Inai Ni Yami ((An Original Story)) Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"How's Takeyama doing?" Rio walked through the blank hallway, Keisuke beside him. Though Rio couldn't say he was walking, so much as drifting through the hallway like the ghost he was. There was silence for a long stretch of time.

"He's... guilty." That was as much of an answer he was receiving. Keisuke wasn't much of a talker, and Rio still felt slightly uneasy around the strong built kagami. He was one of the original people in Takeyama's group, after all, which meant he was definitely a strong person. Plus, he trained Eve partially when it came to stealth. Who knew what kind of guy he was in that head of his.

"I guess that's expected," Rio replied after a while. "After what he did to Eve... I heard it wasn't pretty."

Keisuke looked down at the younger kagami then, his cold blue eyes serious. "Nothing in this world is pretty." Rio felt chills go down his back as he looked up at Keisuke, and his legs almost stopped moving. The guy had so much power, just with his words. Sighing, Keisuke stopped walking which had Rio stopping too. Afraid to say anything that would provoke him, Rio stayed silent. "I have something to check up on. I'll see you... later." Keisuke turned around and then... he was gone. Rio shivered. No wonder this guy was called "Night stalker" by the Dorei's of the sanctuary. Shrugging to himself, Rio walked off...

"You're form hasn't improved much. Try again. You need to be invisible to them. Not a shadow, invisible!" Chains lashed out, volts of energy following along with them as they latched onto a shadow of a boy. He hit the ground, writhing with pain caused by the chains. "Do it again!" The boy cursed, then launched himself off the ground only to be thrown back down. "Zakiya, if you want to get away, you need to be invisible immediately. Not after two seconds; immediately."

Keisuke watched Zakiya zip through the terrain, eyes narrowed. Zakiya was the second apprentice he'd ever had, Eve being the first. When he thought back to Eve, he saw all his moves, all his lessons perfected and put to good use. He saw a master at the one thing only he'd ever understood. So the other day, when he'd seen her strapped to that chair, weak and utterly useless... it broke something inside him. He'd taught her all he could, given her the bestest of lessons that he could make to have her understand his moves, and she went and forgot it all like it never really mattered. That hurt. It really, really hurt.

And so, when Takeyama had ordered him to give her a shock, he hadn't held back. He honestly couldn't make him do something like that when she'd thrown away all his lessons, along with all her memories of their small rebellion towards ShiroTech... and the way she'd abandoned them once. There you go, leaving us again...

After a while, he couldn't help but wonder, was it something to do with how he'd trained her? Was it the pace that had her forgetting so easily? Had he not taught her well enough? And so here he was with his second apprentice, and there he went, teaching him differently, trying to make his lessons more sold in this ones head so that he'd never forget what he was taught.


He snapped his chain at Zakiya, who responded with his own Kurai-Type ability, which was nullification. The chain grabbed a hold of his arm but did not shock him. "What's the matter, teach? I mean, I'm doing everything like you're telling me. It's impossible to become invisible instantly and you know it. Anyway, I'm done for today." With that, Zakiya left Keisuke, feeling a bit annoyed himself. Keisuke hadn't always been like that. When he'd first started apprenticing Zakiya, he'd been nicer; maybe he hadn't spoken as much and the lessons had gone about much more smoothly, but now he couldn't even call them lessons. More like punishments.

And it had something to do with that Eve girl.

Sure, he'd heard that she was supposed to be some great Kagami reincarnation of a Dorei princess, but it had already been proven that none of the Kagami's really shared the same personality as the ones they were copied from, so what made Eve so great? Then again, there was also the rumors that she'd been Keisuke's first apprentice, and that she was much better than Zakiya. A pro, really.

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