Inai Ni Yami ((An Original Story)) Chapter 10

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Oi, oi, we've got Rio over here ---------------->>

he looks just like how i imagined, hair included!!!! :Q

((thank you photobucket!!!))

so... read, vote comment and ENJOY. :D


Chapter 10

"He's dead! Let's go dump the body!"

"Eve, no matter what you say, I am not listening to you! He's clearly alive! Just... not really." Something poked at my leg, annoying me. But I couldn't exactly move yet for some reason. Kind if like when I was in the white world and Rika had done that weird thing to me.

"Come on. He must be dead! You said it yourself, the guy has no heartbeat at all and still doesn't!"

"And? Neither do you and I yet we're alive. Explain that to me, why don't you?" There was a frustrated noise and then again, something was poking my leg. That's getting to be really annoying. When I get control of myself I am going to try and punch whoever is poking me- keyword being try.

"But I doubt he's anything like us. The kid was raised as a Kurai and knows nothing but what they want him to know. Sure, he has a rebellious streak against the treatment of the Dorei, but that isn't anything! He can't be 'tainted' and neither is he one of us."

"What... the hell?" I managed, eyelids fluttering open and feeling and control over myself returned. The ceiling that I stared up at was pure white. Pure, fucking white. The color aggravated me to the point of wanting to destroy it completely. Which is what I wanted to do. "Battle Mode Three: Manipu-" I began to say, ready to just rip the wall into pieces but something slammed over my lips, stopping the words from being finished.

"There's you proof," someone said, probably whoever had their hand over my mouth. Which I was about to bite... "OW!"

"Battle Mode Three: Manipulation!" I threw a fist up, throwing a current of something up with it. I watched with a satisfied smile as dents and cracks formed, getting rid of the perfect white. That was much better. Next chance I get, I'm changing my last name to something that does not mean white. Sighing, I glanced to my left, where the hand had previously come from. My eyes widened in shock. ""

Kuro laughed, shaking his head. A girl with short white hair stood beside him, a frown on her lips. "Sorry, no. My name's Takeyama. I'm guessing Kuro was the original heir for the Shiroi name, right?" I nodded, at a loss for words. Just seeing him though... it was like staring at my older brother, even if we hadn't gotten along all too well. The images of his bloody corpse flashed to mind, and I had to look away. "Ha, good thing I escaped then, else I'd be the one in his place and not that kagami."

That got my attention. "W-what are you saying? Kagami..." a headache hit, causing me to hunch a little. "What does that mean?"

"Nothing." The white haired girl snapped, folding her arms over her chest. I narrowed my eyes at her. Who was she? She looked... familiar. Sounded familiar too. But I just couldn't put my thumb down on it. "What are you looking at," she snapped again, charging forward. I jumped back, off the bed and barely landed on my feet. I wasn't prepared for the headache that struck back with much more force than before. Things began to fade, but not before someone caught me. Kuro...

"Eve, stop it. He's been tainted. I don't know if you saw it, but I did. This guys perfectly fine. That tracker that was set on him? It doesn't function anymore. Of course, I still want payment for my services." There was a laugh while I was set back onto the bed, followed by another "ow!"

Inai Ni Yami ((Within Darkness)) {{FINISHED}}Where stories live. Discover now