Inai Ni Yami ((An Original Story)) Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

"Now... if you're done moving around, who are you?"

"Evelyn, head chief of the kagami recuperation group. Kagami 20-"

"I don't need to know everything," he growled into my ear, pressing the blade closer to my skin and chancing a cut. I leaned back into him to avoid the blade. "I'm going to call you Eve, ok? So, Eve, do you like your life?" I blinked in confusion, not expecting the question. Actually, I'd been expecting him to threaten me. Which he could be doing now, I realized, as the question sunk in. Was he asking me if I wanted to commit suicide? Hell no!

"Of course I do!"

"You like retrieving kagami's who hate this life, torturing the reasons they tried out of them and then possible killing them because you have to? You like that sort of life?" I froze in his arms. What...? "So I'll ask you again: Do you like your life? Enjoy it? Find nothing wrong with it?" I squeezed my eyes shut, my stiff body beginning to get the chills. I drew in a ragged breath, refusing to answer him. "Eve-"

"My name is Evelyn and you have no right no ask something like that of me."


"Get off of me."

"And you also have a bug. But I doubt you'll tell the engineers. You're afraid they'll 'put you to sleep' as so many humans above put it. But you also can't fight the bug for long. At some point, it's going to lock your body, freeze it up and then there'll be nothing of you to recuperate. Evelyn will no longer exi-"

"STOP IT!" I pushed him away automatically, hands flying to take a hold of my pounding head a second later. The pounding wasn't my heart - I didn't have a heart- it was the electric pulses that kept us kagami alive and walking, just like blood for so many species of animals. And at the moment, all those pulsations were attacking my head. "Stop... it..." my body froze. All limbs stopped moving and any actions stopped. I was left staring down at my lap with wide eyes, hands still gripping my head. I couldn't move.


"Now, I can see you guys are so welcoming to me, and want me to join your little group of bandits," I said, speaking in the most calm, lethal voice I was capable of using. "But I don't have any plans in doing so. You can do whatever the hell you want, just leave me out of it. Actually, I should be making my way to the engineers right now and-" Chains shot out from nowhere all at once, easily constricting themselves around my body. A startled gasp left my lips as I hit the ground with a thud, my body encased by nothing but chains.

"That's enough, Key," Kuro said, standing up and bending over me, no doubt to pick me off the ground.

I didn't allow it, muttering, "Shadow Cape," under my breath and shifting my arms through the shadows enough to free them and point a gun at Kuro's forehead. He froze above me, lips parted. "Touch me and you die permanently," I growled, pushing the gun against his forehead and ultimately pushing him away.

"Key," was all he had to say before more chains whipped out, strangled my gun hand and then twisted it downwards so that the opening was pointing straight at me now. I clenched my teeth, unable to break the chains. "Now, Eve, I want you to put your guns away. Obviously you can't do anything so it's better if you just listened to me and stopped this game." He took my chin in one hand and tipped it up, forcing me to glare up at him. Dark blue eyes flashed mischievously.


"You may have your abilities," I said coldly, staring at the mirror opposite me, one that showed a girl with long, magnificent white hair and violet eyes as bright as Yuki's had been when she'd manipulated Takeyama. "But you need to realize I have my own and know how to use them to their full extent... but I don't need them -nor do I use them- to get what you seem to need so desperately..." I paused, thinking of what to say next when two icy blue eyes peered at me from the ceiling. They narrowed before shaggy hair fell over them. Chains wrapped around his limbs, keeping him suspended as he watched our exchange.

Inai Ni Yami ((Within Darkness)) {{FINISHED}}Where stories live. Discover now