Inai Ni Yami ((An Original Story)) Rio Chapter 1

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New Story here. This is the first chapter. It is NOT a wattyawards story and IS an original idea, so please, no copying. ^^ 

Read, vote, and comment some feedback. I'd mostly want the comments though. they help me write faster!! XDD


Lace, aquamarine and ruby flitted by, caressing my skin, soft as a breeze. They wrapped around my body, whispered scenes of erotic proportions into my ears. The sensation of soft lips on my cheek left an imprint on my mind. I opened my eyes, taking in the Persian rugs, Artist's Originals. The walls and floors were mahogany, wisps of gold dancing around the room. A chandelier hung off a thin chain of gold, crystals dangling around the main body.  

My father stood before me, young and handsome. His face was chiseled, said to be carved by the artists who'd made Adonis. Of course, that was all just flattery but it was also the truth when it came to his looks. His black hair was done in a more older fashion, sleeked back and shiny. Brows were thin and curved perfectly over his eyes, which were an ocean deep blue. It was his favorite color. He wore a white suit, the usual outfit with some white shoes I knew had auto-wipers installed on them. How else could they stay so white on a man so dirty? Plus, the old man was always about high-tech and keeping up appearances. 

"Father, why is it every time you come to my room you bring your concubine?" I gestured my fingers to the blonde woman beside him. She had curls that reached her waist, even though most of it was pulled up in a clip that looked to be made out of white gold. She wore an outfit much like that of a belly dancer, breasts barely covered by the halter top. Her skirt also dipped very low, barely covering her front and covering nothing in the back. I could even see she was wearing a thong.  

Father chuckled, bringing an arm around her impossible small waist. I had the feeling he'd paid for a few of her ribs to be removed in order to get that slim. "She's not a concubine, Rio, she's a Dorei." Dorei. I hated the word. Despised it with all my being. It's origin's were Japanese; the meaning was 'slave.' But there was more to it than just being a slave. Dorei's were beings with infinite youth, said to live forever. The only problem is, we drain them dry.  

The 'we' I am talking about is the large population of Kurai's; beings of power and controllers of all but fate. We may have all the power, but we don't live forever. So most Kurai's get themselves a Dorei -usually a woman- and feed off of their eternal youth. But of course, all good things must come to an end. And that happens to be at the age of twenty-one, where a Dorei will die from loss of life; life that was taken by a greedy Kurai.  

All my friends had a Dorei already. Even the females had their own - though male. It disgusted me, especially when they brought them to school by collars and leashes, making the slave part of their name a greater truth. And worse was how they drained them of energy - through mouth to mouth contact. They don't really have to kiss. They can just shake hands, lean against one another, as long as their skin's touching the Dorei's youth can be transferred. But they just don't like that. They prefer to make the Dorei's feel like toys. Used and replaceable. 

"You know, it's that time, now. You're fifteen. I've been waiting a while for this day, for I've worked hard to make this possible." He smiled, caressing the cheek of his Dorei. I noticed then the wrinkles under her eyes. The way her hands looked so skeletal. Truth be told, everything about her screamed sick; weak. "And as you've grown, I've made sure to modify it to your tastes, though not so much you wouldn't be able to change it yourself." A dreaded feeling started at the bottom of my stomach, slowly rising up. The Dorei looked at me with an expression of a doll. Blank; lifeless.  

"Father... you couldn't mean...?" I didn't finish the question, wanting to hear father say the words himself. Bile rose to my throat, leaving me speechless as I waited for his response. I began to stand, rising to my full height of about six feet when the door to my room opened. The scent of jasmine filled the air as a girl stepped in, dressed much like the Dorei on father's shoulder, but less revealing. Her hair was a bright red that not many had, stick straight as it fell over her shoulders and past her stomach. She clutched at her side, eyes shining. But it wasn't because she was happy. It was because she'd been crying. 

"Son, Rio Shiroi, I present you with your first Dorei: Kirei." The girl was hustled forward by two guards, each holding her by one arm. Green eyes flashed in alarm as she hunched forward and fought their grip. It was impossible for her to break through though. I knew it from experience and from seeing what Armour the men were wearing. Chrome H3 suits, with robotic hand grips that could hold against the weight of five elephants. Tears fell freely from her eyes as the girl finally gave up and dropped to the floor, allowing the guards to drag her to me. 

Father looked displeased, striding for her with the menace of a devil. "You little idiot!" A slap across her face. "Ten years, I've been training you, teaching you of the ways of a respectful and useful Dorei. Ten years! And this is what you give me? Resistance?" Again, he raised his hand for another slap, but I stepped in, walking before the Dorei.  

"Father, if you say she is mine to control and order, then that also means I say who touches the girl. And at the moment, I would like it if you didn't touch her." I stood strong, a mirror image of my father, though without sleek black hair and not as old. I had my mother's hair, a shade of brown that went through blond and back, falling loosely to my neck, the longest strands barely reaching my shoulders.  

"So she is. And so I will. Come on, Venice, I'm feeling needy." He walked past me, throwing a look at the new Dorei. The guards followed behind him, closing the door and locking it from the outside when everyone had filed out. Leaving me with the Dorei.  

The girl was trembling, one hand still clutching her side while tears flows out of her eyes. I bent down, reaching out to wipe them away but she flinched. It annoyed me, sure, but I went on with wiping the tears before making her look up. Emeralds stared up at me, still shining with unshed tears. Makeup was all over her face, giving her face the illusion of having a tan glow. Or at least, I thought it was makeup. You can never tell with Dorei's.  

"I'd like to establish one thing with you before you start crying again," I begin, facing her with my own cool blue eyes. "I do not wish for a Dorei. I do not need a Dorei. But since there's no use in taking you back to the Pound"-the Kurai word for where the Dorei are kept and grown up to match a certain Kurai's tastes- "you'll have to stay with me. All I require of you is to stay quiet if ever introduced to other Kurai's and say nothing of the fact that I do not drink"- another term we Kurai use, meaning the action of draining youth from a Dorei- "from you. Is that understood?"  

She stared at me like I was a fool. Honestly, I thought so too. Kurai's, having the power they have, don't usually live too long. Not without the life of a Dorei to feast upon. By my refusing to drain a Dorei, it was like I was committing suicide, slow as the process was. Dorei's knew that as well as any other Kurai, and were forced into giving us youth if ever something went wrong. But I was going to let the poor girl do that.  

"So, uh, what was your name again?"  

Her lips parted, formed words but said nothing. She scowled, biting into her lip. I watched as she went through different face expressions, thinking about how to answer. It was funny, seeing as I was only asking about her name. Fingers waving before my face caught my attention.  


She gestured to her face, looking me right in the eyes. Then she went on to 'zipping her lips' and 'throwing the key away.'  


She raised a finger, and then opened her mouth to scream. I almost lunged forward to clamp my hand over her mouth but didn't make it in time, nor did I have to. Nothing came out. Then she brought her hands out, palms up, and shrugged.  

"Wait, are you telling me you can't speak?" She nodded, head bobbing up and down and arms crossed over her chest. "Is it... did the Pound do that to you or was it... I don't know... natural?" Again, she shrugged. "Well, there goes worrying about you telling others. I guess it's settled. You behave and you won't be shipped off to an old Kurai looking for a young one like you." She nodded her head vigorously, gripping my hands in hers. It made me feel better to know that at least one Dorei wouldn't die because of me. "By the way, how old are you?"  

She pointed at herself, then me. I scowled in confusion. What was that supposed to mean? 'You and me'? Again, she pointed at herself and then me, but this time with more emphasis. I still didn't get it. Seeing that, she raised both palms and showed ten fingers. Then six. Sixteen. She was sixteen. Just like me. 


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