Prussia X child! Reader

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Sometimes losing someone can scare you. Even if it's for a short time.

Gil took me to the park today as a treat. "Okay! (Y/n! Your awesome brother will sit here while you go to the playground okay?" I nodded happily and ran to the slide. I climbed the ladder and before I could slide down I was pulled by the collar of my shirt and went down the slide. "Hey! It was my turn!" I yelled down at him. "Whatever loser!" He retorted. I pouted and went down the slide. When I got down the slide, the boy pushed me, wood chips flying everywhere getting into my hair and sticking to my shirt. "That's what you get for talking back." I looked at him with tear filled eyes. I got up and ran to the bench where Gil was supposed to be.

"Gil?" I looked around to see he wasn't around. "G-Gil! Where are you!" I cried out. He wasn't there..or anywhere. I sat on the bench and put my knees up to my chest and cried in my lap.

~~Gilbert's POV

When I saw (Y/n) get pushed I knew it was my job to stop the boy.

I got up from the bench and went behind the slide to see (Y/n) on the ground about to cry. "That's what you get for talking back" the boy said back. That's it. I'm going to stop this.

After (Y/n) ran off, I went up to the boy. He turned around and looked up at me wide eyed. "So, I saw zhat whole incident. And jou should say sorry." The boy kicked my leg and ran off. "Hey!!! Get back here!!!" I yelled after him but his legs were too fast. "Ugh kids these days."

I walked over to the bench where (Y/n) was sitting, crying in her lap. "(Y/n)! Zhe awesome Gil is now here! So cry no more!" She looked up from her lap and ran over to me. "Big brother! Where were you!?" She cried into my shirt. I crouched down to her level and hugged her. My shirt was now getting wet by her tears but I can't bear to see her cry. "Shh it's okay (Y/n) the boy is gone. He von't bother you now zhat I'm here." She nodded her head. "Now! Let's go get zome ice cream!" I said as I picked her up. "Okay!"
Wow! My first one shot! I wanna hear what you guys think and recommend me someone for the next one!

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