Inai Ni Yami ((An Original Story)) Part 2; Eve, Chapter 15 Part 1

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Chapter 15

I blinked back the blurriness in my vision to look around, finding myself in what looked like a mini camp, set with a fire, some blankets -which I lay on- and food. My mouth watered automatically at the smell and I launched out of the blankets to take a piece of whatever was roasting- when Eve pointed a gun at my forehead. "No touching," she growled, narrowing her eyes at me. "They're not done yet." I looked around the camp again, noticing that Sora was deep asleep and Takeyama... where was Takeyama?

"So... what exactly is that?" I sat back, looking at the meat as Eve turned over the stick stabbed through it. It was dyed red from blood even though it was dry of the stuff by now and had the best aroma. Something very tempting to just take when Eve wasn't looking...

"One of the Kiri-Kirir's you managed to drown."

I stared at the meat incredulously. No wonder it was such a huge piece, seeing as those things had been about twice my size when they'd leapt in the air. Limbs fully outstretched. "Well... then..." I muttered, still staring at it. Maybe they were where the meat in our stores came from, because they definitely smelled like it. "Where's Takeyama?"

"He went out to find the map, and then he'll come back with it so we can go faster. For now, sleep. We can't talk too much or else the Kiri-Kirir's will come back and I don't think you want your battery to die."

"What happens then? If it does die?"

"You die. There's no recharging; nothing. It happened to Takeyama once, but because that was during the time we were in ShiroTech's prison labs, his memory was taken and put into a new, identical body, thankfully. But we don't have fancy ShiroTech anymore and can't randomly order a replacement Rio. We'd be found out before we could even escape."

I looked at Eve curiously, before asking lightly, "How... and why did you escape?"

Eve gave me a sharp look, before sighing and slightly calming down. "Fine, I'll tell you. But no interruptions and asking me stupid questions. I'm not an author so don't judge."

I brought both my hands up in a defensive position, nodding my head. God, this girl could be crazy scary when she wanted, so there was no way I was going to annoy her now that she seemed... normal. "Definitely not! I will not comment and not ask you pointless questions!"

She sighed, looking into the fire and letting her violet eyes flare with the color...

Eve's P.O.V.

Five Years Ago...

"Get him! He's escaping!" Two figures stood not to far from me, one holding a gun and another holding a katana. I edged closer slowly, cursing when the one with the katana easily beheaded the other. Obviously this guy knew what he was doing and had no regrets for what he was doing, destroying the precious lives of our brethren, the kagami.

"Brethren? You speak like this is some sort of convent-" I threw Rio a glare, who immediately quieted. Sighing, I dived right back into the memories.

I went on watching him, blending easily into the shadows. More men approached him, all holding there own specialized weapons that varied from hand guns, nunchaku to something I couldn't quite identified. All weapons were easily disposed of with the flick of his katana right before he took a stab into one and then beheaded the rest.  

Certain I knew his battle strategies, I stalked forward, sniper gun in one hand, Chrome Killer ready in the other. The guy had good senses though, and was able to attack me before I could surprise him. I took a step back, barely missing the blade of his katana and then crouched down to kick his katana away with a high kick. I made an attempt to shoot his head but the guy was faster, blocking the bullets with the thick metal of Chrome Killer: Version Three.

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