Inai Ni Yami ((An Original Story)) Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"Shadow in; all clear," I murmured softly, gun held close at my side, against my thighs as I looked over my shoulder to the hallway before me. The silver covered hall was as silent as it was empty, the only trace of life being the electronic whirring that sounded everywhere else in the place. I'd also dispatched a bunch of hidden cameras that Daisuke had pointed out to me before reporting in.

My earpiece buzzed for a second, and then came, "Chain-man in; we're clear."

"Flame in; all very, very clear."

"Psyche in; no one here."

"Dark Ninja in," I rolled my eyes at Takeyama's nickname. Just because he liked to fight with katana's, he thought himself a ninja. And a dark one at that. Ha-ha. "Everything is as clear as the sky."

"You've never even seen the sky," I hissed right back, crawling through my hall now that we had the all clear. But then steps rang from before me and panic swept through me. "Code Red! Code Red!" I hissed into my mike before murmuring, "Shadow Cape."

Two white coated engineers walked through the hall, huddled slightly and looking deeply into their papers. Acting quick, I reappeared behind them and then grabbed both heads before banging them against each other. They fell together, but I was quick to catch them before they could make a big echoing sound and shadow caped again, carrying them into a room I'd found long before that was shut in completely, only allowing shadows -me- in or out. I dumped them in and then resumed to crawling in the hall, whispering softly into my earpiece, "Code Green; All clear."

One hour earlier.

"Eve, we're leaving this place." I'd been exiting the shower, dragging a towel through my hair only to stop mid-step and then trip on a bump in the carpet. I braced myself, palms forward and ready to do a small flip when a hand caught me from under the stomach. Takeyama looked at me with those dark, alluring eyes. For a moment I thought back to the kiss we'd shared earlier, especially because of the way he was leaning in close but I pulled away immediately.

"What were you saying?"

I sat back on my bed, stubbornly brushing through the short hair on my head and staring at the suddenly interesting ground. Takeyama sighed, sitting back on his own bed before speaking. Me and the rest of the group have made up a plan to free us and anyone who wants freedom without putting us in jeopardy. The plan will commence in an hour, and I was hoping you'd work along with us. You know, become official in our little gang?" He smiled tightly, probably thinking I was going to say no.

"Sure. Just tell me what to do," I answered, taking out Chrome Killer at the same time to chop off some stray long pieces of hair I'd missed before. I looked up to find Takeyama staring at me incredulously. "Wa?" I'd been trying to say What? but because I was still working with my hair, the word got... a bit chopped, shall I say?

"No, nothing... it's just... I don't know, I thought you'd..."

I raised an eyebrow, stopping in the process of cutting the last long strands of hair. "You thought what? That'd I freak out and go tell on you to the Recuperation Group?"

Takeyama threw me a guilty look. "Well, yes? What am I supposed to expect from a girl who used to devote her life to that group? A sudden change of character was definitely not it."

Anger slammed right into my mind, taking over as I stood up and took a fistful of his shirt and lifted him off his bed. "Is that what you want me to do? Turn you in so that I can live up to your stupid expectations? I don't think so. I make up my own mind and I control what I do, and realize that I am no longer part of that group, so I no longer report to them, nor do I care about what the hell they do. They can rot in hell for all I care. So now tell me, is that alright with you? Are you ok with me working with you, or do you still not trust me enough?"

Inai Ni Yami ((Within Darkness)) {{FINISHED}}Where stories live. Discover now