Inai Ni Yami ((An Original Story)) Chapter 9

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Quick thing to say!! I won't be able to put up my drawings of the characters yet because i'm not sure how to use my scanner. >.> SO, for now, I'm using very similar pictures i find on photobucket.

The one to the right -------------------------------->

can be considered Kagami, only changes are her hair. It's actually white, but the pictures REALLY close to how i imagined her. :3


Chapter 9

When I 'woke' up, I found myself back in the white world, and Rika sat beside me, eyes clothes and hands moving and imaginary keyboard. But somehow music was produced, creating shapes and colors that floated and bounced around us. The white gave them all a creamy, transparent look, but it was still there. It was all real. I stood up, reaching for the nearest box that so happened to be a dark, faded out blue. Only my index finger came in contact with it, yet my whole body was pulled in.

Three girls, sat huddled under a table, waiting for their older brother to come back and say that the coast was clear. Rika, the youngest held back sobs as small crystalline tears fell down her face. Her eyes were blue then, their color matching how she felt. "I want... mommy..." she said and one of the other girls, Sorana, hugged her close, nodding in agreement.

Something about this girl seemed familiar. Her black hair... those eyes-

I blinked back into the white world, just in time to be swallowed up by another odd shape that was a red color. I barely had the chance to look back at Rika, still playing away at her imaginary piano, before I was sucked in fully.

Crimson. It covered every part of the room.

The walls, the floor; mommy's bed. Her body lay there too, covered in that same horribly beautiful color. "Mommy?" Rika walked forward, even as her oldest sister, Evelyn, tried to hold her back. The red was mesmerizing to her as she walked through it, and she actually bent down to touch it with her finger before tasting it. A torrent of images flashed into her eyes.

Mommy was dead. Mommy's blood was on the ground. Why is mommy dead?

Gasping, I stepped out of the memory and avoided all shapes and colors. Rika still played away, the music taking on a dark melody that reminded me of the horrible scene I'd just seen. But seeing those things proved something to me. This girl was real- somewhere in Shin-En- just as I was. She had memories and past pains, even if she herself didn't seem to remember them. Or at least, she didn't make any obvious notes that she remembered who these people were.

"I grasped at the falling red thread/ even as you and the light slipped away from this world.

Whispers of life and eternal rest came true to me/ but you just wouldn't let go.

Let go of this world gone so cold."

Rika sang those few lines, images literally being produced from her voice and passing through me. There were kids -not three but whole groups- being pushed into a van by Mecka-Kikai's wearing a real old version of the LyoLyte suits. Then there were actual Kurai's fighting with their powers, some dying out because an attack from the enemy or because the drainage of their power. And then there were the Dorei's, fighting as best they could with LyoLyte shields and weapons, some easily subdued by a Kurai's powers. The worst one of all hit me bad.

It was me. I was standing in the throng of Kurai's a look of outrage in my eyes. Eyes that were violet, flashing with power that I could not see while the other Kurai's powers showed themselves in a physical form. What the hell was going on here? Obviously this was thirty years back when the war had happened but how could it be possible.

Inai Ni Yami ((Within Darkness)) {{FINISHED}}Where stories live. Discover now