Inai Ni Yami ((An Original Story)) Chapter 2

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Quiick thing i want to say. I've been busy for the past few days and inspirtationally dead. :P

so it may take me longer to post chapters for my different stories. TT^TT

((And Amiira, sorry!! I said i'd post the day before, and yet here it is, two hours since that day went. >.<))

Hope you enjoy it. ^^

((COMMENT!!! I want to know your theories on what happened. XD))



"Now how are we going to do this?" I sat back in my favorite hover-chair - favorite because the metal had been styled to look like wood- and looked up at the Dorei who was examining the room. Her green eyes looked over everything like a computer, analyzing and storing data for later use. The thought made me shiver. It reminded me of a Mecka-Kikai.

There was a such thing as Dorei's being used as Mecka-Kikai - people whose brains had been wiped clean and made into robotic like existences. Not only was their mind messed with though, but their whole anatomical structure. Bones were replaced with diamond infused alloys and muscles were replaced with an unbreakable plastic that could stretch beyond any Dorei or Kurai's potential. Their eyes had cameras integrated with their retina's, and their skin was given some kind of drug that made it even stronger than the bones within their bodies. Their voices were all their own, but with an extra pheromone to get people to listen to them if ever the situation called for it.

They were the Kurai's police enforcement, army and navy. They took orders from lazy Kurai's and did all the hard work, sacrificing themselves for nothing. Sacrificing themselves without even knowing what was going on around them. The thought of the Dorei standing before me ever becoming a Mecka-Kikai disgusted me, just like the idea of owning a Dorei. Guess that makes me a hypocrite now.

Tapping on my shoulder snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up, just at the same moment the Dorei leaned closer. Our lips brushed, causing the oddest of sensations to come over me. Realization at what the girl was doing came to me and I though of pushing her away but instead leaned back. "Stop. I told you, I will not drink from you, so just stop it. I haven't even specialized, so there's no worry about me dying soon."

Specializing. The word meant the action of a Kurai getting his or her powers and keeping them. And of course, that power is the thing that speeds up our time of death. But I, having not specialized, have the chance of living past thirty, even without a Dorei to drink. The youngest - and the normal- age to specialize is ten. I'm already sixteen, and though this isn't a rare case when a Kurai doesn't specialize until he's sixteen, if I don't specialize by the time I'm twenty, I'll never specialize. I'm hoping I don't because that'll just drop my worth and usefulness to father. I don't want to be used by him.

The Dorei looked at me with a scowl, lips pursed. Obviously she was expecting me to give in and take her youth but I wasn't that weak. I knew to fight for my beliefs, and that included pulling away from a Dorei feeding. Even if that Dorei tasted... god, I don't even want to get into the details of how she tasted. Maybe that's just because I've never tasted another Dorei before but she just tasted better than any food I'd ever had.

"What, you want me to drink you?" A small smirk passed over her lips, and without warning she leaned on me again, pushing me deeper into the cushions of my hover-chair. The Dorei licked her lips, tempting me forward ever so slightly. Slim hands slid over my chest, bringing us closer than before, to the point that out foreheads were touching. "You... what are you doing?" My mind went blank, even as I shouted inside to regain control.

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