fake nothing.

I looked behind me to Takeyama and rolled around to wake him up. He stayed motionless, and for a while I worried if he was dead. But then I remembered the conversation between Takeyama and Eve earlier, when I'd been slightly unconscious and not all there. They'd said how I didn't have a heart... it wouldn't beat. And the lungs thing. They were probably only for talking. So he's probably still alive. Just not conscious.

"Welcome back home," growled a very familiar voice. I looked up and locked eyes with father, a new Dorei at his side - this one with chestnut hair, wide blue eyes and a body that many Kurai woman went gaga over. I glared, unable to do much more. "It's nice to see you've made friends with your true brother. Since the both of you were created in the same lab and all. It's like your practically blood related. Too bad you don't have blood. Hirano, take them and follow me."

Hirano was still here? I thought they'd be deployed by now to go off and 'turn off.'

Hirano picked us up as asked, again not being at all gentle. The place was familiar in every aspect. Because this place really was home. Or at least it used to be home to me. Now I have the feeling it's going to become some sort of prison to both Takeyama and I. The gilded double doors of the contemporary house opened to the living room, four stylized couches -one on each side of the room- surrounding a small coffee table in the center. Yume sat at one of the chairs, eyes widening when she saw our entrance and especially when they landed on Takeyama.

"Kuro!" She launched herself forward but one of the hidden guards of the house stepped in her way and carried the screaming girl away to her room upstairs. We passed said stairs that were just outside the living room and entered the kitchen. It looked as it had a week before; no blood on the black tiled floor, walls painted a fresh coat of white. The smell still stuck to the room. And then down we went, into the small hallway that lead to my 'room.' Hirano threw us in, not even caring to undo the binds on us but instead only ripping the tape off my mouth. I winced at the pain.

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