Spain X Country! Reader PART 2

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A/N This is pretty long so prepare yourself

I woke in the small cot given to me in the small hospital room. I looked over to see (m/n) there, sleeping comfortably under the white hospital sheets. I would smile while I saw her peacefully sleeping, but that can't happen if she's been sleeping for a week. Her body has been getting thinner, making me worried for her health. There's not much the doctors-or even I can do.

I hurriedly slipped on my cloak and shoes and walked out the room and out into the brightly lit hallway. My country wasn't all that. It's small with horrible government and a very young king. We had only met a couple times, since I prefer to stay here with (m/n) while he lived in my capital. (M/n) has been thinking of moving into out capital, but I argue that the move would be too much for her, for the both of us. My form is only of a 10 year old, which I'm forced to endure until I'm ready to become bigger. It's kinda difficult to explain. The process of a personified nation is kinda complicated.

I walked out the hospital only to be picked up by a pair of strong arms. Thrashing about, I tried to get out of the clutches of their hold, yelling out obscenities. "Calm down Chica! You're gonna hurt yourself!" Oh, it's him. Even better. I was brought to the ground and I swiftly turned around to face the man that had caused all my current problems. "What the hell do you want." I growled, looking up to the green eyed spaniard. He sighed and ran his hand through his brown locks "Look. I'm sorry that you've been having hard times. Especially of the mistreatment of you and your people. I know I've done many things to your country, and i can see you're suffering because of it. Is there any way I could make it up to you?"

I clenched my fists to control my anger and breathed out my nose. "You can't do anything to fix this. It's my country so it's my responsibility. You have other countries you need to 'help'. I'm none of your concern. You try to care but you just don't. All you bigger countries just try to out do each other, whether it comes to how many underlings you have to how rich you are. I want nothing to do with you. Good day." At this, I turned away and walked back towards the hospital, my morning walk now ruined.

A few feet by the entrance, a doctor rushed up to me "I-it's (M/n)! She's woken up!" This news hit me like a bus. All negative feelings were gone. Finally.

Running through the halls I rushed towards my room, tears running down my face.


Skidding to a stop at the doorway, I excitedly looked in to see (M/n) sitting up, smiling over to the door. "(M/n)...oh, (m/n)!" I ran over to her, tears streaming down my face as I cried into her warm hug. After a while, I felt (M/n) turn her head, causing me to look up with curiosity. At the doorway, stood the Spaniard with a smile on his face. "It's been a while Antonio." (M/n) finally spoke up. "Same to you (M/n)." I looked at the both of them, my mouth agape "y-you both know each other!?" (M/n) chuckled and nodded "When I was veerry young (Y/n). And yes, I'm perfectly aware he's a country. Ah, I remember those days.." Antonio walked over to the bedside chair with a stern expression. "(M/n). We have to talk." She looked over to me then to him, giving me a shoo motion with her hand.

Toni's POV

(Y/n) walked towards the door, looked back and finally walked out the room. "You're still as beautiful as you were back then, (M/n)" I smirked. She chuckled "And you're still as flirtatious as always as well." We both laughed together before settling into a tense silence. After a while, I decided to speak up. "I want to take (Y/n) in. It'll be better for you and for her as well. Times aren't as good as they were back then (M/n). So I ask of your permission. I know you care about her greatly. You were always a kind person. I know you think about her future. I want her to be with me, in case something happens to you. We live much longer, you know that. So please consider, (M/n)." M/n) looked down to her hands that were neatly folded on her lap. She finally sighed. "(Y/n) isn't like Lovino, Toni. She's fragile, especially after all that's happened to her. Yet, she's brave. She would never hold back. I understand this is for the better. careful Toni. She could shatter at any time. It's going to take a while for her to warm up to you, but she will Toni. She will." I smiled up at her and stood up.

Your POV

Twiddling my thumbs, I sat outside the door until hearing the door open made me look up. "About time..." I murmured while passing Antonio through the door. "(Y/n), I'm going to have to be straightforward with you. I don't think I'll have much time left. So, you'll be staying with Toni. I know it will be hard (Y/n). But you'll have to be strong for me." These words. The words I dreaded for the longest time. My knees buckled beneath me, as I fell to the floor wailing at the top of my lungs. Tears poured out my eyes as I clutched (M/n)'s hand tight. "But (M/n)! He won't pay attention to me like you do! He'll just leave me for that Italian! Don't leave me! Don't let him take me away!" (M/n) chuckled and brought me closer while stroking my (h/c) locks "(Y/n). Do you know why Toni wants to take care of you?" I shook my head slowly. "Because he wants you to be happy. And he'll never abandon you, because it makes him happy if you're happy. I promise (Y/n). You won't suffer anymore."

Five days later

I had been with Toni for a week. But I've haven't left my room in a while. I hadn't heard from (M/n). I miss her...a lot. I sat in the dark corner of the room, looking out window, the soft breeze making the curtains slowly flow in the wind. The door suddenly opened revealing Toni with a worried expression. "(Y/n), please. At least look at me. (M/n) wouldn't want this." My brows furrowed at the mention of her name making me turn myself around to point the wall. Toni walked  behind me and sat down. "Do you miss her?" I slowly nodded my head, tears pricking my eyes. Toni wrapped his arms around me and brought me into an embrace. Giving in, everything poured out. Anger, sadness, grief. I cried into his shirt as he stroked my hair and rocking back and forth. "I know, (Y/n). I know."

All my energy was drained, leaving me in his warm embrace, sound asleep. Toni smiled and lifting me into my warm bed. Leaning down, he kissed my forehead and left the room. Days are going to get brighter for you (Y/n). I promise.

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