Inai Ni Yami ((An Original Story)) Chapter 12

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**sigh** that was a lot o hypertyping, but thank PandorE for it!! Even if this only makes like two pages, im definitely glad i could write SOMETHING.

now, I'm going to retire for the night.

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Chapter 12

Mecka-Kikai's that looked just like our little group stood at the exit to Takeyama's tunnel. They all had an expressionless look on their face. All except the other Rio. He had a huge smirk planted on his lips. One of his hands had been turned into a claymore-looking weapon. "If you thought this would all be easy, you've got it all wrong," he said, pointing the claymore at me. I looked down at my weapon, the ones Takeyama had and then the claymore with the kagami. I needed something better to fight against a large claymore like that! Something that also had a double edge.

"Suzuru, Hirano, Tatsuke, go!" He commanded, and forward went all the Mecka-Kikai's, silver eyes flashing in the blue light of the tunnel. Each had a sword of their own, sheaths on their backs. So they weren't like kagami's; they didn't have the weapons inside of them. It was a miracle father hadn't modified them to do that yet. The first one to hit me was the Barajou look-alike. She looked everything alike, up to the last detail. The only difference was the suit, which was a newer model; I think, at least.

"Battle Mode Two: Mirror Minion!" I tried to use it again and again the words did nothing. Swearing, I went on to using that new battle mode thing Takeyama had used. "Chrome Killer: Version Three." My hands hit the ground with a loud thwack. Ok, so yeah, maybe I did need some more time in the gym, but other than that I should be able to carry these. How come Takeyama's able to carry them like their freaking feathers?! "Chrome Killer: Version Two." I growled, watching the two thin blade snake out of my hands. A second later and 'Barajou' struck with her sword.

I was barely fast enough to block her, and the strength she'd put into the blow nearly knocked me to the ground. What the hell was this? I mean, sure, I knew they were strong but Eve and Sora had been able to bring them all down and I had brought Eve down. "Kid, behind you!" I threw one hand/sword back, catching another Mecka-Kikai in the chest. It went right through her chest and out the other side, metal squeaks and shrieks coming from inside her. The silver eyes flashed once more before shutting off completely, leaving nothing but grey eyes.

Something hit me in the head and I found myself blacking out even as I fought to keep my balance. But here's the thing with my 'black-outs.' Everything went white and instead of being unconscious and unknowing of what was going down, I was sitting on the ground and staring up at a screen that showed Takeyama and the other Rio fighting. I groaned, shaking my head. Great. Just fucking great. I looked to my side and as expected, there sat Rika, watching the scene too.

"They look real, right?" she motioned her hands to the Mecka-Kikai's that were still working. "I made them myself, but apparently they weren't good enough. Father wants them to be the real thing. He said those are just fakes and won't always work." I sat up with a start, realizing I was sitting next to the Rika kagami with fath- I mean with Daisuke. She looked the same as she had before, wearing the same old LyoLyte suit from thirty years ago. She smiled. "You know about me now, don't you?"

"No." I answered automatically, looking away.

Rika giggled, shaking her head. "You know, mister. Your mind and reaction says it all. Did Kuro tell you? He seems to know everything about me, but that could just be because of the other me, right? Am I right?" I looked away. Tried to blank my mind as I watched the screen. Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it! "What are you not thinking about?" Rika asked, leaning in close. I could feel her breath.

Inai Ni Yami ((Within Darkness)) {{FINISHED}}Where stories live. Discover now