Pirate! England X Thief Child reader

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"Hey! Get back here!" I looked back behind me as I clutched the fresh food to my chest. 'Cmon just a little more close!' I thought. I've already got my escape ready. There's an alley way up ahead, so if I turn directly into it I can climb the ladder to the rooftop and lose them there. I know this town like the back of my hand. That's key for being a thief.

A little bit closer and I'm home free. I kept running until I roughly ran into something. Or someone. I looked up to see the infamous Arthur Kirkland. I really look up to him, being a pirate and all. But what's he doing here? "Well well well, we've got a little thief here don't we?" He smiled. Just then the two men that were chasing me caught up. "I-it's Arthur! Take the girl! We're not messing with you!" One of the men said as the other nodded his head repeatedly. They quickly turned around and fled from us.

Arthur was a truly amazing pirate. I wanted to be like him someday. I looked up to him with big (e/c) eyes "You're so cool! You know I really look up to you! I bet we know the same card games as well!" He looked down at me and chuckled "The streets is no place a lady like you should run, so go back to parents now okay?" I looked down and clutched the stolen good closer to my chest.

"I can't." He definitely heard me. He put his hand on my head and crouched down to my level. He stared at me for a while, seemingly in an inner conflict with himself and finally nodded. "I've been needing a new addition to my pirate crew, and you seem fit to be in it. So, would you like to join?" My face brightened up in response and I hugged him in happiness "Hell yea!"

I finally get to be like him! "To the ship!" I shouted triumphantly while pointing ahead. Arthur laughed in response and lifted me up on his shoulders.

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