Inai Ni Yami ((An Original Story)) Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The Dorei licked a silver spoon clean of whatever had once been held within, eyes staring down at other plates hungrily. She didn't seem to even notice that I was inside here, or watching her. I couldn't help looking around, panic building up in my mind as I looked at the still unconscious forms on the floor. Were they dead? Will they die? Everyone looked so pale, and though I could see the rise and fall of their chests I felt like they might not be waking for a long while. Maybe be in a coma.

"Has he been killed?"

Again I looked up to the Dorei, wondering if that was her voice... But she was still eating, her lips only moving because she was chewing. She licked said lips and looked right back at me, a dangerous look on her face. She stood up, but that wasn't the noise that caught my attention. Something that sounded like heels came from not too far off, presumably the entrance. They came closer and closer and then appeared a woman in the doorway.

Her hair was long and red, like the Dorei's, but curled and adorned with many golden broaches and clips. Made me wonder if she belonged to the First House, since they always have their Dorei's looking fabulous, but then she could also belong to the Fourth House, since they believe the Dorei should have small rights, even if those rights are null and void the moment they step out of their home.

Her attire struck me the strangest though. Unlike the fancy style of her hair, she wore a full black body suit. One I knew of because father's company, ShiroTech, is the maker of it. Both sleeves had pistols inside, bullets that were drew the power of the user. There were also two blades at the toes that released themselves when the wearer made a fist. On the back, there were slits for two swords to fit in yet unable to cause damage to the wearer. Last but not least, there were two gun holsters at the hips, these made of diamond alloys and strong enough to break through almost anything, including the bones of a Mecka-Kikai.

The suit itself though was a weapon all on it's own. It wasn't made of Diamond alloys, but LyoLyte. It was a pure mineral found within the ground of Shin-En and stronger than anything we, the Kurai, or the humans above could ever make. Just melting it and then changing the form to that of a suit was almost impossible. Not only was the suit the strongest, it the strange ability to shield itself from anything, from bullets, to power, to natural occurrences. Why was she wearing something like that?

Hazel eyes stared me down, scrutinizing every part of me. Again, I was reminded of the Mecka-Kikai's and there all seeing eyes. A small sense of fear spiked inside of me. "What's he doing alive? I thought I said to get rid of the males. The only ones I asked you to kill were the sons. Easy as that. Why. Is. He. Alive?" I flinched at her tone, perplexed. Was she talking to me? But I hadn't seen the Dorei behind me, slowly walking toward us with a frown. Her lips moved in a sequence of words too fast for me to track, none of the words making sense to me. I couldn't even catch a single word. The new woman looked at me, eyes narrowing. "So that's the kind of guy you are, huh?"

I stepped back and tripped over something. That something turned out to be my brother in a pool of another something, colored black and tinted red. My fear escalated higher. The Dorei had killed him. Assassinated him. Was she some sort of undercover killer? But that didn't make sense, not when my father himself had said he'd raised her for ten years, and she'd showed me that her age was sixteen, plus, she looked the age. It's not possible for her to learn skills like this in the six years she lived before imprisonment in the Pound and there is definitely no way she could've contacted anyone once in there, or here, for the matter. "W-who are you? And what do you mean by 'kind of guy?" I stumbled back even further, adrenaline kicking in the second my back touched the wall.

"You say you don't want anything. That the life of a Dorei is too precious to use for your own selfish desires." the Dorei stood next to the woman, looking anywhere but at me. Those green eyes flashed and a second later her get-up from before -the belly dancer dress- was gone, replaced with a LyoLyte suit much like the woman's but red in color. Just like her hair, which was now up in a large bun with strands of hair falling out in the center. Her face stayed the same, impassive and still glowing like earlier, but the tattoo that slid in at the side of her face was unexpected. It was red, like the rest of her ensemble, and a straight line going across her cheek that pointed up sharply at the end. I'd seen the mark somewhere before, I'm sure of it, but what it was escaped me.

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